Things my mom taught me :)


Well-Known Member
Actually my mother asked me if I was into my cousin. She'd never allowed me to date, she could watch our every move and be talking to his mother every day. He is actually a guy who is interested in all the same things as me, takes care of me and such but the who inbreeding thing and fact mama wants us to hook up for the convenience of HER piece of mind offends me. Like there 'he's a guy, isn't he? That'll keep her busy... And a virgin possibly...' *puts feet up to relax*
Lol that sucks.
I'm glad no one wants me to chill with my cousins, too much...


Well-Known Member
The greatest thing my mother actually taught me... actually sat me down and said, "Son, this is a life lesson..." was to not do heroin.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
These are the things my mom has tried to drill into my head, but it's really just tiring...

1)Once you have a job, you can start slapping people in the face, talking behind their backs, and rampage wherever you want.
And (Part 2 to rule 1) as long as you are yelling at someone (anyone) periodically to get a job, even if you don't have a job. You get the above listed privileges, even without a job.

2)Fucking people might make you rich. This wasn't really something she tried to "teach" us, but by letting us in on her secrets as children, and testing her theory, we pretty much noticed...
But apparently moving from man to man, and gaining business relationships with NONE of them is "Trying to help".

3)As long as everyone is confused about what you were arguing about, by then end of the argument. Then you win.
You don't have to know anything. As long as you have SOMETHING mean to say. It doesn't even have to mean anything, as long as you say it over and over, the argument is over...Right?

4)"Family" just means, "People to talk shit about"
Family has no deeper meaning than to be close enough to scratch the face off of.

5)As long as there is money around (You) at the moment,your children will be ok without parental love.

6)Your parents problems, and desires are more important than your childhood.

7)As long as some of your children make it to 18, you did good.

There's plenty more...
And these aren't really things I learned...Just things I had to live through/noticed....
my mum taught me everything i know about SEX , she said 'you son , wont be gettin any '


Well-Known Member
The greatest thing my mother actually taught me... actually sat me down and said, "Son, this is a life lesson..." was to not do heroin.
One day I sat my mom down and said...

"What were you trying to do when you raised me"...

And she said...



"I really have no idea. I had no idea what to do."

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...hey Shaggy, if it's any consolation, when my daughter was born we were told by just about everyone we knew with kids "they don't come with a manual, so good luck".

...and, you seem to have turned out alright, yeah? :)


RIU Bulldog
My best friend has a mom like yours except she was also a tweak addict.
God is your parents; mother and father.


Well-Known Member
...hey Shaggy, if it's any consolation, when my daughter was born we were told by just about everyone we knew with kids "they don't come with a manual, so good luck".

...and, you seem to have turned out alright, yeah? :)
I love her for everything, I wouldn't have changed anything for the world.

Even bad shit that happens to me now.
I can't hate bad things, they just prove that somethings happening.
Not everyone can see the good in everything good, so you have to learn to take the good with the bad.
Because if you expect to do anything really good, a lot of people are going to treat you really bad.

At least I actually learned something :D

My best friend has a mom like yours except she was also a tweak addict.
God is your parents; mother and father.
That sucks...My parents never did that stuff more than "to try it" I don't think...They've never said anything at all about it...

But that's how I feel.
Shiva has done a lot for me.
Shiva is my god, my father, myself, my future, and my past.


Well-Known Member
Lets see... what did mom teach me?....... hmmm..... ill get back to ya on that one. Beer=good? Do whatever you want ill cover for ya ( seemed cool growing up now it realize all that taught me was that I could get away with anything which I had to learn on my own that's not true.) I can yell louder than you and get the fuck outta my house. Gotta love drunk parents huh.


Well-Known Member
I learned how to make strong ass daquris from mom.
I just learned to love Vodka.
But not so much now...

Unless it's mixed, I can't take down liquor like I used to.
Maybe a few shots here and there, but I won't be drinking straight out of liquor bottles any more...Until I start making heavily laced liquor/weed tincture.

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
moms taught me always be good to a lady, it'll get you far, i guess it works, also what reason do i have to hate everyone or anything, jus live life and accept things happen and are going to we just have to move on... pops taught me that too


Well-Known Member
R.I.U. on phone...I can't give likes?'ll throw dow iin some recipes when I get home


Well-Known Member
My parents made me a total lush. Was drinking heavily at 16 and haven't stopped til a recent happening really opened my eyes. Haven't had a sip since Christmas which doesn't sound like long but I was a daily drinker.


Well-Known Member
My parents made me a total lush. Was drinking heavily at 16 and haven't stopped til a recent happening really opened my eyes. Haven't had a sip since Christmas which doesn't sound like long but I was a daily drinker.
Same, I was on probation at 15, and started drinking.
Our mom had the philosophy, "I'd rather you drink here than out somewhere, then drive here."
So she would get us stuff for New Years, and special occasions.
But we would go drink with our friends everyday anyways...I couldn't smoke, because of piss tests, so I just drank heavily...

But I went to jail for 6 months, and when I got back I was a fuckin lightweight, that gets choked by a shot :lol:

I can drink better now, but that severely slowed me down, so I don't ever drink really now.
And I can smoke now, so there's no reason...:D


Well-Known Member
Same, I was on probation at 15, and started drinking.
Our mom had the philosophy, "I'd rather you drink here than out somewhere, then drive here."
So she would get us stuff for New Years, and special occasions.
But we would go drink with our friends everyday anyways...I couldn't smoke, because of piss tests, so I just drank heavily...

But I went to jail for 6 months, and when I got back I was a fuckin lightweight, that gets choked by a shot :lol:

I can drink better now, but that severely slowed me down, so I don't ever drink really now.
And I can smoke now, so there's no reason...:D
Rite on. I know ill be getting probation soon ( being sentenced on a dui on the 20th. ) I blew a .254. So Idk how I'm gonna handle not smoking or drinking.