Things my mom taught me :)


Well-Known Member
These are the things my mom has tried to drill into my head, but it's really just tiring...

1)Once you have a job, you can start slapping people in the face, talking behind their backs, and rampage wherever you want.
And (Part 2 to rule 1) as long as you are yelling at someone (anyone) periodically to get a job, even if you don't have a job. You get the above listed privileges, even without a job.

2)Fucking people might make you rich. This wasn't really something she tried to "teach" us, but by letting us in on her secrets as children, and testing her theory, we pretty much noticed...
But apparently moving from man to man, and gaining business relationships with NONE of them is "Trying to help".

3)As long as everyone is confused about what you were arguing about, by then end of the argument. Then you win.
You don't have to know anything. As long as you have SOMETHING mean to say. It doesn't even have to mean anything, as long as you say it over and over, the argument is over...Right?

4)"Family" just means, "People to talk shit about"
Family has no deeper meaning than to be close enough to scratch the face off of.

5)As long as there is money around (You) at the moment,your children will be ok without parental love.

6)Your parents problems, and desires are more important than your childhood.

7)As long as some of your children make it to 18, you did good.

There's plenty more...
And these aren't really things I learned...Just things I had to live through/noticed....


Active Member
lol something i learned was that as long as i was payin the bills, it didnt matter where the money came from and i was an adult but when she married another guy that could pay our bills for us i had to stop "working" and was once again a child.

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
8. How to give amazing head ?

If she didn't teach you that she has done a great injustice to you. Because that woman has a skill! :)

Just kidding, I couldn't resist being the first to claim sexual relations with your mother. I only kid, in fact I've never met your mother but I am sure she's a saint.


Well-Known Member
lol something i learned was that as long as i was payin the bills, it didnt matter where the money came from and i was an adult but when she married another guy that could pay our bills for us i had to stop "working" and was once again a child.
My mom doesn't believe anything can do better than her pussy has.
And wouldn't even want someone to pay the bills (besides a man she hates, and never talks to) if they could. Because then she would feel unimportant and have to go more crazy.


Well-Known Member
girls only want your money, if ya aint got money, you aint gonna get laid tonight
I've never needed money to get laid.
When I was younger I just got drunk, and slutted around at parties.
Then eventually I started falling in love.
And only the drinking one cost money.


Well-Known Member
I've never needed money to get laid.
When I was younger I just got drunk, and slutted around at parties.
Then eventually I started falling in love.
And only the drinking one cost money.
im talking about baby but yes your right though, good o'l vodka always did the trick for me ;)
i dont kno man, everytime i meet a girl, i fuck it up, on purpose, its like your mind goes two ways, you like being happy and not happy lol


Well-Known Member
im talking about baby but yes your right though, good o'l vodka always did the trick for me ;)
i dont kno man, everytime i meet a girl, i fuck it up, on purpose, its like your mind goes two ways, you like being happy and not happy lol
Me and Vodka used to have a relationship, she was my girl. But she was always down for a 3some :D :lol:
I used to talk about Vodka like we were dating all the time, I was on probation. So all I did was drink and drink...And drink.

I always try to make everything work.
And every girl, says the same thing to me...
"I'm not old enough for this yet."
Even though the last two girls I dated were 18 and 19, while I was 17 and 18. :(
It sucked to hear it twice in the same year, from two people I had loved to the same extent.

But it's all good now. I got bigger shit to worry about, plus there are plenty more girls. And I never lose touch with my people :D


Well-Known Member
just as long as you are smiling , i'll except that , so how about that pm from mom

I don't need her any more proud of her pussy than she is.
She's entering metapause, and needs to accept her rude awakening, and not have guys like you making her more of a bitch.