things i have learned from republicans this week


Well-Known Member
Are you sure that a majority actually elects "representatives" ? What about the alleged minority that doesn't want to participate and simply wants to be left alone to pursue peaceful interests? Are they bound to uphold the "laws" that others have imposed on them, even when those same laws involve killing people that haven't harmed them?
That is the concept, not my opinion. I agree but when forced humanitarianism is how you describe it...the majority would disagree with that terminology. This is the linear democracy that we are in. I think that it becomes an all or nothing situation...


Well-Known Member
Nonetheless they are not the same concept. In most arguments I am seeing taxation as the forced element. Voters decided which corrupt politician to represent them. The rest is bullshit but hasn't changed much at the core in my perception.
Whats bull shit are these old zombies in Washington like Nancy Palosi and Harry Reid who have been in office for so long that they are too powerful to lose elections. Our framers overlooked the need for term lengths in the constitution.


Well-Known Member
Whats bull shit are these old zombies in Washington like Nancy Palosi and Harry Reid who have been in office for so long that they are too powerful to lose elections. Our framers overlooked the need for term lengths in the constitution.
There are term limits for presidents....but you are right, the Constitution is increasingly obsolete.


Well-Known Member
Right. I lump it all together in my mind. I could buy into that, even though new is not better necessarily. Gotta get that campaign finance changed for good.


Well-Known Member
Always be weary of power that grows and grows. Our system is imploding while expanding at the same time. How long do you think that is sustainable? Freshmen in congress are much less powerful, less connections, and normally less money than incumbents. Freshmen make me sleep good at night.


Well-Known Member
Always be weary of power that grows and grows. Our system is imploding while expanding at the same time. How long do you think that is sustainable? Freshmen in congress are much less powerful, less connections, and normally less money than incumbents. Freshmen make me sleep good at night.
That was my logic about freshmen as well. The sustainability I can't say, but we do waste a lot in certain areas but I think with some budget changes we could make a good start. I am weary of uncontrolled military spending and corporate welfare. Just out of curiosity, do you know why these forms of government spending don't get the heat that some of the others do?


Well-Known Member
The fed is giving itself credit to buy its own debt. The laws of economics will trump the laws of politics

That was my logic about freshmen as well. The sustainability I can't say, but we do waste a lot in certain areas but I think with some budget changes we could make a good start. I am weary of uncontrolled military spending and corporate welfare. Just out of curiosity, do you know why these forms of government spending don't get the heat that some of the others do?
Obama has cut military spending quite a bit. Corporate welfare is how politicians get their campaign contributions. Politicians often accept donations from defense contractors in exchange for more funding. It also creates jobs, but not the kind that create wealth. Same thing with public unions. Every "jobs plan" obama has ever came up with is more teachers and rebuilding infrastructure, because thats where the unions are at.


Well-Known Member
The brown man will own this planet by year 2200 and your people will be close to extinction. The Muslims will handle the Jews. The Mexicans will handle the white gringos. Before you are even dead, you will see yourself as a minority in your own country. This will be the beginning of your end. Your politicians will not be able to be elected because Latinos will have their seats. Your attempts to prevent Latino progress will cease and desist and laws will be made that benefit the new majority. We learned these lessons from you white boy and payback is a bitch.

Soon your descendants will be mowing the lawns of the brown man. Your women will clean out homes. She will give her pussy away freely in the hopes of a better life and then be home to you. Your children will be beaten every day in school while they are growing up. The ghettos will become filled with the lily white peoples. You will learn what repression is about and how it feels to be persecuted and stepped on for the color of your skin.
So you are completely ok with all the injustice as long as it is against other PEOPLE... LOL!!!

You have made the color of your skin your master, it is you who is completely to blame for that.

Americans have proven to be some of the most ruthless killers in history, you may want to consider that before you begin your war of oppression...


Well-Known Member
The fed is giving itself credit to buy its own debt. The laws of economics will trump the laws of politics

Obama has cut military spending quite a bit. Corporate welfare is how politicians get their campaign contributions. Politicians often except donations from defense contractors in exchange for more funding. It also creates jobs, but not the kind that create wealth. Same thing with public unions. Every "jobs plan" obama has ever came up with is more teachers and rebuilding infrastructure, because thats where the unions are at.
I suppose the issue is the public scrutiny that disability, ebt, and welfare programs receive from the right is everywhere yet these other types of spending seem like non-issues almost. Tax is tax right? I just don't see a fair interpretation of wasteful spending in this regard. Just for disclosure I am on disability, and the people who I get shit from never bring up these other issues. Basically, the politicians and unions are in bed together but why the people too? How does this get ignored systematically?


Well-Known Member
I think the answer is in your own post. People go along with it because they believe ebt,cell phones,a living wage,section 8 housing, unemployment, and now health care are all rights. They are not. To assume a physician should be forced to give you free health care because it is your right, is both wierd and ridiculous. All of those things are priviliges. Do you know what the difference between a right and a privilige is? Rights don't cost a dime. Freedom of speach is free. Freedom of religion is free. Its this country shifting towards the whole Marxist mentality. There are simply not enouph informed voters. Everything has gone main stream. People are told what is right and wrong / true and false by the media, pop culture, and authority. They keep dumb people distracted from the REAL issues that affect our country by keeping them racist and jealous of rich people.


Well-Known Member
I think the answer is in your own post. People go along with it because they believe ebt,cell phones,a living wage,section 8 housing, unemployment, and now health care are all rights. They are not. To assume a physician should be forced to give you free health care because it is your right, is both wierd and ridiculous. All of those things are priviliges. Do you know what the difference between a right and a privilige is? Rights don't cost a dime. Freedom of speach is free. Freedom of religion is free. Its this country shifting towards the whole Marxist mentality. There are simply not enouph informed voters. Everything has gone main stream. People are told what is right and wrong / true and false by the media, pop culture, and authority. They keep dumb people distracted from the REAL issues that affect our country by keeping them racist and jealous of rich people.
I hear this point made often and know the distinction between a right and a privilege. The corporate welfare is not a right, military overspending is not either but are given a blank check and nobody says anything. My perspective is food, shelter, and health are human rights. It is a priveledge to live in a society that is abundant and can help out a bit. It boils down to need, and privilege becoming a right. This is my view, and I know the details of why it is an issue....but economically and politically the ignorance of bloated spending on other areas are not in line with the platform of the right. It is confounding...that's all. The logic does not explain it, it's big govt.


Well-Known Member
I hear this point made often and know the distinction between a right and a privilege. The corporate welfare is not a right, military overspending is not either but are given a blank check and nobody says anything. My perspective is food, shelter, and health are human rights. It is a priveledge to live in a society that is abundant and can help out a bit. It boils down to need, and privilege becoming a right. This is my view, and I know the details of why it is an issue....but economically and politically the ignorance of bloated spending on other areas are not in line with the platform of the right. It is confounding...that's all. The logic does not explain it, it's big govt.

I fundamentally disagree. Why are people going to vote a politician out of office for spending too much on the military and everything else, when all they care about is making sure the entitlements stay in tact? What I'm trying to explain to you is people normally don't bite the hand that feeds them. So they shut up. Calling everything a "right" only perpetuates the cycle. Maybe when food, shelter and health all go back to being goods and services we can get this economy back on track. Otherwise, why get a job?


Well-Known Member
It is a real observation and the issue is not about the rights or whatever it is about small govt and lower taxes. Forget about the programs, the military is a huge waste of tax dollars and is big government by its definition. The republicans ignore the fundamental discordance here. How does this make sense?


Well-Known Member
The republicans are weak. You would think when given the opportunity, a person would grab the bull by the horns, and wrestle it to the ground. But not John Boehner. Mitch McConnell is a back bencher. The Senate minority leader will go down as one of the weakest in history.Besides, how are republicans going to find time to debate democrats, when they are so busy attacking conservatives? Its almost like they want to merge with the democrats, and become one big party.


Well-Known Member
just a wrap up...

*forest fires cause global warming, which is not happening. the earth is cooling.

*public education is comparable to being sold away from your family as a child slave.

*GOP leaders were not invited to the 50th anniversary of the march on washington.

*alberta is located domestically, within the united states.

*50 cal sniper rifles have civilian uses.

*global warming is maybe caused by the radiant heat of 7 billion human bodies.

*the 50th anniversary of the march on washington is comparable to a ku klux klan rally.

*white privilege does not exist in stockton, CA.
You know Buck, you could do a weekly thread just like this. There will never be a shortage of material.


Well-Known Member
The republicans are weak. You would think when given the opportunity, a person would grab the bull by the horns, and wrestle it to the ground. But not John Boehner. Mitch McConnell is a back bencher. The Senate minority leader will go down as one of the weakest in history.Besides, how are republicans going to find time to debate democrats, when they are so busy attacking conservatives? Its almost like they want to merge with the democrats, and become one big party.[/QUO

I appreciate your indulging me here...I am not a political junkie but the insidious backbeat of the story interests me. I think its easier to argue against social welfare.


Well-Known Member
Disability is for the unemployable and thus isn't a "why get a job" scenario. It covers prescriptions and Dr. appointments, and 600 a month and takes about 2 years to get. EBT is 6.50 a day.


Well-Known Member
Washington will not reform itself. Whether its social welfare, corporate welfare, or military spending.
Look at my avatar. You know what it means? There is more than one way to amend the constitution.
You can change the system from the top down. That is how it has always been done in the past.
But the constitution also provides an avenue to change the system from the bottom up, circumventing the greedy, corrupt, scandalous federal government