things i have learned from republicans this week


Well-Known Member

Barry's ridiculous usage of his red, white and blue American Express has nothing to do with the fucked up economy, no?
You seem pretty lucid most of the time before 10am

Congress holds the purse strings of goverment in this country. By our constitution all spending is done from teh house of representatives

They are protesting the bills they themselves created


Well-Known Member
come on, barrack isnt that bad, sure he is an incompetent boob, and a bungler, but he isnt really EVIL.

besides i thought you were an Obama Gurl?
i'm talking about your tea know those mix religion with politics?

hmmmmm wonder what ole ted would look like with a midnight visit and a real pic of being "teabagged" since he like publicity so much..wonder what screech owl palin would look like?


Well-Known Member
You seem pretty lucid most of the time before 10am

Congress holds the purse strings of goverment in this country. By our constitution all spending is done from teh house of representatives

They are protesting the bills they themselves created
iPhone allows me to troll any time of the day or night should the want/need arise.

The Democrats are merely an extension of Obamas mostly stupid "Messianic Will" and the Republicans are just plain retarded.

You really seem like a third party would suit you better than those other two parties of dickheads.


Well-Known Member
iPhone allows me to troll any time of the day or night should the want/need arise.

The Democrats are merely an extension of Obamas mostly stupid "Messianic Will" and the Republicans are just plain retarded.

You really seem like a third party would suit you better than those other two parties of dickheads.
I voted for Ross Perot in 92 if that counts?
And I considered Mccain until he took Palin onboard


Well-Known Member
I voted for Ross Perot in 92 if that counts?
And I considered Mccain until he took Palin onboard
Try to think outside the circle-jerking two party establishment, Chesus.

Even if it's a "wasted vote", at least you'd be voting with your conscience instead of the "less bad" of the two establishment retards.


Well-Known Member
Try to think outside the circle-jerking two party establishment, Chesus.

Even if it's a "wasted vote", at least you'd be voting with your conscience instead of the "less bad" of the two establishment retards.
Ross Perot was third party

And Mccain actually used to have a legacy of working with both parties


Well-Known Member
You seem pretty lucid most of the time before 10am

Congress holds the purse strings of goverment in this country. By our constitution all spending is done from teh house of representatives

They are protesting the bills they themselves created
The present congress didn't create those bills. The present congress has no obligation whatsoever to fund them. If it did, the congress' power over appropriations would be meaningless.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Still missing the point...
you see, what youre missing is that cheezedick believes leftism and democrat talking points are ALWAYS correct, and the only way to be anything but evil is to line up in lockstep with his party's loopiest kookiest fringiest nutbars and window lickers.

meanwhile, joh mccain, the republican democrats love to position as the ideal republican, is a perfect example of lefty delusion.

mccain waffled and knuckled under on a ton of the shit democrats wanted, he compromised on so many things, which real republicans wanted him to hold fast to, and when it came time for democrats to give up a little something in his quid pro quo deal, they said "Fuck You Gramps!" and demanded more concessions.

in democrat-land compromise and negotiation are what you demand from others, not what you do yourself.

Bi-Partisan means some republicans had to be browbeaten, extorted, blackmailed or bribed into the fold, but any democrat who supports a position which is not authorized by their masters is shunned and driven out, like Joe Lieberman.

lefties are childish selfish fools who expect everyone to play by their rules, or they will take their ball and go home, while blaming the republicans libertarians and whoever else they dont like, for being a "Meanie"


Well-Known Member
you see, what youre missing is that cheezedick believes leftism and democrat talking points are ALWAYS correct, and the only way to be anything but evil is to line up in lockstep with his party's loopiest kookiest fringiest nutbars and window lickers.

meanwhile, joh mccain, the republican democrats love to position as the ideal republican, is a perfect example of lefty delusion.

mccain waffled and knuckled under on a ton of the shit democrats wanted, he compromised on so many things, which real republicans wanted him to hold fast to, and when it came time for democrats to give up a little something in his quid pro quo deal, they said "Fuck You Gramps!" and demanded more concessions.

in democrat-land compromise and negotiation are what you demand from others, not what you do yourself.

Bi-Partisan means some republicans had to be browbeaten, extorted, blackmailed or bribed into the fold, but any democrat who supports a position which is not authorized by their masters is shunned and driven out, like Joe Lieberman.

lefties are childish selfish fools who expect everyone to play by their rules, or they will take their ball and go home, while blaming the republicans libertarians and whoever else they dont like, for being a "Meanie"
what a horribly retarded analysis.

remember the last few years when compromise was made into a dirty word?

it wasn't democrats who did that.

now the GOP is begging for compromise or else they shut down the whole government. talk about taking your ball and going home.

your delusions about reality are entertaining though.

El Tiberon

Active Member
Taking their ball and going home this time will damage the world and probably destroy any chance of the right wing winning a national election for decades. The left is doing the smart thing by waiting on them to cave. This is a well thought out tactic of attrition by the left in the US. They have nothing to lose and everything to gain. If they play their cards right, I can see them handing the far-right magician worshipers a defeat they will not recover from. This is a worst case scenario for the guy from Texas as it relates to his chances at being a president.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
what a horribly retarded analysis.

remember the last few years when compromise was made into a dirty word?

it wasn't democrats who did that.

now the GOP is begging for compromise or else they shut down the whole government. talk about taking your ball and going home.

your delusions about reality are entertaining though.
ohh you mean like the totally awesome bipartisanism that the democrats showed during the 40 years they dominated the congress and ruled it with an iron fist?

how is that "War On Poverty" working out?

oh? still havent won it?

Poverty still kicking your ass?

havent figured out that taxes dont create prosperity, and regulation doesnt encourage entrepreneurial spirit?

well, when you figure it out, let us know.


Well-Known Member
ignore button fail.

ignore buttons are like that everywhere, crawling in through the windows in the dark and whatnot.


Well-Known Member
ohh you mean like the totally awesome bipartisanism that the democrats showed during the 40 years they dominated the congress and ruled it with an iron fist?

how is that "War On Poverty" working out?

oh? still havent won it?

Poverty still kicking your ass?

havent figured out that taxes dont create prosperity, and regulation doesnt encourage entrepreneurial spirit?

well, when you figure it out, let us know.
this country would have plenty of revenue with the following:

1. uncap wage base limit for social security
2. tax church cults - this is huge, religion needs to pay its way
3. tax increases for top 1% - they do not pay their fair share
4. phase out/sunset tax incentives for taking your business abroad
5. reform for offshore and overall reform of tax code


New Member
this country would have plenty of revenue with the following:

1. uncap wage base limit for social security
2. tax church cults - this is huge, religion needs to pay its way
3. tax increases for top 1% - they do not pay their fair share
4. phase out/sunset tax incentives for taking your business abroad
5. reform for offshore and overall reform of tax code
Last I checked the US rakes in around $200Billion per month in taxes and taxes this past April where the highest they've been; around $400B.

You have plenty of revenue now, you just spend it like a drunken sailor on anything and everything... You know a budget may help that instead of "resolutions" that allow unchecked spending...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
this country would have plenty of revenue with the following:

1. uncap wage base limit for social security
2. tax church cults - this is huge, religion needs to pay its way
3. tax increases for top 1% - they do not pay their fair share
4. phase out/sunset tax incentives for taking your business abroad
5. reform for offshore and overall reform of tax code
this country would also have plenty of revenue and could CUT taxes if they :

Ended the Foolish Military Machine and Brought Our Forces Home for Border Defense.
Stopped Giving Away Money To Assholes Who Hate Us.
Stopped Signing Onesided "Free trade Treaties" with Competitors
Stopped Spending Trillions On Boondoggles (high speed rail, bridges in the middle of the desert connected to no roads, rooftop rainforest gardens in chicago, endless memorial ceremonies for everything on the planet etc)
Defunding the UN
Apply all taxes fairly and equitably at a flat rate less than 10%
Use tarrifs stamp taxes and excise taxes as prescribed
end bullshit giveaways to special interest groups.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Last I checked the US rakes in around $200Billion per month in taxes and taxes this past April where the highest they've been; around $400B.

You have plenty of revenue now, you just spend it like a drunken sailor on anything and everything... You know a budget may help that instead of "resolutions" that allow unchecked spending...
expecting Barry Seotoro to craft a budget is RACIST.