things i have learned from republicans this week


Well-Known Member
That's bullshit.

Look at the choices he had, why would you have endorsed either:

A. The warmongering, dispensary raiding Kenyan Muslim


B. Magical underpants Mitt, who believes in (fucking) seer stones and baptising the dead...

If you don't endorse either of those dickheads, why would you vote for them?

Could of voted for anyone he wanted including writing in a candidate.
Bugs Bunny got thousands of votes
and so did Vermin Supreme


Well-Known Member
and that's the AMERICAN way:lol:
That's the problem with the Republicans. It's either their way or the highway. Even though their policies have no standing with the majority of Americans, they still manage to stop anything having to do with progress, totally blocking the will of sane people in this country. Through gerrymandering they have managed to create a majority in the House, where they have consistently focused all their energies on blocking any chance at bi-partnership, simply trying to enforce the policies of a small group of extremists, namely Tea baggers. Now they are going to shut down the government simply because they can, and that is wrong that a small group of assholes can bring this country to a standstill. The modern Republican is a blight on society, wanting to stop any reform that has to do with clean air, water pollution, stopping greenhouse gasses, help for the neediest people in this country, etc. In other words, any hope for the future of this country. They have the audacity to paint themselves as true Americans, when in reality they are a bain on the existence of the common man or woman in this country. They make me want to puke.


Well-Known Member
That's the problem with the Republicans. It's either their way or the highway. Even though their policies have no standing with the majority of Americans, they still manage to stop anything having to do with progress, totally blocking the will of sane people in this country. Through gerrymandering they have managed to create a majority in the House, where they have consistently focused all their energies on blocking any chance at bi-partnership, simply trying to enforce the policies of a small group of extremists, namely Tea baggers. Now they are going to shut down the government simply because they can, and that is wrong that a small group of assholes can bring this country to a standstill. The modern Republican is a blight on society, wanting to stop any reform that has to do with clean air, water pollution, stopping greenhouse gasses, help for the neediest people in this country, etc. In other words, any hope for the future of this country. They have the audacity to paint themselves as true Americans, when in reality they are a bain on the existence of the common man or woman in this country. They make me want to puke.
i'll do it for you:spew:

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
That's the problem with the Republicans. It's either their way or the highway. Even though their policies have no standing with the majority of Americans, they still manage to stop anything having to do with progress, totally blocking the will of sane people in this country. Through gerrymandering they have managed to create a majority in the House, where they have consistently focused all their energies on blocking any chance at bi-partnership, simply trying to enforce the policies of a small group of extremists, namely Tea baggers. Now they are going to shut down the government simply because they can, and that is wrong that a small group of assholes can bring this country to a standstill. The modern Republican is a blight on society, wanting to stop any reform that has to do with clean air, water pollution, stopping greenhouse gasses, help for the neediest people in this country, etc. In other words, any hope for the future of this country. They have the audacity to paint themselves as true Americans, when in reality they are a bain on the existence of the common man or woman in this country. They make me want to puke.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
if any of the lefties in this thread were actually capable of learning anything, they would no longer be leftists.


El Tiberon

Active Member
Didnt the people sprayed by the police get a large settlement and the cop file for disability claiming PTSD or something from that incident? Nazi news goes around the world.

El Tiberon

Active Member
You aren't very educated are you? Those are not nazi's, although they will be your overlord's in due time when your numbers dwindle down far enough. Everyone will be able to own a white slave.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You aren't very educated are you? Those are not nazi's, although they will be your overlord's in due time when your numbers dwindle down far enough. Everyone will be able to own a white slave.
yep. all those nationalist socialists who indulge in racial and ethnic violence, oppress their own people and nationalize everything they can get their hands on while suppressing dissent sure aint nazis.

they are just fascists.

ohh wait a minit!!
nazis were fascists too!

you get dumber every day El Papanatas