The people? I haven't heard anyone bitch about the government being shut down (in real life).they sure do like bitching about it though.
The people? I haven't heard anyone bitch about the government being shut down (in real life).they sure do like bitching about it though. sound pretty upset about the shutdown, sistah.
blame yourself. it's republican like you who did it. be proud. own it.
Like I said they don't like it.i saw him using a legless soldier that he sent to a pointless war of choice as a prop, i must have missed the part where conservative white golf fans yearned for the awesome leadership of shrub again.
When you're right, you're right. Here's the link.i would love to see some attribution to that copypaste...
like this:
Computer attacks typically don't inflict physical pain on their victims.
But in a rare example of an attack apparently motivated by malice rather than money, hackers recently bombarded the Epilepsy Foundation's Web site with hundreds of pictures and links to pages with rapidly flashing images.
The breach triggered severe migraines and near-seizure reactions in some site visitors who viewed the images. People with photosensitive epilepsy can get seizures when they're exposed to flickering images, a response also caused by some video games and cartoons.
The attack happened when hackers exploited a security hole in the foundation's publishing software that allowed them to quickly make numerous posts and overwhelm the site's support forums.
Within the hackers' posts were small flashing pictures and links - masquerading as helpful - to pages that exploded with kaleidoscopic images pulsating with different colors.
"They were out to create seizures," said Ken Lowenberg, senior director of Web and print publishing for the foundation.
dont turn into Cheezie! provide a link to all your sources.
~ Battling Seizure Robots
The government is also still collecting billions of our tax dollars for redistribution/class warfare purposes.People are pissed about the shut down because the lunatics in office are still collecting paychecks.
Regular business goes on.
Of course the cost for the advertizing of food stamps is up they are now advertising in Mexico on how to sign up.The government is also still collecting billions of our tax dollars for redistribution/class warfare purposes.
And if the federal government wasn't bad enough. Welcome to "Commi-fornia" where they will porch f#ck you.
If that wasn't bad enough. Welcome to the City of Stockton, where they will beat you over the head with additional sales taxes, income taxes, supplemental property taxes, and numerous other "fees"
i have learned that you are dumb for believing, much less repeating, this obvious lie.Of course the cost for the advertizing of food stamps is up they are now advertising in Mexico on how to sign up.
I so knew you were going to post that. George Bush expanded government while he was president, more than any other Republican by far. EVER. George Bush is the opposite of conservative. Tax breaks are not enough while at the same time expanding the federal government. George Bush is a liberal republican. (e.g: John McCain) Therefore your point has no merit.
Bush was kind of a do gooder.....I miss him...Thanks for that Buck, and I mean that..i have learned that you are dumb for believing, much less repeating, this obvious lie.
the partnership with mexico to promote nutrition assistance programs started guessed it...
this guy.
and the program is not to sign up mexicans onto food stamps.
only really, really dumb people fall for that conservative red meat. real low information, reactionary, hate filled, racist types. the types of people who capitalize 'white' when talking about white people are especially prone to buying such ridiculous, far fetched, moronic lies.
in other words, you.
if bush partners with mexico to promote nutrition programs, he is a do gooder.Bush was kind of a do gooder.....I miss him...Thanks for that Buck, and I mean that..
It did start with Georgie and continued under Obama.i have learned that you are dumb for believing, much less repeating, this obvious lie.
the partnership with mexico to promote nutrition assistance programs started guessed it...
this guy.
and the program is not to sign up mexicans onto food stamps.
only really, really dumb people fall for that conservative red meat. real low information, reactionary, hate filled, racist types. the types of people who capitalize 'white' when talking about white people are especially prone to buying such ridiculous, far fetched, moronic lies.
in other words, you.
Thats what happens when you are not a do-gooder .....This part is funny "advertising in mexico on how to sign up".... BarryO is more than likely getting ready to show mexico how to sign up for health care along with the food stamps....He needs some one to sign up for health care,.......if bush partners with mexico to promote nutrition programs, he is a do gooder.
if obama continues the same program, he is "advertising in Mexico on how to sign up".
such radical double standards among you republicans. i wonder if it has anything to do with the same type of mindset that capitalizes 'white' or calls it patriotic to suspend first amendment rights for peaceful american muslims.
ah, who am i kidding. of course that's what it comes down to. attempting to justify your hypocrisy any other way just does not explain the phenomenon as well.
so they are advertising food stamps to hungry american children? oh, the horror.Judicial Watch revealed in April that one of the fliers the USDA has provided a to the Mexican Embassy notifies potentially ineligible immigrantsthat their children are still eligible for food stamps and that to obtain the benefits, ineligible parents would not have to provide documentation.
Until as late as last summer the USDA was also using Spanish-language radio ‘novelas’ to encourage Spanish-speakers to enroll in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or food stamps. The USDA took the ads down after TheDC exposed the ads, which were met with criticism.
Read more:
promoting food stamps to american children and americans who speak spanish.Promoting food stamp and you call it a nutrient program too obvious. Both Bush and Obama are wrong on this one.
I joined this fine establishment after Obama became president so you have no idea what I thought back then. You have a problem with my capitalizing and I think it is funny that it bugs you sooooo they are advertising food stamps to hungry american children? oh, the horror.
and last time i checked, americans were also allowed to speak spanish. hence spanish language ads are not the same as the claim you originally tried to make, which is otherwise known as "winter woman gets caught in a racially charged, race baiting lie once again".
funny how you never had a peep to say about this until...
1) conservative media told you to be mad about it
2) the program continued under obama
it was never a problem when bush did it, only when obama continues it. anyone with two brain cells to rub together understands that you're mainly upset with obama for the same reason you capitalize 'white' when referring to white people.
Angry? You aren't going to be driving soon are you? I hate to think that you had a road rage incident because you are soooo upset on this thread.promoting food stamps to american children and americans who speak spanish.
they are still as american as you or me. probably even more american than you, since americans are known for being rugged and independent, not a bunch of whiny cunts who get angry about whatever conservative media tells them to be angry about.
lol, you can stop trying to convince us that you have ever had thoughts of your own.I joined this fine establishment after Obama became president so you have no idea what I thought back then.