Things I have learned from democrats this week....Part II


Well-Known Member
actually my cousins are long haul truck drivers and they crash at my place whenever they come this way. my nephews are here to escape their lefty nutbar idiot momma and her far left southern democrat stepfather, and my mom is stayin over because her house burned down thanks to Obama.
like i said, those coffee can ashtrays are not only the mark of white trash, but one of the leading cause of white trash eyesore houses being burned down.

if you guys were smart enough to put some sand in there and had the minimal ambition to empty the thing once in a blue moon, the fire hazard would be mitigated greatly.

but your lack of intelligence and inability to drag yourself off the porch to dump those butts in the unmown lawn every once in a while is not obama's fault, no matter how racist you may be.

see my sig.


Well-Known Member
a believer in the Marxist Utopian Society, a follower of Marx's principles.

a Marxist.

but YOU are unaware that Socialism is in fact part of Marxism, just as is Communism and Fascism.

so the stupidity be coming from Thee, not he.
The neo-Marxist view of socialism that you see in the east is night and day when compared to the west's philosophy of socialism. What you don't seem to understand is that there are many different and seemingly unrelated philosophies that use the word. I suggest you learn to differentiate Marxism, Communism, Democratic Socialism, Social Democracy, and libertarian socialism. There are left wing and right wing deviations of socialism based on how the society is socialized. Bolsheviks are a right wing deviation due to their revolutionary and undemocratic methods. Libertarians, greens, and democratic socialists are left variations because they follow a decentralized and directly democratic model. It would do your argument wonders if you learned the difference between the many factions.


Well-Known Member
actually my cousins are long haul truck drivers and they crash at my place whenever they come this way. my nephews are here to escape their lefty nutbar idiot momma and her far left southern democrat stepfather, and my mom is stayin over because her house burned down thanks to Obama.
Lol Obama burned down her house?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Living with his mother? Has she released him from the nipple as yet? This makes much sense. I have read about the reason the whites hate the blacks in the south of the US. It seems that although they were all poor and worked for the same land owner, the whites gravitated to the wealthy white and supported his politicians in an attempt to gain favor with their white master and separate themselves from the blacks and seem above them socially. This kept the elite whites in power even though the poor whites were dependent on the government and should have stood the opposite way politically. This reasoning is also used today as why the very poor right wing states of your south still vote right wing yet they take more money from the government than the left wing states. This is true no?
yes, it's true.

we dont simply push our elders into the open sewer running down the center of the street when they get too old to stomp coca leaves.

my mother is living with me, and i got no problem with that.

i can understand why you would be shocked, as all colombian women turn tricks well into their 90's.

fortunately i am not colombian, and as such my mother is not an uncouth unwashed uneducated street prostitute, nor is she a glue sniffing Farc spy.

but do carry on being irrelevant. it's hilarious.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
The neo-Marxist view of socialism that you see in the east is night and day when compared to the west's philosophy of socialism. What you don't seem to understand is that there are many different and seemingly unrelated philosophies that use the word. I suggest you learn to differentiate Marxism, Communism, Democratic Socialism, Social Democracy, and libertarian socialism. There are left wing and right wing deviations of socialism based on how the society is socialized. Bolsheviks are a right wing deviation due to their revolutionary and undemocratic methods. Libertarians, greens, and democratic socialists are left variations because they follow a decentralized and directly democratic model. It would do your argument wonders if you learned the difference between the many factions.
bolsheviks are right wing.

youre supposed to take the glue bag off your mouth before you pass out.

all socialism is left wing.

you cannot create the illusion that trotsky lenin and gorky were "right wing".

only a fool would believe such things.

ohh wait... that explains a lot doesnt it?

El Tiberon

Active Member
yes, it's true.

we dont simply push our elders into the open sewer running down the center of the street when they get too old to stomp coca leaves.

my mother is living with me, and i got no problem with that.

i can understand why you would be shocked, as all colombian women turn tricks well into their 90's.

fortunately i am not colombian, and as such my mother is not an uncouth unwashed uneducated street prostitute, nor is she a glue sniffing Farc spy.

but do carry on being irrelevant. it's hilarious.
You obviously know nothing about Colombian culture. You also know nothing of making coca paste. It is not wine and people do not step on the leaves. They are finely chopped with a weed whacker, sprinkled with cement and liquid fertilizer and then soaked in petrol. This mixture is then run through a hydraulic press to separate the leaf material from the liquid. No stepping on the leaves required.


Well-Known Member
You obviously know nothing about Colombian culture. You also know nothing of making coca paste. It is not wine and people do not step on the leaves. They are finely chopped with a weed whacker, sprinkled with cement and liquid fertilizer and then soaked in petrol. This mixture is then run through a hydraulic press to separate the leaf material from the liquid. No stepping on the leaves required.
But I saw the beginning of "Blow"... you cant argue with Blow, man!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You obviously know nothing about Colombian culture. You also know nothing of making coca paste. It is not wine and people do not step on the leaves. They are finely chopped with a weed whacker, sprinkled with cement and liquid fertilizer and then soaked in petrol. This mixture is then run through a hydraulic press to separate the leaf material from the liquid. No stepping on the leaves required.
ohh yeah youre all sophisticated now with your weed whackers (lol) to macerate the leaves, and cement instead of burned limestone, but dont get uppity paco.

and for fucks sake dont break that weed wacker, you still gotta edge my lawn on thursday.


New Member
You obviously know nothing about Colombian culture. You also know nothing of making coca paste. It is not wine and people do not step on the leaves. They are finely chopped with a weed whacker, sprinkled with cement and liquid fertilizer and then soaked in petrol. This mixture is then run through a hydraulic press to separate the leaf material from the liquid. No stepping on the leaves required.
You've got to be kidding me, you have the Discovery channel there?


Well-Known Member
bolsheviks are right wing.

youre supposed to take the glue bag off your mouth before you pass out.

all socialism is left wing.

you cannot create the illusion that trotsky lenin and gorky were "right wing".

only a fool would believe such things.

ohh wait... that explains a lot doesnt it?
It's not that simple Keynes, only fool takes things at face value. There are degrees of the right and left. While all types of socialism are geared towards the emancipation of the working class, the left and right paradigm are based on structures of authority. The Right believes authority is absolutely necessary in organizing society, while the left seeks to decentralize decision making. These are the standards by which systems are classified right or left wing. So yes, there are right wing deviations within socialism. That's part of the reason I despise people like Nicolas Maduro and Lenin. Their "views" on socialism were shifted to the right, and they used authoritarian constructs to take power, and eventually not only was socialism not instituted, the system itself oppressed the citizens.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You've got to be kidding me, you have the Discovery channel there?
he's not actually in colombia, he sleeps in his Roach Coach in Escondido, and is illegally tapped into the cable from the Motel 6 behind which he parks when not selling cut rate Ratmeat Tacos and Dogmeat Burritos.

his roach coach recently got a health dept upgrade to F which is still revolting, but it's much better than his last score, "OMG IS THAT A DEAD PROSTITUTE IN THE KITCHEN??!!!"

hanging that sign on the side of a taco truck really cuts down on the essential the Hungry Prostitute clientele

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
It's not that simple Keynes, only fool takes things at face value. There are degrees of the right and left. While all types of socialism are geared towards the emancipation of the working class, the left and right paradigm are based on structures of authority. The Right believes authority is absolutely necessary in organizing society, while the left seeks to decentralize decision making. These are the standards by which systems are classified right or left wing. So yes, there are right wing deviations within socialism. That's part of the reason I despise people like Nicolas Maduro and Lenin. Their "views" on socialism were shifted to the right, and they used authoritarian constructs to take power, and eventually not only was socialism not instituted, the system itself oppressed the citizens.
so let me get this straight, you are attempting to argue that lenin was a RIGHT WING COMMUNIST!!! and he FAILED to institute marxism....

what you really mean to say is that "right wing = authoritarianism", but since NEVER ONCE has socialism been instituted without Authoritarianism, all marxism is Right wing????

why not just declare Right = "Bad Things" and Left = "Good Things", then be done with it.

Protip: the Post-Modern authoritarian/liberty interpretation of the left and right are BULLSHIT, unless you also wish to argue that Robespierre was not authoritarian, since he is the poster child for the french left wing establisment in the post revolutionary free-for-all.

Bonus Protip: all marxism is by definition LEFTIST, REVOLUTIONARY and AUTHORITARIAN.


Well-Known Member
and for fucks sake dont break that weed wacker, you still gotta edge my lawn on thursday.
as if you could afford to hire someone to do your lawn maintenance.

i'd be shocked if you even bothered to mow that clover patch more than twice a season.

hell, i'd be surprised if there was even any grass there rather than scattered piles of cat feces, a few old shopping carts, and a graveyard of rusted out old trucks.


Well-Known Member
as if you could afford to hire someone to do your lawn maintenance.

i'd be shocked if you even bothered to mow that clover patch more than twice a season.

hell, i'd be surprised if there was even any grass there rather than scattered piles of cat feces, a few old shopping carts, and a graveyard of rusted out old trucks.
Dont forget the water heaters and the 76 trans am up on milk crates with bullet holes in it