Things I have learned from democrats this week....Part II


Well-Known Member
Every person alive in this country, except for conservative extremists and morons , KNOW that the Republicans are responsible for this shutdown, just like the only other one in this country's history, initiated by then Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. So, it really doesn't matter that the Republicans say they aren't the cause this time, again, because the majority of voters in this country do. I just hope the they pay for their stupidity in 2016.
The House has every right to shut the government down. "No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law..."

Of course, your claim that there's only been one other shutdown is an ignorant one since there have now been 18 shutdowns. 5 occurred in entirely Democrat-controlled governments; 7 occurred with the same situation we have now, which is one party with the presidency and senate and the other party with the house; 2 occurred with a Republican president and Democrat senate/house control. Democrats have shut the government down 14 times while Republicans have only done it 4 times. So in reality, you might say that Republicans got this tactic from Democrats, who used it against them 9 times and also 5 times against a president from their own party.

The midterm is probably not going to be good for Obama. Historically they aren't; all of the enthusiasm behind him--which brought a lot of Democrat senators from Republican states into office in 2008--has now eroded; the Democrats' fundraising capability got wrapped up in Obama's campaign organization such that the Democratic National Committee has a huge pile of debt and is now teetering on bankruptcy; and Republicans are more likely to turn out since there will be no presidential race and anti-Obamacare sentiment will be very high. I already suggested that this stunt is meant to appeal to Republican midterm voters, who are more likely to vote in 2014 than Democrats will be.


Well-Known Member
The House has every right to shut the government down. "No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law..."

Of course, your claim that there's only been one other shutdown is an ignorant one since there have now been 18 shutdowns. 5 occurred in entirely Democrat-controlled governments; 7 occurred with the same situation we have now, which is one party with the presidency and senate and the other party with the house; 2 occurred with a Republican president and Democrat senate/house control. Democrats have shut the government down 14 times while Republicans have only done it 4 times. So in reality, you might say that Republicans got this tactic from Democrats, who used it against them 9 times and also 5 times against a president from their own party.

The midterm is probably not going to be good for Obama. Historically they aren't; all of the enthusiasm behind him--which brought a lot of Democrat senators from Republican states into office in 2008--has now eroded; the Democrats' fundraising capability got wrapped up in Obama's campaign organization such that the Democratic National Committee has a huge pile of debt and is now teetering on bankruptcy; and Republicans are more likely to turn out since there will be no presidential race and anti-Obamacare sentiment will be very high. I already suggested that this stunt is meant to appeal to Republican midterm voters, who are more likely to vote in 2014 than Democrats will be.
Didnt you predict a Romney landslide a year ago?


Well-Known Member
keep children away from cancer treatments will not stop the PPACA. The Dems had a chance to fund NIH and didn't; it would have given those children and others treatment. Instead they decided to possibly kill them.
it was actually the republicans that had that chance originally, they decided those kids weren't worth their raging obamacare hate boner.

nice try though. you are a woman of esteem and country.


Well-Known Member
Bwana Obama
good job on continuing to do everything in your very limited, low skill, minimum wage power to keep associating obama with africa.

hell, if it weren't for small minded racist twats like yourself, we all might have totally forgotten already and just treated him like we would any other american.

good thing that didn't happen and we are constantly reminded to treat him with the contempt that you see fit to treat any darker skinned person with.


Well-Known Member
I learned just now that more than likely a democratic liberal locked my thread. Could this be some kind of censorship..Anyway the week is not over and there is so much more to learn...
A Dem Libbo moderating this site?.

Don't they moderate the nation?? else would idiots vote for a known liar in O'Bama...TWICE!!


Well-Known Member
The problem is over spending not parties.

This to me is a ploy to make everyone say well tax hikes will be what's best for us. We should listen to the government because they love us.

They always say "teachers, police, firefighters" they will be the victims. Do you hate children??? Its al b/s.

The focus should be the over priced politicians. They divide and conquer. Make the Dems and GOP hate each other and argue about who's fault it is. Taking the focus off the real problem... Which is????

Over spending!!!


Well-Known Member
The problem is over spending not parties.

This to me is a ploy to make everyone say well tax hikes will be what's best for us. We should listen to the government because they love us.

They always say "teachers, police, firefighters" they will be the victims. Do you hate children??? Its al b/s.

The focus should be the over priced politicians. They divide and conquer. Make the Dems and GOP hate each other and argue about who's fault it is. Taking the focus off the real problem... Which is????

Over spending!!!

i'd say the problem is a deteriorating education system that produces easily hoodwinked dimwits who don't know the difference between whose and who's, yet who feel they know how to resolve the nation's problems by repeating empty, retarded right wing talking points.


Well-Known Member
Wonder why your check is smaller you can thank Dems?

Sooooo, My affordable healthcare plan starts at $259/ month with a minimum out of pocket of $6500.... Ummm how is this affordable??? Kaiser offers better coverage for $150/ month