thin stems


Well-Known Member
i always start my seeds at the bottom of the pot. fill it an inch or so throw down the germed seed bury 1/2". i put the light right on top but still get strecthing. as the sprout grows i bury the thin stem trimming leaves from the bottom up if nesscary. by the time you reach the top the tap root is the full depth of the pot and you should have a nice sturdy "trunk".


Well-Known Member
u can also manually work the stems by bending one way then back the other a few times every few days.

its like excercise for ur plant.


I have this problem too...I'm growin lowryder seeds on my windowsill, to see how they hold up in natural conditions so I can determine whether to plant them outside or inside and the stems are thin. Not as bad as his but I'm afraid they'll get like that. The problem is......the window in front of them is open so it can't be airflow in my case. Any other suggestions?