They wont sprout:-(


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt even be sweating it if I lived somewhere like canada where I could go grab a new batch and try again. but these seeds take 2 weeks to get here and they arent cheap.... I gotta find what it is i'm doing wrong. reading Joesalamon's las post i wonder if i have that heating pad too warm and its slowing them down.....I DONT KNOW baffled:-( didnt think this would be my most challenging part of my first grow.


Well-Known Member
If your heating pad was too hot you could have cooked them. Hopefully not.

If you already planted them in whatever medium your using (i forgot if you did yet) then I would just hit them with the light... Just like they already sprouted. Making sure that ambient temp is right around where is should be.

I never used a heating pad, Maybe turn it off and just use the lights as your heat?

oh really???

Well-Known Member
alright thanx that's what it's hovering at. i'm going out tomorrow and getting rockwool. i have to get this down consistently.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i think your right i just ditched the pad, but I have brutal news I came home and the 1 sprout was laying on its side, still looks healthy but is on its side, does this mean i have the 4 100 watt daylight cfls too close...I put my temp sensor so that it hovers near plant and it was reading 79 before work i didnt think that would hurt it.....I am going to master this soon enough, IM DETERMINED DAMN IT, thanks Joe for the help. Oh and i didnt know what to do so i took the light off it and covered it with the plastic dome, it seemed to respond nicely to being covered yesterday, it likes the humidity but didnt responed well to the cfls. gonna put it back in the dome and hopefully it will sit back up, then hit it with the lights further away i guess......

If I cooked the others, the only way to know is they simply just wont come up?:-(


Well-Known Member
here is my closet grow, the rockwool have 10 pre-germinated big blue seeds from BCBD not very well at the moment, hence i only got one to sprout......hoping others are not cooked from the heating pad i had on them during germination. allthough it was never higher than medium its the onlyconclusion i got to why one out of 10 has sprouted:-(

I keep the rockwool moist and the 400 watt mh is 30 '' from cubes, my sensor is positioned near the 1 sprout and reads 76-80 degrees. the germinated seeds were planted tap down in wool on the1st so im not counting them out yet



Well-Known Member
I am only running my 400 MH right now, i also have a 250 hps next to it, you can see the 2 in the pic. I am running a 6'' inline fan bringing my AC house air which is always 70 degrees IN to closet, and i have inline 4'' running throught the 2 hoods as exaust and out through my wall up into attic.

This is my first grow and i built my room based on a lot of fine information on this site.

my ambient temp with both lights runing is 80.6 degrees,just the 400MH 76-78, which i am ok with.

Number one problem now is getting my seeds to sprout for some reason:roll: I just got my 20 Bubblegum seeds in from nirvana today

PLEASE feel free to suggest the best way to go about getting this batch to sprout...I have already lost my 1st batch, and my 2nd where these blue's and only 1 sprout so this 3rd batch has to work cause you all know these seeds aint cheap...if these 20 dont work then i'm gonna:spew: LOL



Well-Known Member
Dude, you need to practice with some crappy bag seed first. Dont be using the good stuff, your not gonna just jump right in and be a professional grower, well maybe you are really great like that, but I doubt it, lol.

I never used rockwool so I cant give you much help there. I know you are suppose to soak for a bit in some ph right water. Did you do that?

If your worried about all those bubblegum, I would plant one or two and just get them to sprout before you go further. Dont waist good seeds on learning. Best advice I can think of.

But yeah, you will get it down, they will germ, sprout, and grow huge juicy buds... mmmm


Well-Known Member
yes I did presoak the wool in 5.5 low ph water before planting seeds. the peeps at my grow shop suggested that the ph be low.

How do you like the closet? do you think ya boy can get some decent yieldage in it?

about the seeds, yeah man I cant get bag seeds my only supplyer round here only has fire (NO SEEDS) plus ive always been the jump right in fuck it ill do it right with these 20 bubs...i'm gonna do exactly what u say try a few...thinking just presoaking them 24 hours in distilled water than no matter what they look like after 24 hours gonna pop them into styrafoam cups with foxfarm coral soil and wait for them to show up. i think the paper towel method has been a double edge sword for me....just to easy to shock the seeds that way.

here is a pic of my closet with the door shut, I weather sealed the door edges so light doesnt leek threw sides and top, for the bottom ill worry about sealing that when flowering time comes. i put the vent there to make my intake hole look a lil better,lol



Well-Known Member
Great setup, much better then my teeny computer case grow. But hey, smoke is smoke no matter how much.

Did u use the paper towel method first try or no?


Well-Known Member
thanks bro for the props, now lets see if i can do anything with it:hump: Alright to answer your? yes i did use paper towel method for the first bubblegum seeds, which i'm an idiot b/c i should have tried it out on a few not all. I ended up getting all ten to germinate, but when i went to plant them a touched them not knowing that i just killed them. then with these 10 big blues i used papertowel and once again got 100% germ but only one popped and i used tweezers to plant in rockwool......some peeps where mentioning the heating pad could have cooked the roots i dunno. Sorry when i'm interested in something i get long


Well-Known Member
Strange situation you got there blinky. Thing is, even if you have temps too warm, even if your ph is off, even if you touched a root... you would STILL have a few sprout. I mean, these plants are pretty tough.

If you are doing a soil grow I'd suggest skipping the rockwool. From what I've heard rockwool is a great way to start but some people complain about ph fluxuations. A good way to start with soil is peat plugs. Also, I'd just leave the MH and HPS off until at least 2 weeks into the grow. Also, I would put the seed .5-.75" into whatever starting medium.


Well-Known Member
yeah its a brutal situation for sure...I mean u could have everything wrong and atleast get a few to sprout out of 20....I dont know, peeps at my hydro shop in my area are baffled:-) they have no answers for me

oh really???

Well-Known Member
yeah i popped all mine but the transition from the towel to the medium was rough. the next few i did i put them in water for less than 24hrs and then tapped them and they sunk. after that i used tweezers to put them in a chemical free soil placed in 8oz styrofphone cups and put a plastic bag around it for the humidity. we'll see. the beginning is always the hardest everytime i start up. i'll keep you posted.

. . .i skipped rockwool today and am still researching. i know they work but i need something economical so i need to get used to soil. . .


Well-Known Member
well Good luck with your seeds, I'm doing the exact same thing with 5 of my 20 bubble gum seeds, i'm letting them soak in a cup with distilled water for 24 hours, then like you said i am gonna transfer them into styrofoam cups and soil(Ocean by foxfarm). I am gonna keep my lights on the soil though for warmth. my humidity is 35% in my room. so hopefully i get the sprouts


Well-Known Member
I'm not counting my big blues out yet.........they could have just been in a bit of shock from the temperature by the heating pad being on them too long

oh really???

Well-Known Member
well if this doesn't work then back to the drawing board. i'm recruiting fellows around here to donate seeds. i have stopped using the expensive ones and need some pratice ones. keep me posted.


Well-Known Member
You should be keeping the soil moist (not soaking) while the seeds are still trying to sprout up... Don't do the "dry-then soak" method on brand new seedlings. Just give them time, did you pack the soil hard over the seedlings? I just sprinkle JUST ENOUGH soil to allow them to be covered up, I don't pack it down at all, that way the seedlings don't waste energy in breaking soil. Also, how far down did you plant them? They should only be no more than 2cm from the surface.


Well-Known Member
seeds are about .5'' deep to .75 being deepest, i think I cooked the seeds tap root using the paper towel method/heating pad to germinate. the bubble gum i just germinated i went ahead an pre-soaked the seeds in a cup of room temp water for 24hours. some taped through a little some didnt but I put them in soil anyway, put the 6'' dome lid on top and set my t5 above the dome for warmth.