did an ambient temp test, got the Set Humidity on the old InkBird to 64.5F and set the fridge temp to 66F...doesn't seem to get above that in the setting..Its a damn fridge...so I digress, the cycle of de humidification kicks at 65.5F and looks to take the Shmidt Dehuey peltier around 1-3 min to kick in, then temp goes invariably from 68F-70F, and humidity looks to be going around 66.5F-67F and drops to 63.5F in a room that's probably around 68F to 70F degrees..I think the litle guys doin a good job, fuck I will double stack this, maybe get a bigger for stores, this is a great goddamn tool, again thank you for doing what we all had in our minds watching Cannatrol