there is no truth

Please tolerate my ignorance and explain to me in simple words (I'm a simple man).

If I throw a marble ball against the floor or blow it up, it will fly randomly everywhere in small pieces and bigger pieces.
My simple mind compares the big bang theory to the above mentioned marble ball, but the difference that I can see and read about is that those small and bigger pieces (big bang) are spaced precisely and intentionally for a purpose, and looking at the earth's position in relation to the sun and the moon gives credit to an Intelligent power behind all this.

Thanks all

Please tolerate my ignorance and explain to me in simple words (I'm a simple man).

If I throw a marble ball against the floor or blow it up, it will fly randomly everywhere in small pieces and bigger pieces.
My simple mind compares the big bang theory to the above mentioned marble ball, but the difference that I can see and read about is that those small and bigger pieces (big bang) are spaced precisely and intentionally for a purpose, and looking at the earth's position in relation to the sun and the moon gives credit to an Intelligent power behind all this.

Thanks all

Argument from Ignorance. In an infinite ( mathematical definition) universe of infinite possibilities, it is not impossible or even improbable that the planet of the perfect size and mass to support life exists, in fact it is most likely that this same planet exists elsewhere in the universe.
Please tolerate my ignorance and explain to me in simple words (I'm a simple man).

If I throw a marble ball against the floor or blow it up, it will fly randomly everywhere in small pieces and bigger pieces.
My simple mind compares the big bang theory to the above mentioned marble ball, but the difference that I can see and read about is that those small and bigger pieces (big bang) are spaced precisely and intentionally for a purpose, and looking at the earth's position in relation to the sun and the moon gives credit to an Intelligent power behind all this.

Thanks all

if the original "big bang" created large particles than gravitational forces would have cause the mass to collapse.our universe is not collapsing. it is expanding and new energy in the form of dark energy (both gravitational and electromagnetic) is constantly being introduced into this universe and the amount of new energy has changed as the universe evolved guiding that evolution.the multiverse theory give every self aware being the power to create new universe simply by making a choice. does my cat create a new universe every time it chooses what toy to play with. most are too blinded by their own passions to see this subtle force acting in the universe.
Argument from Ignorance. In an infinite ( mathematical definition) universe of infinite possibilities, it is not impossible or even improbable that the planet of the perfect size and mass to support life exists, in fact it is most likely that this same planet exists elsewhere in the universe.

then how come we don't see planets colliding randomly?
if the original "big bang" created large particles than gravitational forces would have cause the mass to collapse.our universe is not collapsing. it is expanding and new energy in the form of dark energy (both gravitational and electromagnetic) is constantly being introduced into this universe and the amount of new energy has changed as the universe evolved guiding that evolution.the multiverse theory give every self aware being the power to create new universe simply by making a choice. does my cat create a new universe every time it chooses what toy to play with. most are too blinded by their own passions to see this subtle force acting in the universe.

I agree the universe is expanding, but the distances are kept the same between planets , stars and galaxies, who is or what is keeping the balance in the universe.
"Does it mean, if you don’t understand something, and the community of physicists don’t understand it, that means God did it? Is that how you want to play this game? Because if it is, here’s a list of things in the past that the physicists at the time didn’t understand and now we do understand ... If that’s how you want to invoke your evidence for God, then God is an ever-receding pocket of scientific ignorance that’s getting smaller and smaller and smaller as time moves on - so just be ready for that to happen, if that’s how you want to come at the problem." - Neil deGrasse Tyson
then how come we don't see planets colliding randomly?
Because the universe is now in a state of equilibrium, where all of the large masses have collected and separated. Imagine a game of pool on an a massive massive pool table, before the break all the balls are together but after the break it is extremely unlikely that any two balls will ever meet again. Infinite possibilities does not mean that anything is possible.
I agree the universe is expanding, but the distances are kept the same between planets , stars and galaxies, who is or what is keeping the balance in the universe.
I once thought the same way, but in the evolution of my logic founded by hard evidence and reasoning I have come to believe that the universe is more like a chemical reaction than a systematic design. The universe just is, it is what it is, try not to be a jury but a simple observer. That does not mean you can not contemplate things like the meaning of life and god or a super conscious universe, but realize that these are not true understanding but only beliefs. I prefer the truth to illusion, no matter how hard it is to swallow. I have my own beliefs about God that my mind has extreme difficulty letting go of, but I will not ignore the truth when it stares me in the face.
"Does it mean, if you don’t understand something, and the community of physicists don’t understand it, that means God did it? Is that how you want to play this game? Because if it is, here’s a list of things in the past that the physicists at the time didn’t understand and now we do understand ... If that’s how you want to invoke your evidence for God, then God is an ever-receding pocket of scientific ignorance that’s getting smaller and smaller and smaller as time moves on - so just be ready for that to happen, if that’s how you want to come at the problem." - Neil deGrasse Tyson
still you did not provide a better explanation that my simple mind can understand.
You can say all you want, play with fancy words as you please, it will never change my believe in the All Mighty Creator of the universe.
your science cannot and will never be able to do a simple task such as retrieving back what a small house fly picks from your plate.

I once thought the same way, but in the evolution of my logic founded by hard evidence and reasoning I have come to believe that the universe is more like a chemical reaction than a systematic design. The universe just is, it is what it is, try not to be a jury but a simple observer. That does not mean you can not contemplate things like the meaning of life and god or a super conscious universe, but realize that these are not true understanding but only beliefs. I prefer the truth to illusion, no matter how hard it is to swallow. I have my own beliefs about God that my mind has extreme difficulty letting go of, but I will not ignore the truth when it stares me in the face.

but who or what started that chemical reaction.
I guess we will see the truth when we are dying and there is no coming back.
but who or what started that chemical reaction.
I guess we will see the truth when we are dying and there is no coming back.
Does there actually have to be a starter, what if black holes are creating seeds for the next big bang, and so the universe is dividing infinitely for all eternity. Never created or destroyed just transforming, it just is, that we know for sure. "I am, that I am" the Torah
Does there actually have to be a starter, what if black holes are creating seeds for the next big bang, and so the universe is dividing infinitely for all eternity. Never created or destroyed just transforming, it just is, that we know for sure. "I am, that I am" the Torah

life and death, day and night, seasons of the year, every thing has a beginning and an ending, true it goes in cycles, as the universe started it should end.
My beliefs about God are not so much about the creator, although I can not deny the possibility, but more about consciousness, Awareness, the true self, us, the conscious universe. @MarWan
life and death, day and night, seasons of the year, every thing has a beginning and an ending, true it goes in cycles, as the universe started it should end.
But you have only solidified my point, it is cyclical it is eternal, by this logic death is not the end but we shall be born again.
I'm terribly sorry, currently I'm having a fight at politics that's keeping me busy, I also wanna roll some joints :) , please accept my deepest apologies for the time being.
@Heisenberg . I really would respect your opinion on my thoughts about being heis, I hold your intelligence in high regard. Did you ever see the movie 2012? There's a scene where the old monk fills a cup of tea and purposefully over fills it to the point where it is overflowing. The young pupil immediately reacts and says master master. He does not realize the unimportance of the cup overflowing. The old man replies "you are full of opinions, in order to see the light of wisdom you first must empty your cup". Later in the movie, as the waters are rushing towards his village, he takes a mallet and begins to ring a bell, also signifying the unimportance of all things, even survival, not resisting the inevitable.
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You can say all you want, play with fancy words as you please, it will never change my believe in the All Mighty Creator of the universe.

This is another way of saying that you are closed-minded. You are not willing to consider new ideas or information, in fact, you regard such things as suspicious. This is, of course, your prerogative, but it doesn't give you much credibility when you come to a conversation announce that your mind is closed. It begs the question, if you wont be listening to what others have to say, why should they listen to anything you have to say?

I really would respect your opinion on my thoughts about being heis, I hold your intelligence in high regard.

Thanks for the compliment, but I'm not sure exactly what you are asking.
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Thanks for the compliment, but I'm not sure exactly what you are asking.
If my being is ensured by the quickly fleeting thoughts inside my mind then who am I when thinking stops? How is it that when thinking stops I still remain? Yes I understand exactly what you mean by connecting with the world and becoming active participants but in the state of Zen it is much like being a plant; you don't always have to "do" sometimes you can just "be". I guess what I'm saying is are we the Thinker or are we the awareness in the background, as it were? I have the ability to realize that I am without thought, either before my thoughts or after my thoughts or in between my thoughts I still am.
This is another way of saying that you are closed-minded. You are not willing to consider new ideas or information, in fact, you regard such things as suspicious. This is, of course, your prerogative, but it doesn't give you much credibility when you come to a conversation announce that your mind is closed. It begs the question, if you wont be listening to what others have to say, why should they listen to anything you have to say?

Thanks for the compliment, but I'm not sure exactly what you are asking.

I'm sorry you feel that way, your open mind should be wide enough to tolerate the likes of me, I know I was a little aggressive in my previous reply which I apologize for, I was charged negatively due to some arguments at the politics section, and I sensed sarcasm in your reply.

I really enjoy reading your posts and I try to understand it and I do not want any negative feelings between us.
I shall retreat to my hole and only when I'm asked I will answer, in the meantime it would be enough for me to read and give likes when I see fit.

Peace all
If my being is ensured by the quickly fleeting thoughts inside my mind then who am I when thinking stops? How is it that when thinking stops I still remain? Yes I understand exactly what you mean by connecting with the world and becoming active participants but in the state of Zen it is much like being a plant; you don't always have to "do" sometimes you can just "be". I guess what I'm saying is are we the Thinker or are we the awareness in the background, as it were? I have the ability to realize that I am without thought, either before my thoughts or after my thoughts or in between my thoughts I still am.

Don't confuse "I think, therefore I am" with "I only am when I think." The answer is that you are all of it. You are the thinker, you are the awareness, and you are what occurs beneath the thinking and awareness. You've merely become capable of not having to do all those things together. It has never been evolutionary advantageous to notice the distance between those elements, so the brain doesn't bother to spend the energy on noticing, but it can if you try. It can be a profound realization, but in the end it doesn't change our identity. No doubt it can be a useful technique, but it doesn't mean we now have to redefine who we are or what it means to be.

Remember, your brain has evolved to navigate through life, not to understand it. Its energy is spent on social interactions, gathering resources, and avoiding danger. From this perspective, gaining insight into who we are isn't really useful. It doesn't help us run faster from the tiger, or better attract a mate. That's is the overall theme of how the brain works. It values usefulness over accuracy or enlightenment, and its idea of what is useful is strictly pedestrian and self-serving. I am a good person. People like me. The things I hope for are likely to become true. I deserve to feel confident. My failures aren't really my fault. All these notions, for most of human existence, have been more useful than "my sense of self is merely a collection of illusions."