Your grows looks good.
All I would consider doing at this time if it were me wouldbe maybe a FIM depending on what you're looking to do.
I wouldn't recommend this to anyone without hands-on experience with combining different technigues and a good grasp on their growing conditions and style.
There was a lot going on here that I didn't bother to put time into mentioning.
Unless there's a reason,, I wouldn't grow this way generally. This was a bit extreem,,, even for me. Also rather labor intense.
If you realize that all is not gospel that you read on the net,, you've done good.
Next step is try different things the way they suit your needs / wants.
Eventually you'll come up with something that works perfectly for you. Knowing that experimenting with early topping, FIMing, Nutes, leaf removal, cheap dirt, simple cloning is in no way absolute doom, you'll be off to a great start. Don't let others put them blinders on you. Trying things is how we get better.