The WORST high you ever experienced (any drug)

ive had a few bad expriences with exctasy. it was all in my head tho LOL
one time i took some triple stacks with good friends... had the glowsticks and shit. my friend broke them open and started flinging the liquid all over the walls and right into my eye. shit burned like a mother fucker and went all down hill from there. hahaha i thought i was goin to die, but seriously tho.
Cloud 9. It scared the fuck out of me, and I nearly thought I was going to have to go to the hospital after smoking a full joint of one. I literally thought I was about to die. DO NOT SMOKE THAT SHIT!
For me it was either the time I shot up some oxycotin with a junky friend that gave me a generous dose or the time I ate way too many mushrooms.:dunce:

Both times were living hells for 4 or 5 hrs and I did A LOT of throwing up.:spew:
Cloud 9. It scared the fuck out of me, and I nearly thought I was going to have to go to the hospital after smoking a full joint of one. I literally thought I was about to die. DO NOT SMOKE THAT SHIT!
its only been sprayed with JWH-18, thats all, why did you think you were going to die????
....yeah i understand the anxious feeling when first used but maybe learn to calm down when you are pre-paring for a time when your head needs to be clear,
Hands down worst drug experience ever was when i took a double trip of dried mushies in Amsterdam. The first 3 hours was pretty kool but as soon as i got back to the Hostel i couldn't even talk i was so twisted. Kept trying to talk to my friends but couldn't string one single sentence together. All my buddies were still having a laugh and didn't understand i was having a bad trip. One of them kept smiling the way a dog would show his teeth before biting you and laughing like a madman and freaked me out. After everybodys face turned into large Pixels i said fuck that and decided to try and sleep it off. Lol. Worst idea ever!! Remembered looking around the room and it was like being in a kids nursery cause of the bars on the top bunks and the colored bedsheets. Fortunately i only had to deal with mass hallucinations.... for about 8 hours!!
Jenkem followed by a does of black tar :-D lol no no im kidding but could you imagine whooooooooaaaaaa what a ride that would be....
I've snorted a line of percocet before and smoked salvia. That is all. I'm really not interested in any other drug, I used marijuana because it changed my life for the better, and usually I find out these drugs change peoples lives for the worse. Maybe shrooms? I've heard bad things though.. I don't wanna trip out and get naked run around the mall (true story)
my friend gave me 2 Seroqoul's 20 minutes before school one time. lets just say i could barley make it through the day i had a mild cotton mouth i was tired VERY tired i slept through half the day. So all seroqoul does is make you zombie for a day tottally not worth it..
I've snorted a line of percocet before and smoked salvia. That is all. I'm really not interested in any other drug, I used marijuana because it changed my life for the better, and usually I find out these drugs change peoples lives for the worse. Maybe shrooms? I've heard bad things though.. I don't wanna trip out and get naked run around the mall (true story)

As long as your mentally safe with yourself then I promise you, you wont get naked and run around a mall :P
Alcohol spins. Hands down the worst. Especially once you start puking. Then start feeling like the worst piece of shit in the world.

What's with all the hating on salvia? Probably stems from doing way too much. That stuff is amazing.

The high from meth is amazing too. The only problems come from when people can't handle it and go overboard. I would say I'm one of those people, but I didn't get too far into it before I stopped. I figured it was TOO good, so it's best for me to stay away.
Like i said in many other post's i get wicked pains all over when doing salvia.

Alcohol is pretty shitty, I have an iron stomach but that doesn't sway from the fact, the "high" is a downer :(
Like i said in many other post's i get wicked pains all over when doing salvia.

Alcohol is pretty shitty, I have an iron stomach but that doesn't sway from the fact, the "high" is a downer :(

Weird. When I smoke it I get mad pins and needles. Like strong static electricity all over. My body feels "sharp". That's the closest I can come to describing the sensation. "It's sharp" is exactly how I described it my first time smoking. It took me by surprise.

For the most part I really enjoy alcohol. It's just when things get a little out of hand that it starts to suck.

These type of threads are highly subjective, though. All substances aren't for all people.