The WORST high you ever experienced (any drug)

I use to take caffiene pills all the time...crazy shit actually...surprised its legal and pots not.
thats what ive heard too. meth is big around the area where im livin right now... i just cant see how people can get into that stuff

Cuz it makes you feel on top of the world. I fucked with Meth for 3 years straight. Probably the best and worst drug hands down. 9 straight days up. Don't ever try it. I was fortunate enough to quit. It wasn't for me and was going through some ruff shit in my life. It definately will mask any pain possible you have. I quit cold turkey and its now been 5 years since i touched it and I will never do it again. I loved it too much..
Weird. When I smoke it I get mad pins and needles. Like strong static electricity all over. My body feels "sharp". That's the closest I can come to describing the sensation. "It's sharp" is exactly how I described it my first time smoking. It took me by surprise.

For the most part I really enjoy alcohol. It's just when things get a little out of hand that it starts to suck.

These type of threads are highly subjective, though. All substances aren't for all people.

My first hit of salvia ever, I thought I was laying on thorns. I got up and the pain continued.
I enjoy alcohol when its not rushed upon me, last party i went to i got way to drunk :( Then i smoked a bowl out in my car and ended up vomiting.
Cuz it makes you feel on top of the world. I fucked with Meth for 3 years straight. Probably the best and worst drug hands down. 9 straight days up. Don't ever try it. I was fortunate enough to quit. It wasn't for me and was going through some ruff shit in my life. It definately will mask any pain possible you have. I quit cold turkey and its now been 5 years since i touched it and I will never do it again. I loved it too much..

I took my last dose of suboxone yesturday...first 24 hours clean..feel like a new man! Congrats brother for cold turkey...for ex's father lost everything then meth. I heard its worst than heroin (my drug) but i wouldnt know first hand...
My first hit of salvia ever, I thought I was laying on thorns. I got up and the pain continued.
I enjoy alcohol when its not rushed upon me, last party i went to i got way to drunk :( Then i smoked a bowl out in my car and ended up vomiting.

Thorns. That's a pretty good way to describe it, too. It's pretty intense, but not too painful for me.

Liquor and weed definitely don't mix for me. Mostly. There was once where it induced great euphoria, but almost every other time I just get to spinning and my stomach thinks it's the only thing that can stop the planets rotation.
I dont think i've had a worst high, I didn't care much for WET the 2nd time I experinced it....

but it wasn't terrible, and if i tried it now I may even enjoy it...
Salvia.. oh. my. god. It was over a year ago. It's still fucking with my reality. Never again. That was THE most intense realistic alternative reality I've ever experienced. Sound, color, texture, it was just as real as me typing on this laptop. It shook me to the foundation of my soul. I now know what Schizophrenia feels like. :(
Salvia.. oh. my. god. It was over a year ago. It's still fucking with my reality. Never again. That was THE most intense realistic alternative reality I've ever experienced. Sound, color, texture, it was just as real as me typing on this laptop. It shook me to the foundation of my soul. I now know what Schizophrenia feels like. :(

Yea, I joked earlier in the thread about wanting to try some of that, but it seems like it was a bit much for most people......yea, maybe I better avoid it as well... :lol:
Yea, I joked earlier in the thread about wanting to try some of that, but it seems like it was a bit much for most people......yea, maybe I better avoid it as well... :lol:

The reason my trip was so intense was due to my stupidity. I tried heating it up with a vaporizer. When that didn't work, I switched to a pipe. The salvia had already been heated and I think it made it easier for the psychoactive compounds to absorb into my system. End result? Very intense high. Plus it was the 40x strength. Very stupid. I came out of it in a fetal position between my dresser and bed. I had moved the heavy oak dresser with my head (scratch marks on my forehead) about two feet to fit between the bed and dresser.

During the trip, I heard ambulance sirens and paramedics treating me. I also heard my mom and sister crying and screaming what happened to me. I was somehow mangled up in a soil tiller:


It was running and I could feel myself and see myself spinning around. I could even feel the soil on my face when I hit the ground. The pain was intense. I could hear a paramedic or policeman ask my family what I took. They were crying and saying they didn't know.

This was when I panicked. I thought somehow I had run outside and was run over or something. It was THAT real.

Then. I snapped out it. Just like that. It was like shutting off a television. One minute you were in one reality and then you were in another. They were both just as real and just as valid in my mind. That fucked me up for weeks. It slowly faded with time but it still gives me the chills. Never again.
ate a 75 mg fetnal patch and seriously thought i was dying, it was horrible i wrecked my car 3 times trying to get home and when i made it i couldnt make it outa my driveway just layed there puking finally crawled inside and was sick for days and high as hell

you win, fentanel is nothing to mess w/ and eating a patch?damn, good thing ur still around...

shrooms give me the pukes so ill say that. Drank a bottle of jager a while ago and maybe that was the worst 2days of my life, puking up green and bile straight for 2days, worst hangover
you win, fentanel is nothing to mess w/ and eating a patch?damn, good thing ur still around...

shrooms give me the pukes so ill say that. Drank a bottle of jager a while ago and maybe that was the worst 2days of my life, puking up green and bile straight for 2days, worst hangover

yea i cut it open and squirted the clear jell out of it and ate it, didnt have much taste but holy shit was it powerful, i really thought i was going to die