The WORST high you ever experienced (any drug)

Lol, my salvia trip...

Took hit, leaned over drooling...laughing.
Stood up...stumbled. All the while my friend is saying, "can you feel it in your shoulders?" and he sounded exactly like tom green.

Second hit...I leaned back and enjoyed the ride. A world of fairies opened up, but the window closed really fast.
Then I look over and my friends back-half of his body is being controlled by hundreds on little grey like, mine workers. It was so in sync with everything he was doing, just watching him smoke his cig was like watching how the industrial revolution was created..
My dad smoked some salvia on accident. He found it in my cousins dresser when he was helping move. Imagine smoking that shit thinking it was weed... He was wigging out, and my mom called an ambulance. He thought he was having a stroke.
Cocaine!.. Sold and snorted this shit for a bit when I was younger and ten years later Im her to fuckin tell you I still cannot get the disgusting shit out of my head I saw around this drug..
and the shame the next day... Ohh the fucking shame!!!
yea cocaine is one hell of a drug.. but I have found it easier to Quit than others. I have not done it for more than a Few mo. went cold turkey no prob.. 2 times. havnt done in a couple years now. One hell of a Drug. looking back on it, its not that bad/over rated a little. but its like WHY DO IT? unless your going to get into a brawl, go Hiking thru the Amazon Forest, go deep sea diving with no gear.. I dunno what to use it for. I might get a little to KEEP ON HAND. incase i plan on doing some drastic shyt one day like digging a bunker when ww3 breaks out.
Salvia is by far the werstest followed closely by meth,don't quite see how anybody likes either one to tell ya the truth.
yea cocaine is one hell of a drug.. but I have found it easier to Quit than others. I have not done it for more than a Few mo. went cold turkey no prob.. 2 times. havnt done in a couple years now. One hell of a Drug. looking back on it, its not that bad/over rated a little. but its like WHY DO IT? unless your going to get into a brawl, go Hiking thru the Amazon Forest, go deep sea diving with no gear.. I dunno what to use it for. I might get a little to KEEP ON HAND. incase i plan on doing some drastic shyt one day like digging a bunker when ww3 breaks out.
I can listen to my wife nag hard for bout ten minutes and it exactly replicates the feeling coke gives me,way cheaper also.
Definitely not my worst time but I use to shroom with my old room mate and at the start we would giggle and talk and everything would be super sublime, but as we would settle into the heavier high and recede into our own heads she would start talking to herself. Now when I'm tripping like this I often can't tell/remember if I have said something out loud or just thought it nor remember the things I truly do say and I think the same went for her. We would sit together staring at the walls or with a movie on and now and then talk to each other but then now and again she would also just blurt out half of an unrecognizable sentence followed by silence with no recognition she had said anything at all nor the memory of ever thinking it.

Anyways, once I understood her pattern it was no big deal but the first time this happened I thought I was hallucinating her voice. I often see a bit when I'm shrooming but I couldn't ever recall hearing things that were not there at all and have to admit it started a panic in me - oh shit the schizo is kicking in.
Figured we should make a counter got a few that really stick out. Here they are, no paticular order.

Codeine- Some of you may think someone who is addicted to opiates such as myself would LOVE this stuff right? WRONG! Worst opiate ever. I took it one night after my dentist gave it to me. Tylenol 4's 60mg/300mg asprin. So I figured ya know 300mg of codeine would get me a nice euphoria right? Wrong! I got a nice body buzz for like 40 minutes then I start coming down. So I take another 150 mg...same thing...finally another 120. At this point my breathing starts becoming really really hard and I feel weird. Like Im gonna pass out. I just calm myself and work through it. So the morale of the story is codeine gives you almost no euphoria and in search of that opiate euphor you may OD!

Seroqoul - My friend gave me 2 and I drink it with a beer. On the way home im dissasociated and depressed. It was the fall. Everythings dieing...literaly, the trees, grass, leaves and more impordantley myself....I just had a terrible trip, no other way to explain it....

What's yours?

Heroin 10 years ago. Sick to my stomach the whole time. Felt like I was going to die. Puked more than I thought was physically possible. Very very bad. Never again. Opiates in general made me very very sick.
at least a wife can cook and give some p*ssy now and then.. coke just makes any crack hoe look like Angelia Jolie while you eat a half eaten in-n-out burger outta the dumpster
Ate way too many shrooms...not good

Shrooms are mysterious.
They can send you to hell our heaven :( When you have a good trip on shrooms its the most amazing experience...but when you have a bad trip on shrooms it will tear you down as a person without rebuilding the pieces.