The WORST high you ever experienced (any drug)


New Member
Figured we should make a counter got a few that really stick out. Here they are, no paticular order.

Codeine- Some of you may think someone who is addicted to opiates such as myself would LOVE this stuff right? WRONG! Worst opiate ever. I took it one night after my dentist gave it to me. Tylenol 4's 60mg/300mg asprin. So I figured ya know 300mg of codeine would get me a nice euphoria right? Wrong! I got a nice body buzz for like 40 minutes then I start coming down. So I take another 150 mg...same thing...finally another 120. At this point my breathing starts becoming really really hard and I feel weird. Like Im gonna pass out. I just calm myself and work through it. So the morale of the story is codeine gives you almost no euphoria and in search of that opiate euphor you may OD!

Seroqoul - My friend gave me 2 and I drink it with a beer. On the way home im dissasociated and depressed. It was the fall. Everythings dieing...literaly, the trees, grass, leaves and more impordantley myself....I just had a terrible trip, no other way to explain it....

What's yours?
Oxycotin: made my head feel extremely empty on the come down and my head ached, i felt sick to my stomach, and i was very weak for the next two days...i will never pop that shit again..

Spice: NEVER smoke this shit. it will give you a crazy high but it fucks your lungs up BAD and if you smoke too much, you'll feel panicked, action will feel stressed, etc. not fun at all.
Oxycotin: made my head feel extremely empty on the come down and my head ached, i felt sick to my stomach, and i was very weak for the next two days...i will never pop that shit again..

Spice: NEVER smoke this shit. it will give you a crazy high but it fucks your lungs up BAD and if you smoke too much, you'll feel panicked, action will feel stressed, etc. not fun at all.
You mean like nutmeg?...
After doing a few drugs I have came to conclusion that weed has a pretty shitty "High" (Well for me atleast)
My body has a different reaction towards THC then others, One hit of a joint and I'm flying high 2 hits I'm in a paranoid wasteland, 3 hits I'm drooling and have the urge to pass out.

Salvia comes second, The high is confusing, wacky, and unbalanced. I can't see anyone doing it recreational.
If I take a couple xanax and drink some booze it fucks me up more than I realize. I'm a pretty chill drinker, but pop a couple of those pills and it makes me unbalanced, and even black out...
Cid and Xtc mix was horrid.....good for about 2 hours then really sucked for another 18 or 20.

Also waking up from hitting the hole with Ghb or Special K is a trip. Often wake up ready to :spew:

The first time I ever had shrooms I teed a 1/4 to myself......yowsers, thought I wasn't coming down from that one. Cool but freaky.
The spice does hurt my lungs when I smoke it...I smoke prob 2 gs a month.

The high I thought was cool as fuck, but it gave me an anxiety attack once..
Shrooms.. Cause for some reason an hour after taking them I thought It would be a good idea to take a Walk.. I live on a HUGE HILL, so once you go down.. its a bitch to get up. Well long story short.. When i made it to the bottom of the hill, I asked myself... why did you just walk way down here with no Jacket.. it was 35degrees. at 3am. I stopped 6 times up the hill to rest.. I was tripping the fuck out.
Salvia comes second, The high is confusing, wacky, and unbalanced. I can't see anyone doing it recreational.

I'm going to have to agree with this.

About 0.8 grams of salvia, packed into a bowl, smoked through an iced bong.
Held breath for about 30 seconds and exhaled.

Then the world flipped upside down and I was suddenly on Sesame Street.
Derek was Oscar the Grouch.
John was Big Bird and Snuffleufagus... at the same time.
Aura was all elmo.

I couldn't hang. I stood up, but you know... World upside down... Fell over. Finally got some fresh air and after a good solid minute of tripping my face off reality came back.

One of the rare moments in my life where I lost my grip and really thought I was going to be stuck like that forever.

Coke is bad too. I hate the fucking drip so much. Rolled up in a blunt and added to shots of jager in college was also a poor decision to make.
Red crystalline opium was fantastic in a blunt though. FANTASTIC!
ate a 75 mg fetnal patch and seriously thought i was dying, it was horrible i wrecked my car 3 times trying to get home and when i made it i couldnt make it outa my driveway just layed there puking finally crawled inside and was sick for days and high as hell
I'm going to have to agree with this.

About 0.8 grams of salvia, packed into a bowl, smoked through an iced bong.
Held breath for about 30 seconds and exhaled.

Then the world flipped upside down and I was suddenly on Sesame Street.
Derek was Oscar the Grouch.
John was Big Bird and Snuffleufagus... at the same time.
Aura was all elmo.

I couldn't hang. I stood up, but you know... World upside down... Fell over. Finally got some fresh air and after a good solid minute of tripping my face off reality came back.

One of the rare moments in my life where I lost my grip and really thought I was going to be stuck like that forever.

Coke is bad too. I hate the fucking drip so much. Rolled up in a blunt and added to shots of jager in college was also a poor decision to make.
Red crystalline opium was fantastic in a blunt though. FANTASTIC!

Hmmmm, I'm tempted to try some of :lol:
salvia, aint that great IMO, yeah i hate that pulling feeling i get on my body, i been stuck too.

but fentanyl is some powerful shit, where'd you score that