The world is coming to an end


Ok bro so you saw what were the possibilities it can happen or you say its written and its gonna happen?..I dont believe there is something written for us that gonna happen but i believe there is a plan by those mf who are 'elites' that trying to control people by many kind of manipulations.And indeed it seems like there will be another world war which will start after they attack to Iran.That will be the start of it. they found petrol around us in the medditerinean and lots of companies already got it.So I say its not easy to see future like exactly whats gonna happen,but we can see the possibilities..


Well-Known Member
thats happening in 2029 or 2032, somewhere in those years anyway. that big meteorite is coming, the scientists believe it to be bigger than what made the "big bang" happen.
Believing that Scientists are accurate regarding the Big Bang is akin to believing politics is about improving life for the masses.

Life is made up of choices. Turn left instead of right and your whole world changes from that moment on. Every physical manifestation begins with Thought, The thoughts that manifest in the physical are steered by the collective unconscious. See 100 monkey syndrome and especially Clif High's web bots.

As I see it AJ, C2C, etc are attempting to wake the sheeple up. If you don't take control of your life, someone else (government) will, and you probably won't like it