The world is coming to an end


Well-Known Member
I can see the future too, and I don't know what YOU were looking at, but "The World" isn't "Ending"...


Well-Known Member

yeah tons of chaos, enjoy. o and a vaccine, a year ago, was found that "cured" 1 in 3 people of aids, one of the head lines is about a man who pledged 50 mil to aids research.
wow so optimistic about this or one would say are you that fucken arrogant! now did my tax bucks go to this now or was this already put in the budget when they called for the plans of his "must we kiss his ass" to SHOW where our money was going. yes i do feel a little bad for people who got it because of fucked curcumstances but there more to this than this virus came out of no where.


Well-Known Member

yeah tons of chaos, enjoy. o and a vaccine, a year ago, was found that "cured" 1 in 3 people of aids, one of the head lines is about a man who pledged 50 mil to aids research.
wow so optimistic about this or one would say are you that fucken arrogant! now did my tax bucks go to this now or was this already put in the budget when they called for the plans of his "must we kiss his ass" to SHOW where our money was going. yes i do feel a little bad for people who got it because of fucked curcumstances but there more to this than this virus came out of no where.
I'm arrogant???

You claim to know the world is ending based on an AIDS study...

The world is much bigger than human life, let alone human health :lol:

I can see the future, and the world will far far outlive us :)


Well-Known Member
nah, it's all fear brought on by the likes of Alex Jones, Coast to Coast AM, and all the nutjob fear-mongers out there. I also hear the the late great Jim Morrison is still alive and has a FB account. But I won't hold my breath.

Smoke em


Well-Known Member
nah, it's all fear brought on by the likes of Alex Jones, Coast to Coast AM, and all the nutjob fear-mongers out there. I also hear the the late great Jim Morrison is still alive and has a FB account. But I won't hold my breath.

Smoke em
Of course he has a Facebook account. I bet even George Washington has an account, I know Satan, and Jesus do :)


Well-Known Member
Since the world is ending, can I have all your shit? Time to empty your bank accounts, and give up all your Earthly possessions. PM me for my address, I am here to help you...


Well-Known Member
Fear sells, and it's pretty obvious that you've bought into it. Just because it's on youtube or the internet or touted by C2C AM or Alex Jones, doesn't mean it's the truth. Nutjobberysillyness.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
you guys are all wrong, because this one time. no lie im bein for REAL. i had a dream, that i was IN a dream... but all the sudden i realized i was actually IN a dream so i woke up, cept... i was still dreaming! i was in a dream, yet i knew it was a dream, but awake... so i realized that i could do ANYTHING. so closed my eyes and made everything disappear , and i said to myself... what is god? i opened my eyes and there was nothing, not white... not black...not anything, just nothing. i then asked, what am i? silence. then i asked, ok god, when is the world going to end? and it said nothing again. so i asked how the world is going to end? yet again, nothing. then i realized that existence is all just a dream. then BAM! woke up.

when i woke up, i realized... that the world will only ever end if a giant asteroid hits it and knocks it out of orbit, or when the sun burns up. weather or not humans nuke the world...itll still be here. also realized, that i have some FUCKED UP dreams. and i forever deluged myself into training my mind to lucid dream =D

cool story huh


Active Member
The world is coming to an end I have seen the future and it's pretty much over
I believe it. It wouldn't be the first time a world has come to an end. Civilizations have come and gone, this one is no different. It's just a matter of time.