Your temp is not the issue so lets concentrate on the medium. I recommend a transplant into a bigger pot. Use fresh soil with no fert or Nutes (short for nutrients) do not water right away. you want to give the roots a clean place to migrate to.
When you do water only water one side of the pot. make sure it is a measured amount of water relitive to your pot size meaning just enough water to moistin the soil mix but do not saturate the pot. Now this is the most impotant!! when watering or feeding your ph must be between 5.8 to 6.2 this will allow the plant to absorb the nutes remaining in the soil mix. Your girls could be suffering from nute lockup.
You need to cool the soil down from the salt build that has occured. You should notice expedential growth in a week. From there try to coax the root to move around the pot by watering/feeding on diffent sides each time. When weed is small it can not absorb the amount water you are giving them so the water has to evaporate completly before watering again. If you must nute them when they are more tha 300ppm of food otherwise it is toxic. The imature plant will tell you when it needs food by tuning florecent green at the top. It will tell you it needs water when the fan leaves droop and there is no weight to the soil. Look for these signs before watering or feeding. Good luck bro