Think I heard him say something about wanting to see the sun againdid i miss it or why did sub move from oregon to cali?

A few WNs back, at the SF Cup, Sub and the panel were talking about the importance of monitoring and keeping track of your environment as carefully as possible. This is key for me, since I have a small grow area (less air to buffer changes) and instead of an all in one environment controller, I use a bunch of manual tweaks--like turning the exhaust fan speed up or down, changing the set point on when the fan kicks in and out, running a dehumi in a nearby room, etc. I've found some technology that's working well for me to see my results and wanted to share it in case anyone else is looking to improve their environmental monitoring.
Here's the unit I use:
I found it a couple years ago when I was thinking of doing CO2 supplementation, but I first wanted to know what my levels were. (turns out they are already fine--I think because the grow is near some natural gas appliances) This logger goes wherever you want it (I move it between flowering chamber and my drying room), it keeps track of CO2, temp and RH at whatever intervals you want (I use ten minutes), and it spits out some pre-programmed graphs of all three parameters by USB connection to a computer, since you last read it. You can also export the data files and import them into excel to see how things are going over time.
I'll upload a couple charts to show you what I mean...the first is what I generate in Excel, the second is the built-in graph generated by the data logger. Yeah, I;m talking deep nerd....

I've found this thing to be key in showing me how little tweaks in things like exhaust fan speed affect the environment. I am always battling high humidity in the summer and low humidity in the winter. Without this unit I would really have very little idea how environmental variables are changing over time.