The Weed Nerd~

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smokey de bear

Active Member
^^^^^^ right on brother!!!! I hate how they still try to make us public enemy #1.
I hear ya theres the three main P's for me that I cant stand that's polititians, politics and pharmaceuticals. The companies and their products, it's all about the money if one patient can put a seed into the ground and come up with a way to by-pass buying all those damn pills then they are not winning, so they make sure the right politicians are winning so that they can keep winning our lives. Just BS, tired of it....


Active Member
Its up to us, the lazy stoners of the world to make a difference. the next step toward change begins with email, phone call, and letter bombardment to any and all members of the political scene until they are so tired of answering their various devices that they change their number/email.... in which case we start again.

the only activity we should fear is inactivity. if you believe in this plant, you must believe in yourself enough to act.



Well-Known Member
For all you nerds everywhere but here in America sowamazing seeds has space dawg avaliable. Here's a cool Lil video from sowamazing and sub.
I wish I would have known that three weeks ago. I have three Attitude orders in the mail still. (Cheese Quake, Plush Berry, Jilly Bean, Agent Orange, and Dairy Queen.) I am pretty sick of Attitude, they flat out ripped me off on their free seeds on several orders. Laura tried that make another order and I'll throw them in no problem. I've made about ten, I don't think I am getting my free beans, their free beans are usually junk anyway. I am not in the market for hundreds of bad genetics, I can use smaller companies that only carry top notch gear like TGA. Thanks for the info. I love the thought of keeping my cash in North America too. Hopefully before too long we will be able to send our cash right to Oregon!


Active Member
Ok i'm going to try and put together a step by step tutorial on how to log into Mirc for windsows, to get to the weed nerd room. Here Goes....

Step 1. Download and install Mirc, just google it and you'll find the download for it. After its installed, open it up. You should get this pop up first View attachment 2028163 just click continue

Step 2. The next pop up you should get is this View attachment 2028168 Make a nickname and choose an alternate in case your first choice is taken already. Then on the left hand side, expand connect if it isn't already done, choose servers.

Step 3. View attachment 2028166 In the centre box, scroll down and search for the folder "Undernet" once you find it, click on it so it opens up. Then click on a server, i chose "random US server". Once its highlighted, click select on the right hand side. That will take you back to this View attachment 2028168 just hit connect which will take you to this screen. View attachment 2028196 It might take a few minutes to connect, so you might see a few "server timed out", "trying to reconnect" just wait it out, it'll connect eventually. Also it might,(this had happend to me twice but none after that) say something to the effect of "type //host pass 1234" just type whatever it tells you to hit enter and you'll connect.

Step 4. Once it connects you'll get a pop up like this View attachment 2028203 . At the top where it says enter a channel name type in theweednerd like this View attachment 2028206 and then press join.

Viola your in and chatting now View attachment 2028207. Make sure you introduce yourself to everyone that there. Enjoy!!!

Here you go..............
Hey Costal, fuck you. Spreading lies, censoring the weed nerd, only allowing discussion that "you like" fuck you.


Bullshit. You are telling people to only talk about what you want them to.

Just for the record, MDMA is an amphetamine, not methamphetamine.

Which, to be clear, is NOT plain methamphetamine, is not synthesized from methamphetamine and has some significantly different effects, not just in terms of the high, but also in how the body processes it and the general lack of physical addiction therefrom.


Active Member
this is not the place for an arguement.

a person asked about MDMA, i pointed out that it was a molecule away from meth, not that it was meth. and also pointed out that weed nerd isnt the place for such topics.

i have yet to see a 'food drug' or a strain of weed that depletes your bodies seratonin or dopamine.

i do not censor the channel, only steer it in a positive direction, sure im not perfect but who the hell is?

i do NOT only have people talk about what i want them to but i will make PERFECTLY CLEAR Weed Nerd is a place for WEED and WEED TOPICS. not any drug u decide to discuss

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