The Weed Nerd~

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I am all for positive living, but many many patients are getting fucked, not by the government (well yes, but different topic) but by some grow shops, seed banks, breeders, etc. etc. We need a list of assholes to avoid. Everything medical marijuana related is 2x, 3x the price to begin with.
Sub many of us get it, and truly appreciate the care and effort you put into treating people and patients fairly. It isn't too much to ask that others do the same. Expose these assholes.
Hi subcool I am new to your strains a friend recently starting growing them and we are enjoying your jack the ripper , jillybean , and my fav so far plush berry it really helps with chronic back pain . My question is have you ever thought about autoflowers . The reason being is I have very limited space to grow and don't have enough room for a separate veg and flower area so I run autoflowers to stay perpetual and keep my meds stocked . The newer more hybridized strains are getting really good with the better genetics being introduced with the ruderalis genes I have had some really good smoke very comparable to some of the best photoperiods . But I would absolutely love to see a TGA auto . Thanks
Sub is getting a shirt that says "Feminized seeds are for pussies!" That would mean "Autoflower seeds are for ....." (Insert joke here)
I am trying to say you are definitely barking up the wrong tree. lol.
It's not like im not gonna do the work and figure this out. I love getting info from Sub but im sure if i asked enough weed nerds ill get to the bottom of it. The internet is great for this ;) weed nerd out
Yea from what I gather the ruderalis is closer to the hemp species than that of dank. It would do nothing to the beautiful dank but water it down and bring in herm prone genetics. Idk but I HIGHLY doubt autos will ever come from tga.
[h=1]Dank: [/h]The Quest for the Very Best Marijuana: A Breeder's Tale

Based on the author's 20 years of passionate selection and experience, Dank: The Quest for the Very Best Marijuana is the story of one breeder's quest for pot perfection. Author Subcool, both a talented photographer and a well-known breeding whiz, describes each step of his journey toward ganja heaven: raising each strain, mixing and matching traits, and ultimately choosing the offspring that will advance to become the newest pinnacle in pot — the newest dank.

DANK 2.0: continues Sub's genetic odyssey and search for the perfect plant. The addition of 6 new varieties brings the number of strains covered up to forty. Complete descriptions provide the lowdown of each unique strain: its aroma, taste, high, how it grows and what it looks like. Subcool's enthusiasm for the cannabis plant overflows the pages.

in the search for perfection of dank, autoflowers need not apply lol

i dont see any TGA autos being released any time soon

still looking for supersoil web anwser, does the web ever die off after a period of time, and if not and the web dies does that means its not viable for use or it needs to be re inoculated
LT, I'm not familiar with super soil myco web yet ;)!

But as for mycorrhizal fungi in general it is a symbiotic relationship between the myco (fungi) and the host (soil and amendments)! "IT'S ALIVE"!!! Yes, There is a point where the web will not be viable but that wouldn't be for a very long time as long as your SS is stored and cared for properly (correct temp and moisture) ect..

It's like taking care of a low maintenance plant "you must care for it and burp it or wet it down a little bit every now and then other than that you won't really see it (kinda like roots without a flower). Hope this helps answer your question. Like I said not familiar with SS but that's how the myco part of it works. I think at the point you can see it may be the point that the web is most active. In other words "Too Hot"!
Does anyone know if there is much difference in vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol? If I were to use propylene glycol in a tincure instead of the vegetable glycerin would that be ok?
still looking for supersoil web anwser, does the web ever die off after a period of time, and if not and the web dies does that means its not viable for use or it needs to be re inoculated

the web or 'mold' you see is the myco reaching out to spread. although it is extremely diff, think about it like roots. if the roots are reaching out and there is no source of food there, they will die off, its the same with the myco. if you dig into the soil u will see a web inside, where it has a place to feed. as long as there are organic nutrients in the soil, its being cared for, and there is an original source of myco, there will continue to be myco, often even if you cannot see the colony.

search 'how fungus grows' or 'myco system' or 'how myco interacts with soil' or 'what is myco' or 'how to care for myco' etc etc the info is out there in googleville

Both are food grade. And I have found directions to make either way. What is the difference?

its alcohol. and the body does not like it.

what exactly is Propylene Glycol and is it good for us? “When listed in food products, it is is a form of mineral oil, an alcohol produced by fermentation of yeast and carbohydrates. This gives it the designation of carbohydrate when used in foods. It is commonly used as a solvent in oral, topical and injectable drug products as well as in foods.” This doesn’t sound good to me, so it is safe? “The FDA includes Pharmaceutical grade PG on its Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) list. The World Health Organization also considers it as safe for use.” This safety rating has been debated over as the concentration of Propylene Glycol varies from product to product. It seems that formulations of Propylene Glycol that are less than 50% concentrate are safe for use, however it was also found that Propylene Glycol provoked allergic reactions in patients with eczema and other skin allergies, even in formulations of much less than 50%.In order to be on the safe side, my recommendation would be to avoid products containing Propylene Glycol as there has been documented toxic effects after repeated small doses of propylene glycol were ingested or repeatedly applied to the skin. In Europe where authorities are more cautious about what is allowed in foods and cosmetics, it is limited to non-food uses.


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