The Weed Nerd~

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well thats the opposite of what our community needed.
maybe im paranoid, but I view Denver in the same light as Boston and Texas- they all are at least possibly false flag attacks. Its been awhile since there have been events to keep the public in check.....
regardless, this reflects poorly on the community (even though it really does not have anything to do with MJ)
well thats the opposite of what our community needed.
maybe im paranoid, but I view Denver in the same light as Boston and Texas- they all are at least possibly false flag attacks. Its been awhile since there have been events to keep the public in check.....
regardless, this reflects poorly on the community (even though it really does not have anything to do with MJ)

Or maybe its a large group of stoners some greasy and some not. I know when I went to Hash Bash or even one of the Michigan Medical Marijuana rallies in front front of the capitol here I saw a few hard asses that were packing acting all gangster grills and shit. There is a chunk of our community that pull guns when in confrontations. They are the stoners we don't see cause a lot of us don't associate ourselves with them because people know they are greasy and bad news. Our community isnt innocent of stupid gun crimes. Every group has its stupid people.
Just say no to BHO. Can't believe how common and excepted BHO is now at cups. Subs right, all BHO is made with butane and propane. It might be safe, it might not. It's so easy to make great hash with just Bubblemans box screen set and a freezer. Also proper vaping is a good way to concentrate flowers without propane. I think the key is to have a strain so concentrated with terpenes that you don't even want to blast it.
well thats the opposite of what our community needed.
maybe im paranoid, but I view Denver in the same light as Boston and Texas- they all are at least possibly false flag attacks. Its been awhile since there have been events to keep the public in check.....
regardless, this reflects poorly on the community (even though it really does not have anything to do with MJ)

You aren't suggesting the media is run by the CIA and are lying to us are you? Governments never lie to promote an agenda. Ever.
Or maybe its a large group of stoners some greasy and some not. I know when I went to Hash Bash or even one of the Michigan Medical Marijuana rallies in front front of the capitol here I saw a few hard asses that were packing acting all gangster grills and shit. There is a chunk of our community that pull guns when in confrontations. They are the stoners we don't see cause a lot of us don't associate ourselves with them because people know they are greasy and bad news. Our community isnt innocent of stupid gun crimes. Every group has its stupid people.

Yup, unfortunately it's only going to take so many stupid people before the nonsmoking public changes their mind about it... and I wouldn't say those people are part of our community... they are part of a community that happens to smoke weed. I wouldn't describe people who carry guns and fire'm in public like that as part of OUR community. Glad it was at the park rally and not the cup, although I don't think most people will make that distinction.
That's really terrible that such a monumental event, which was upheld as destined to be historic is now soiled. Barely making it to 5pm Saturday Sunday canceled. How are we going to know who bought; I mean won?
Are the park rally and the cup the same thing though? I thought the cup was a separate event??

That is incredibly lame that they cancelled the rest of the events. It's like letting the terrorists win :)
The Denver cup was SOOOOOO crowded. You could hardly walk it was so bad. When leaving the terribly crowded event, the line to get in still stretched for multiple blocks. I was bummed that I didn't get to see Sub since my card expired last month and he was in the "medical" section (which I'm sure was less crowded and much more fun). I guess i'll just have to fly out to the west coast to see Sub and the TGA crew :) Hope you nerds had a good 420!
Just say no to BHO. Can't believe how common and excepted BHO is now at cups. Subs right, all BHO is made with butane and propane. It might be safe, it might not. It's so easy to make great hash with just Bubblemans box screen set and a freezer. Also proper vaping is a good way to concentrate flowers without propane. I think the key is to have a strain so concentrated with terpenes that you don't even want to blast it.

Lol dude. There was a time when bongs first came out that they carried the stigma that of a crack pipe. Sorry, but properly made shatter is cleaner than most flowers out there. It's here to stay. You will re read this post in 5 years while holding your dab rig and really feel like a bitch.... just wait

The cup was absolutely stupid. I would much rather have been on my couch blazing than being nuts to buts with a bunch of juggalos and crack heads. The key was to just walk up to the front of the line and mosey on in. I didnt even have my ticket scanned. There was absolutely no enforcement or control going on. I got in at 1pm and when i left around 4, the line was even longer than when i got there. IT took about 20 minutes to walk 20 feet... no water... such a joke... and to think of all the people who got to pay upwards of $200 per ticket... LOL
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