The Weed Nerd~

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Well-Known Member
Montana is sitting pretty compared to Hawaii. No dispensaries here, 3 plant count 1 oz per plant. Wtf?! New Jersey just got dispensaries, meanwhile we've been here for years chilling in the grey area.


Well-Known Member
The revenue for HT is roughly 1.4 million dollars for an event like this and they don't spend a ton on the venue as you can kinda tell.
When you promote an event for 6 months and thousands of dollars are spent designing ads and Co-Promoting the event and you do all of this without actually having a permitted 215 area
you can't not see how bad a fuck up this is?
This is a medical event and people have conditions and they make travel arrangements based on the info given.
Its Saturday before the event I'm 12k invested and I dont know where my booth is?

Not of this effects what were planning, hell me and Dioxide will stand in an empty parking lot and do bong hits with anyone that comes and sees us simple.
We are and have always done this for everyone that supports us. Ask anyone thats ever spent 5 min at a TGA booth what it was like and usually you get a story about the highest a persons ever been.

Logistically as a business this is a nightmare thats all soon as we start talking about weed face to face and sharing some white Hash all that shit don't matter and we will have a blast!

I never said it wasn't a bad fuck up. I said that unless you are a vendor such as yourself, or you have hotel reservations you can't change or something like that, then I don't see what most people are bitching about. YOU have valid complaints. And as someone in the industry, you see more that's involved. But I am not in the industry. So I don't know how much the promoters make, or how much it costs or the logistics involved in running an event like this. I don't have valid complaints about them moving the venue. I can say that it seems rather short sighted on their part, and like they rushed things in the name of money. But when it comes down to it, it's not really my business.

Hey man, I never said that you don't have a valid complaint, and I'm not trying to harp on anything. Much like you, I'll smoke bowls with anyone all day long because I love it. And like I said in my previous post, I wish good luck on you and others that are affected.


William Wonder

Well-Known Member
Well, it's pretty clear some assholes in LA came out of the wood work and made an issue of school proximity which gets the feds involved. On a brighter note, let it be known that there's breeders out there that can tale TGA to the next level and that's one level over the top. I'll be posting some pice s of Apollo 13 bx done wonder style soon. She likes me damn it....she really, really likes me.


Well-Known Member
LOVE TGA genetics. running multiple breeders strains right now and TGA's stuff is doing WAY better than the rest. very impressive. might JUST run TGA genetics for now on ;)


Well-Known Member
OK - I am all signed up. My wife will get to meet Jill in person! And I will get to visit the TGA booth! Should I bring some Malawi and Bubble-Gum Mulange?


Well-Known Member
nah prolly just got his caregiver license in the mail.
Not good news for caregivers pretty sure the ruling said they could not be compensated at all even for expenses -- what the fuck kind of bullshit is that? What other medicine in the world do they legally require you give it away for free and can't make your money back, much less a profit. How about we pass a law that pharmaceutical companies aren't allowed to make a profit. What a bunch of BS - not only that, fucking unamerican BS -- the profit motive is our god given right and the basis of capitalism :)

Well, it's pretty clear some assholes in LA came out of the wood work and made an issue of school proximity which gets the feds involved. On a brighter note, let it be known that there's breeders out there that can tale TGA to the next level and that's one level over the top. I'll be posting some pice s of Apollo 13 bx done wonder style soon. She likes me damn it....she really, really likes me.
Don't get excited... Apollo is a slut. She puts out for all the guys!

I'm pretty sure no school was built since they reserved that spot... IE, someone should've made sure it wasn't near a school where that would be an issue before they reserved and promoted the location to the public. That's like booking a concert at a location with a strong sound ordinance. Have a feeling this is one of those times where someone got too stoned and didn't follow through like they should've... stop being stereotypes people at HT!!!


Well-Known Member
Congrats to ThatGuy for claiming the "Cola of the Month" with his beautiful Qrazytrain in the April 2013 High Times....way to go brother!...............:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I remember reading that HT article about Danny Boy and his passing. I was very uplifted to wake this morning and see this video w/ Tool jammin in the backround. I'm happy his memory lives on thru this video. This bong rip is for him and all the others gone and passed. R.I.P. *crunch*
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