The Weed Nerd~

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William Wonder

Well-Known Member
Hey nerds, another way to make concentrates in a safe, natural way is 190 proof Everclear. Pack mason jars full of bud and pour in the the Alcohol and top off and then seal with the lid. Set it in the frig or freezer for 1-2 months and then simply strain and evaporate. The colder you do this process the more golden oil you'll get. Everclear is food grade and a solvent. With this kind of oil a little dab will do yuh. It's total natural dabbin' oil. No butane used at all.


Well-Known Member
Needed a new outdoor cabinet for my nutes and when I shopped for them they were all cheaply made and very expensive to buy.

Solution! Old fridge :)

Works great! Helps me do this:


William Wonder

Well-Known Member
^OK, I see the "issue" with the yellowing leaves and all. It is not an issue. That plant is very healthy but has actually outgrown the can by a tad is all. Not going to hurt a thing at this stage really.

William Wonder

Well-Known Member
Wow, something happened this year outdoors that's never happened before. Due to the freakish drought the last month, I actually harvested my bud half dried on the stick! The stem was like wood, all the fan leaves had dried up and dropped off. Even the smaller leaves around the colas had dried and curled. In fact the only thing with any moisture left were the buds. It was like the elves trimmed my plants and gave them a 2 day drying hard start. Wow, it was so easy. Pick em and forget em and just make hash. Yield was not good at all but I'll take anything I get. It was enough.


Well-Known Member
Just got my latest order from and wanted to give them a shout out! Sent my order Fri the 28th and it's here already in 1.5 weeks!! If you haven't already ordered from hempdepot, be aware they are almost out of the TGA freebies. I got mine in this order -- 2 packs of TimeWreck (20 seeds), 1 TGA freebie - Chernobyl (5 seeds) - 25 seeds for $155 and here in 1.5 weeks. Am I placing another order tomorrow? Yes I am :)


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind the nutrient companies always prefer you use more that dosn't mean its better.

hay sub thought you said mollases makes your bud burn hot and real thick think u said u dont like it? mabe it was kush u didnt like ? and what the hell is a ogers in jail? OR DEAD


Well-Known Member
Hey Sub and fellow Weed Nerds,

My MozPoz males are blooming and dropping dust! I have them sealed up and I have collection trays underneath them:


1. What is the best way to selectively apply the pollen to the flowers?

2. Which flowers are best to pollinate?


William Wonder

Well-Known Member
1. The best way is if you can apply the pollen without touching either the hairs or the pollen. I've applied with my finger very lightly thousands of times with no problems however.

2. The flowers on the best plant. Flowers that are getting good light near the top and don't over do it. Heavy seeding really shocks a plant.


Well-Known Member
Hey Sub and fellow Weed Nerds,

My MozPoz males are blooming and dropping dust! I have them sealed up and I have collection trays underneath them:


1. What is the best way to selectively apply the pollen to the flowers?

2. Which flowers are best to pollinate?

bongsmilieWhat up Nerds.......Just a thought, I could be wrong, but I don't think you want your pollen in such a highly humid zone like you have. That stuff is pretty fragile when it comes to moisture and rotting in storage if you are containing your pollen for later. Like I said, I could be totally wrong. Peace :weed:


Well-Known Member
I agree with smiceis about the humidity, unless you are doing a massive seed run you can just grab the pollen sacks pre-bursting and pop them above the flowers you wish to pollinate. I would take my female out of the room into a bathroom, cut a whole in a garbage bag and bring the bud you want to pollinate through. After bursting the sack above her, wait about an hour then thoroughly mist the whole room with water. Also, before you leave the room make sure to mist yourself thoroughly, I use water to neutralize the pollen, and it works pretty well. I only had 5 rogue seeds from contamination besides the 200 I got from the branches I purposefully pollinated.

I know the pollen sacks are about to burst when the ends start to peel back a little bit like someone who has started opening a banana. It's best to grab them with a sandwich baggie in case some pollen decides to spill, or the sack pops. In my opinion you should pollinate flowers that have large leaves supporting them, preferably not the mains as they don't like to mature that quickly, usually I would go with one of the nicer looking second shelf buds that have large fan leaves. Good luck with your seeds!


Active Member
where was sub in the 90s then, and what work of his were you a fan of?

he never answered my question...

nice fridge! havent seen the girl in a while but she is doing damn nicely, bout to get freakin heavyyy.. oh wait it already is!



Well-Known Member
I was growing pot off the grid for almost a decade :)
Then came Overgrow.

I also spent a good bit of time locked up for growing pot as well.



Active Member
between tga genetics im definitly targeting next an nugs mainlining ,which is newbie friendly with all his detailing an steps. an the news of being able to make ur own super spoil. its no wonder your always kept busy with producing more an more seeds for your buyers subcool.

Also sub how your attempts at mainlining been going? any pictures of your attempts? as the more i see about mainlining on top of nugs topic i alreayd subbed to im always eager to see others who are just starting to try it out.

anyone know any banks with are handing out free cash so i can go on a tga spending spree? lol


Well-Known Member
Smokin' up right now in memory of OverGrow... it's where I got my start in growing and organics. Lot of good times there. Also gotta throw a shout out to CannabisWorld too! OverGrow was the forums here on steroids :)
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