You both make valid points.
Personal safety is important to everyone here. And its a concern we all share.
Yes it is easy easy for the government to obtain our IP's. They dont need permission either. And if you think China is bad, you aint seen nothing yet. With the war on drugs and its link to terrorism and the patriot act.... Fuck
And Rollitup does use an IP program, which saves ip addresses for years. Its used to stop trolls and banned members from coming back.
And Growtech makes valid points himself. Nobody has been busted because of their posting here. The server (I think is in Canada. Ive asked mods before where the server was but was ridiculed instead of an answered

And even if people do get busted Im not worried about it at all. There are many, bigger fish to fry than me. My grow is small and personal, Im not worried about the government tracking me over the hundreds of other people growing much much more weed than me.
I think its important to remain as annonymous as possible. Dont post pictures of your house, your myspace page or anything that can lead to you being tracked by a post. RollItUp will not give up your IP willingly.
And if you are really worried about it just dont post, or get an ip anonomizer, or surf from local coffee shops.
Good luck friends - bigtomatofarmer