The UK Growers Thread!

easy not saying that.....don't see how I can be growing her wrong......your a kind of expert and had the same I sed earlier I thort it was nat and cos u had same probs I don't look so much of a cunt......its psy...I aint 2 fuked how it grows....fuk the leafs long as buds ok.....ay it lolol.......

that curling you see on hydros pics looks just overwatering to me? but that new leaf curling like your showing and what i have seen not only on the exo,pyscho and a recent batch of blueberry is something different but i do not fink its too be worried about i could show you pics of plants completed that have really done good that had that same fucked up growth in veg?

all my point is mate is it sumfing we have done dont kids your self bout that or that im some kind of expert lol yeah i grew them alot more than many but i prob fucked up alot more than many too, but that curling shit is not a strain trait ive only seen it a few times and always in coco???
that curling you see on hydros pics looks just overwatering to me? but that new leaf curling like your showing and what i have seen not only on the exo,pyscho and a recent batch of blueberry is something different but i do not fink its too be worried about i could show you pics of plants completed that have really done good that had that same fucked up growth in veg?

all my point is mate is it sumfing we have done dont kids your self bout that or that im some kind of expert lol yeah i grew them alot more than many but i prob fucked up alot more than many too, but that curling shit is not a strain trait ive only seen it a few times and always in coco???

Not much I can do with over watering in a bubble pot.......unless I'm goina keep emptyin it and filling it again which would be waayyyyy too much work
Not much I can do with over watering in a bubble pot.......unless I'm goina keep emptyin it and filling it again which would be waayyyyy too much work

Coco in a bubble pot? Overwatering is now my most likely thought. Root probs will surely follow if they haven't already started. Root problems can lead to deficiencies. Round and round you go. Try letting them dry out for a week. You might find they look at lot better for it.
that curling you see on hydros pics looks just overwatering to me? but that new leaf curling like your showing and what i have seen not only on the exo,pyscho and a recent batch of blueberry is something different but i do not fink its too be worried about i could show you pics of plants completed that have really done good that had that same fucked up growth in veg?

all my point is mate is it sumfing we have done dont kids your self bout that or that im some kind of expert lol yeah i grew them alot more than many but i prob fucked up alot more than many too, but that curling shit is not a strain trait ive only seen it a few times and always in coco???

Always in coco you say? Cloggy damp stuff that coco sometimes.
Coco in a bubble pot? Overwatering is now my most likely thought. Root probs will surely follow if they haven't already started. Root problems can lead to deficiencies. Round and round you go. Try letting them dry out for a week. You might find they look at lot better for it.

Pebbles, not coco and the roots look good to me when I looked earlier
If your water is sufficient fly oxygenated then its pretty damnedimpossjble to overwater in hydro

You think so? Can you back that up with a little science? Very un-scientifically, and in very simple terms.....unless it's an aquatic plant, the roots need damp not wet and over exposure to water will cause significant growth problems.
If your water is sufficient fly oxygenated then its pretty damnedimpossjble to overwater in hydro

if u know the bubble pot on the end of the pipe that hangs outta the pot there a wee cap and a sponge filter, if I take that off it gets more air, I tried it and there's a big difference in the amount of bubbles in the pot so I might just take that off tomoro...fuck the filter
More bubbles the better. Roots need oxygen. If you have sufficient DO then it is not possible to overwatwr. I can't recall, but the term bubble pot clearly means DWC right?
Yeah, with DWC it is impossible to overwater. EAsiest growing system i ever tried.

If anyone wants a really good laugh at stupid american cannabis advocates, get on youtube and watch American Weed. It's not a bad watch, and 8 episodes all 45 mins long, so plenty to watch, but good god these people are as thick as they come. I honestly think it was produced specifically to discredit medical cannabis.

One scene has a huge ass grower family in the mountains with behemoth greenhouses, and they suddenly find that at flowering time, they only actually have 1 plant of their top seller, and they don't understand how they don't have 20 of them, instead 1. The episode i'm watching right now, miss high times 2010 is bitching about big companies taking over saying that it can lead to nothing but higher prices :D Basically she is trying to argue that supermarkets are more expensive than you local deli. Fucking hilarious. they're using some waster girl who can't even manage her time as a judge for one of their cup things, she doesn't want to spend multiple days smoking and judging strains so she deided to smoke every single one non stop in one day so that she can jut get back to her normal life. Funny as fuck. I say it's been produced this way, but that's only a half truth, we all know how retarded the majority of amiercan stoners seem to be :D Another episode has a grower crying to the police, cutting down all his plants because he claimed ignorance to the fact that he is not allowed to grow outdoor plants in sight of the public, claiming he never knew, people told him otherwise, yet has the law posted on his front door saying exactly that. Fuck me i'm not stoned in any way, and i'm crying wit laughter. Do americans realise they are the joke of the world? :D
Not much I can do with over watering in a bubble pot.......unless I'm goina keep emptyin it and filling it again which would be waayyyyy too much work

could be something else hydro, just ive seen that slight claw after a heavy watering many times is the reason i said over watered.

Always in coco you say? Cloggy damp stuff that coco sometimes.

was in coco the times ive seen it on exo and pyscho but thinking about it now i also had it on the first batch of some blueberry clones i grew a while ago that where in soil, i have not a clue what it is or how its caused but i do no its not just how the strains grow
the leaves on my 30+ headed psycho bush are blade like flat and pointing upwards at 3 weeks flower, all the leaves all perfect in colour shape and formation.......don't blame the plant is my guess
could be something else hydro, just ive seen that slight claw after a heavy watering many times is the reason i said over watered.

was in coco the times ive seen it on exo and pyscho but thinking about it now i also had it on the first batch of some blueberry clones i grew a while ago that where in soil, i have not a clue what it is or how its caused but i do no its not just how the strains grow

id still still be inclined to say it's overwatering and that that is also probably causing secondary problems. You say you've seen it in soil too, and like coco, soil can stay too wet. People can tend to be a bit heavy with the watering/feeding, thinking they are giving their plants lots of goodness while in fact they are actually suffocating the roots by drowning them. Damp, only just damp and your roots will thrive. What you get above ground is a direct reflection of what you've got below ground. Problem roots, problem growth.
My physco ia fine too.. in coco no perlite and on rhiz and canna base

U lot cant grow shit so give ip lmao

Over wTering isemt possible in coco and dwc.well roots are in water so how the fuk.u overwatwr wiyh that I dunno...

I say dodgy fairy!!!

just weighed my crop, just over 10 and half ounces. Not the greatest but once veg tent is running aswell thatll be 2 crops in 3months which if i get the same will be 21oz and i think i can probably get more next time. Still know thats not great but if i veg for a month then wait 8 weeks knowing my luck ill still only be hitting that 10.5 or something similar so its basically giving me double. Bud smells dank aswell.
id still still be inclined to say it's overwatering and that that is also probably causing secondary problems. You say you've seen it in soil too, and like coco, soil can stay too wet. People can tend to be a bit heavy with the watering/feeding, thinking they are giving their plants lots of goodness while in fact they are actually suffocating the roots by drowning them. Damp, only just damp and your roots will thrive. What you get above ground is a direct reflection of what you've got below ground. Problem roots, problem growth.

and who are you to give out generic advice to people from google.......?
and who are you to give out generic advice to people from google.......?

I beg your pardon? Why is everyone so aggressive and rude on here? I am merely offering my opinion on an open forum. If you can find on google what I said previously, then I'd love to see it, cos it just came straight off the top of my head. My words, my opinions. What the hell is wrong with you lot??