The UK Growers Thread!

Then it sounds like your electrical circuit might shut the whole thing down for you. What would you prefer, closing your grow down so as to make your house suitable for the grow, or risk losing your house due to a fire. so you can either lose a crop so you can get safe, or you can continue running a risk and potentially lose everything including your freedom because you were too much of a cheap skate to use common sense.

You need to take a second and try acting smart.

You are too scared to get a real leccy in because he'll work out what is what, yet you think it safer to advertise on a pot forum for a llecy you know nothing about, basically sending out an invite for a cop to say hey, i'll help.

I bet you wouldn't be saying you can't shut down because it's perpetual if you learnt the police were investigating your house.

Let me guess, you're the nobody employed to be the fall guy? You cerrrtainly seem smart enough to have accepted a job like that.

cheers for your help buddy, very useful. If u can't help, why bother posting? Just to inflate your own ego by putting someone else down? It's such a pleasure meeting today's liberal free thinkers.


Active Member
cheers for your help buddy, very useful. If u can't help, why bother posting? Just to inflate your own ego by putting someone else down? It's such a pleasure meeting today's liberal free thinkers.
no mate tt is one of those safer than sory and he has got a point, what if the shit overpowered and burnet down?

anwyays, yeh u need a new fusebox OR cant u just put some better wire in coz ther the wire types? or ur gunna have to lower the ligt count
Any good? It's fantastic. Man, you're a natural born electrician! Grab a screwdriver and get out, what could go wrong?

I'm still amazed that you are prioritizing your crop over your health, posessions, and freedom. crazy ass fool.

eh???? That's the unit that was in the house when I bought it? You seem to be another useful ego inflator. How's the view up there on your horse buddy? You ought to try comming down off it sometimes and joking the rest of us poor lesser beings than yourself.


Well-Known Member
well what ive noticed growing this the leafs don't just like open up they curl them selfs out........

but i did have sum of tht with samll lower leaves after reveg, gotta go water my shit now, 5th dose of ripen by my mathm roughly lol


Active Member
evening all, well i finally brought myself to chop and dispose of the males 2day and now the tent is a very sorry looking sight, thankfully not for long as got some big bang & purple paralysis s££ds coming this week so will be starting them the day they arrive.
right now im sitting smoking a nice fat blue cheese joint thats fucking tasty, gonna have another bong and J then bed for college 2morro i thinks
no mate tt is one of those safer than sory and he has got a point, what if the shit overpowered and burnet down?

anwyays, yeh u need a new fusebox OR cant u just put some better wire in coz ther the wire types? or ur gunna have to lower the ligt count

its got nothing to do with light count or burning anything down. I happened to notice the consumer unit is rated to 60 amp max load and it's got 85 amps worth of fuses in it. Why?? I dunno. I bought the house 10 years ago and it was like that then. It's not been a problem, but I want it changing for a more modern one that is rated at the more standard 100 amps nowadays. That's all, nothing sinister, no burning plugs, no robbing leccy. And I can't believe someone else on here commented saying it was probably robbed leccy. What? You insulting arse!! How dare you accuse me of being a thief, you don't even know me. Judgemental oxygen thief!! That's what you are.


Active Member
its got nothing to do with light count or burning anything down. I happened to notice the consumer unit is rated to 60 amp max load and it's got 85 amps worth of fuses in it. Why?? I dunno. I bought the house 10 years ago and it was like that then. It's not been a problem, but I want it changing for a more modern one that is rated at the more standard 100 amps nowadays. That's all, nothing sinister, no burning plugs, no robbing leccy. And I can't believe someone else on here commented saying it was probably robbed leccy. What? You insulting arse!! How dare you accuse me of being a thief, you don't even know me. Judgemental oxygen thief!! That's what you are.
hahaha and who exactly are u? do u know where uve stumbled into u ill informed degenerate, start being a bit politer to respected members o the thread and u might get the help u need, keep going on like u are and i guarantee u wont be in here more than a week b4 u fuck off with ur head between ur legs
hahaha and who exactly are u? do u know where uve stumbled into u ill informed degenerate, start being a bit politer to respected members o the thread and u might get the help u need, keep going on like u are and i guarantee u wont be in here more than a week b4 u fuck off with ur head between ur legs

Oh my god! Let's all bow down to the almighty one! Great use of the English language too, your mum must be so proud of you.


Well-Known Member
nice and bushy to keep trimming my exo n psy as aint using till end of dec........growing them slow under a 300 cfl


Well-Known Member
nice and bushy to keep trimming my exo n psy as aint using till end of dec........growing them slow under a 300 cfl
mines just ther to keep it goin lol, that won't be goin into flower in there for 3-4 weeks, just got it to get clones for the next grow