The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Is there any tricks to seed up the flowering process ? ive decided one of my plants isnt going to produce much and id be better off removing it and gaining more light to the others. But i dont want to simply bin it , it is and im guessing half way through its flowering. Knowing i want it out ive started giving it just water but is there gonna be any point in taking it down early?

Also roughly how long do the buds take to finish after their first signs of orange hairs , 2 week , 4 weeks ?
how long has it been in flower?


Active Member
Is there any tricks to seed up the flowering process ? ive decided one of my plants isnt going to produce much and id be better off removing it and gaining more light to the others. But i dont want to simply bin it , it is and im guessing half way through its flowering. Knowing i want it out ive started giving it just water but is there gonna be any point in taking it down early?

Also roughly how long do the buds take to finish after their first signs of orange hairs , 2 week , 4 weeks ?
Play them some lady gaga shite,pop music chart shitey fukwit crap that madmongofukinpikeys play in tesco n garages jus to do your head in.

If any plant hears that pish itl wanna die an die fast so thats the best input ul get from me lol


Well-Known Member
Fuckin hell lads, temps were 33c in my room last night 65%humidity,...........only just realised my extract fan has packed in and is barely even spinnin, think its been like it a couple of weeks cos temps all of a sudden raised from like 24-26 to like 27-29 and the humidity raised, i just thought it was gettin hotter, wernt till i reset max-min last night and checked i realised, only did it cos i was red hot and thought i best check the girls ive been gettin lazy and not even checkin cos everythins been sweet for so long.
Im thinkin it may have fucked them a little, theyve must of had fuck all fresh air for days + with the humidity that high im shittin it, about gettin mold, real glad im choppin in the next few days, i noticed the plants were doin wicked the week i added overdrive, then thats when i noticed the rise in temps and they have seemed like they havent grown since just stayed nearly the same and a few of the top leafs have dried up
So looks like a new fans in order,.............i no this gets asked everyweek, but whats a good fan to get with a decent price, i only need a 4" 1??


Well-Known Member
Del recommends ruck I believe.. And don always suggests (I think he has shares haha)

But the hvk/rvk are decent too I believe.. You can also pick them up from 3ch, gonna be ordering a 5" rvk/rhino kit soon my room is also suffering..


Well-Known Member
Why is it that adverts for Durex Condoms are banned until after the 9pm watershed, yet Tampax see it fit to ruin my appetite every fucking mealtime?


Well-Known Member
I nearly had a threesome last night, but my girlfriend decided she didn't want to at the last minute.

Gerald and I still had a great time though.


Well-Known Member
My wife walked in the kitchen and said, "That smells nice, what is it?"

"Its a red wine sauce I've made." I pointed my finger towards her and said, "Have a taste."

She said, "That tastes fucking disgusting."

"Sorry, wrong finger... scratched my arse with that one."


Well-Known Member
Bloody hell. I was looking forward to this tube of Pringles, but there's only three in there and they're all tennis ball flavour.


Well-Known Member
with you on that one ttt lol. las an sambo are both advocators of the like button an all.

anyone thought it was hot today? it was fucking 39c on the factory today, 12 hours sweating it out in trackies an a tshirt, night fucking mare!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hot as a fucker and pissed it down with rain all day, what the fuck good is a hoody if yer gonna sweat like a pig in it, so i just got wet and enjoyed myself :D

Dunt mean shit to me silly billy but i enjoyed pitch n put with a bifta and some northern monkeys :D Keep meaning to go visit a course and look on ebay for some clubs but fuck off, i'm me, i rarely get beyond crisps for dinner, fuck golf for effort right now :D