The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
d'ya no wat fuk it i will keep da cheese and trainwreck coz they've took off the best anyways and should give a nice big yeild after 10 - 12 weeks veg! and put the WW and AMS in the garden and just see wat happens with em the ams shoundnt do too bad outdoors dunno about WW. the ak seeds were bought from attitude not cheap ;s lol so shuld be the real deal i really want the ak, 60 day wonder and lowryder just dont seem that appealing to me lol

wat do u think do u not find temps a problem with a 400 watt?
yeh just stick the other two outside and go for it. I really liked the lowryder 2 smoke, never tried the 60 day wonder or easyryder. i used 400W MH for veg and on 600W HPS for flower, at the minute its fucking warm in there, probably like 28-29C but thats only cause of this strange heatwave.

a bit of squash wow?
you're telling me mate!

Aye that certainly is the case, although from my completely limited understanding on evolution, i mean all i know is that it happens, fuck creationists, but this is my take. 1. genetic variation and mutation tends to take millennia, not 30 years, and 2. normally an external variable to force a random mutation of the genes. That's all just guesswork though :D Mine certainly ent mutated since i got it a few years back :p
there was an issue of new scientist a couple weeks back which spoke about genetic mutation and how a shoal of fish in this like mutated over 20 years to loose their scales as they came from salt water, its all situational though isnt it.

lol nice fucking house mate!!!
my shits hittin 30 today n thats with a cfl bloody silly and its humid as a mutha had to get my triger finger out on the mist bottle before with them still being wee babas not gud:(


Well-Known Member

Any lightweights still up lol

1st pic is slh (fingerz) pheno second is either pyschosis or livers??? both are day 20 of 12/12


Well-Known Member
morning lightweights hows every1 this fine sunny morning gonna be a very hot day 2day in the southeast dunno bout everywhere else.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Southwest and it better not be a hot one, although the blinding sunshite creeping through the blinds this early is a bad indication. I got blind drunk last night and might have accidentally woken someone up with a text, they returned the favour and woke me up a few hours ago and now i've got one of those shakey shakey hangovers, i'll have no fingers by the end of work this evening :(

Made a decision and am putting the progression of my life as a higher priority than a ski holiday, so well, hand in hand with improving where my life is going, also means i don't have to unwind the grow :) my first "life priority" is to become a fantastic cook, and to buy a freezer, with these two things i think i can combat my alcoholism, my diet (duh) my physical fitness and genera..y get the ball rolling. I look in the mirror these days and think christ you look like shit man, chalky white, gaunt, thin, kinda like the descrition of sirius black from harry potter :lol:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Gah, every reg seed so far has turned out male, so much for variation from cheese. Time to get the cheese clone in there, doh. Veg cupboard is used for nowt but storing grow stuff, so think i'm gonna expand it to keep mothers.


Active Member
Afternoon everyone. not looking forward to the heat wave (mainly cause im at work) my temps running at around 27.5 oC so gona have to get a few fans on the go before it gets outta hand. Is it a bad idea to turn lights off if it gets to hot? With the lights been off when they should be on will it effect the plants in anyway.


Well-Known Member
yeah mate its too hot my cabs at 90 with doors open and house door too cant get enough fresh air in here lol. ttt , if just been a mong germ'd a huge amount of seeds , and no soil to put them in can be put in tissue baggie and posted if u want something new , i dont like letting em go to waste.


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon lads, not so warm up where I am today. I've got my lights off from 10 til 10 durin' the day too so I hopefully wont get any problems if we do get that week of summer anytime soon. I went out n had a good clean and trim last night, took me an hour n a half but time flys when your havin' fun. I had a good look for nanas on all my plants and cant see any as of yet but its not long into flowering so il keep on top of that one. I'm finding the leaves in the lower quarter of my plants are just dying off, it happened in my last grow too with different soil so i've got no clue why its happenin. Do any of you find this a common thing or know why it might be happening?

Heres a few pics from last night anyway, you can see in some of the single plant pics where the leaves are dying, I had just pulled leaves off that were tottally fooked before i took the pictures.



Well-Known Member
Is there any tricks to seed up the flowering process ? ive decided one of my plants isnt going to produce much and id be better off removing it and gaining more light to the others. But i dont want to simply bin it , it is and im guessing half way through its flowering. Knowing i want it out ive started giving it just water but is there gonna be any point in taking it down early?

Also roughly how long do the buds take to finish after their first signs of orange hairs , 2 week , 4 weeks ?


Well-Known Member
Is there any tricks to seed up the flowering process ? ive decided one of my plants isnt going to produce much and id be better off removing it and gaining more light to the others. But i dont want to simply bin it , it is and im guessing half way through its flowering. Knowing i want it out ive started giving it just water but is there gonna be any point in taking it down early?

Also roughly how long do the buds take to finish after their first signs of orange hairs , 2 week , 4 weeks ?
you could feed it some ghe ripen to speed it up.