The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Airwave thats a right tool and the pro version is a tasty bit of kit at 6 grand!! I have no idea how it works without destroying any of the bud itself
the air pressure of the blades spinning sucks the leaves through the grill which are then cut by the spinning blades
I think the bud it cuts is the really small stuff. So small that when it dries it isn't worth anything anyway, so I'm not worried about that.
We cut so much I was thinking of making some nice hashish to sell, but I don't think I'd be able to get rid of it because everybody smokes bud. And if I did get rid of it, it wouldn't be for a price high enough to make it worth my while.
I doubt it would be worth making hashish, I don't know anyone that buys it anymore with so much bud going around.


Active Member
I need a chadda cut west mids,message me if you can help 1 rooted or 2-3 un.ASAP I dont want to do seed or any thin else.


Well-Known Member
what size inline fans are you chaps using for what size using a low powered 5 inch and hi power 4 inch with a 600 lumatek, prob over the top , want to just buy 1 to do the job..............


Well-Known Member
what size inline fans are you chaps using for what size using a low powered 5 inch and hi power 4 inch with a 600 lumatek, prob over the top , want to just buy 1 to do the job..............
Just ordered my new system. 16 pot wilma dripper. My tent is 1.5x1.5x1.6 and have got an inline fan which is 150mm RVK A1 Fan, says it does 420m cubed per hour. Got 2x600w hps dual spec. Just ordered 20 fem seed of Big Devil auto. Looking for 40oz min


Well-Known Member
Just ordered my new system. 16 pot wilma dripper. My tent is 1.5x1.5x1.6 and have got an inline fan which is 150mm RVK A1 Fan, says it does 420m cubed per hour. Got 2x600w hps dual spec. Just ordered 20 fem seed of Big Devil auto. Looking for 40oz min
40 oz dry? i think ive got to much then im pulling 580m per hour with 1 600watt, maybe i lose a fan lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah dry m8. Hoping for 2.5 per plant(fingers crossed). Should do with 2x600w. My grow area is quite chilly tho del so temps not a problem. Don't think there would be any problem with to much intake. lol Prob less noise though. lol

Never grown auto's. Is that too much to expect


Well-Known Member
yeah reckon you just might pull that off mate, yeah its the noise im thinking of, mind you 3 inline and 2 fans and i still sleep through it, might miss the noise and get insomnia lol.started a thread now the 12-12 from seed thread, drop in sometime and have a cuppa n a smoke...........


Well-Known Member
correct bro 80 oz dry after 75 to 80% weight loss a few pictures for yas bro !!View attachment 1492163
Thats a decent harvest there bro , looks like you need a drying rack for them smaller buds.
I cant remember so i'll ask whats your setup ?[/QUOTE]4 600s hps but a bulb blew out on the last 2 weeks but by then i think most of the bud had gained its weight so in all it had 4 600 hps for 3 weeks but 3 for the rest lol yes bro was looking at the drying racks the other day but thought fuck it i like to see wots there lol


Well-Known Member
Morning all, hope everyone is well this fine Monday morning. Didn't get out of bed all day yesterday. Cheddar m8, what you plan to do with your spare £10k or so. (under the bed with it) lol. Think Ive got about 3-4 weeks till Ive got sore thumbs and fingers. I'm getting a new setup, so my old tent I'm going to transform into a dry chamber
most will be put awy 4 a rainy day bro in my line of work you neva know wots round the corner!!


Well-Known Member
12/12 from seed, I was thinking about that myself but decided on the auto's. I'll pop in and check it out. Cup of tea and lots of Caramel Logs. Mmmmmmm

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
hello fellas.sorry to interupt. lil question 4u all. how safe to use is a 150w hps unit? do they give off enough heat to get chopprs seeing them. was hoping 150w with son t bulb would b small enough not to get noticed. i hear th son t dont give off alot off heat any info or feed back a help thanks. also could a 150w hps flower 4 good sized girls?


Well-Known Member
hello fellas.sorry to interupt. lil question 4u all. how safe to use is a 150w hps unit? do they give off enough heat to get chopprs seeing them. was hoping 150w with son t bulb would b small enough not to get noticed. i hear th son t dont give off alot off heat any info or feed back a help thanks. also could a 150w hps flower 4 good sized girls?

It doesnt really go on the size of the light mate, say your grow room is at 25C and so is the rest of your house it aint gunna show up or say you got the lights on at night and your house is like 10-15c its gunna stand out like a sore thumb, with the warmer weather on its way if you run your light in day and keep them down to 24-26 shouldnt stand out to much you get me!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
It takes a HELL of a lot of power and heat signuateure for the police to obtain a warrant wihtout further evidence, and then normally they're still told to find further evidence due to rather good defense lawyers these days.

For example i have a 600w in my cab, if the police tried to obtain a warrant due to the heat, well they'd get told to fuck off, not least because well, theyt have nothing on me other than 1000 potential legal reasons and 1 potentially illegal reason, judges can be cocks, but they have to protect their jobs as well.


Well-Known Member
ttt is right mate say if you got like 2 rooms of your house full of plants with several 600w the pigs are gunna have a good case against you cos what could it be!?! but if all you've got is a little tent it could be 1000's a stuff like ttt said, so aslong as your not some on top dodgy fuck lol you should be good mate


Well-Known Member
hello fellas.sorry to interupt. lil question 4u all. how safe to use is a 150w hps unit? do they give off enough heat to get chopprs seeing them. was hoping 150w with son t bulb would b small enough not to get noticed. i hear th son t dont give off alot off heat any info or feed back a help thanks. also could a 150w hps flower 4 good sized girls?
read this...

with public spending cuts and the cost of fuel and limited resources - they are not just flying around looking for grow houses...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
ttt is right mate say if you got like 2 rooms of your house full of plants with several 600w the pigs are gunna have a good case against you cos what could it be!?! but if all you've got is a little tent it could be 1000's a stuff like ttt said, so aslong as your not some on top dodgy fuck lol you should be good mate
No, i mean if you have a room full of plants and a couple of 600w hps's, the pigs have FUCK ALL on you, nothing that would obtain a warrant wihtout other indications of growing. There are just too amny legal explkanations for it to be worth the time, cost and potential lawsuit, because you can mark my words i would be suidng them for emtnal trauma if they broke down my door for no reason. And they would have to pay out through the tooth. Just a police dog bite apparently ends up costing them upto £100,000. They simply cnanot afford to cock up. Their cameras see pretty much everything, but as was showen the other day with the lawyers garage, they won't get a warrant because they know they can't, so it seems they are trying to simply talk their way in. At the time, i was running a 400w hps, pretty much a foot from the roofing tiles, no insulation or anything, while i was growing like this, which i still do, just 600w now, i sat down with a spliff and watched a television programme that was showing a police FLIR camera on my house... i soon wised up and lost all my paranoia. All i ever say to growers now is know your rights, the police wil do all they can to convince you you don't know them, but if you do, you can just tell them to get the fuck off your property before you call the police and your lawyer. Allways make a note of taking police ID numbers with cameras and let them know you've got it.

Personally, i can't quite see how it would be possible for me to be caught or searched by the police unless i were to openly state "i grow pot and i live here!".

Remember, if they're knocking on the door, they don't have a warrant so ignore them :)

This stuff get's me all excieted and energetci, love it, actually gonna be calling the police within the next 15 days to request a series of arrests depending on the information i recieve, it could all get very very interesting for me :D treason can be a motherfucker to be convicted of, especially by your neighbour :lol: