ttt is right mate say if you got like 2 rooms of your house full of plants with several 600w the pigs are gunna have a good case against you cos what could it be!?! but if all you've got is a little tent it could be 1000's a stuff like ttt said, so aslong as your not some on top dodgy fuck lol you should be good mate
No, i mean if you have a room full of plants and a couple of 600w hps's, the pigs have FUCK ALL on you, nothing that would obtain a warrant wihtout other indications of growing. There are just too amny legal explkanations for it to be worth the time, cost and potential lawsuit, because you can mark my words i would be suidng them for emtnal trauma if they broke down my door for no reason. And they would have to pay out through the tooth. Just a police dog bite apparently ends up costing them upto £100,000. They simply cnanot afford to cock up. Their cameras see pretty much everything, but as was showen the other day with the lawyers garage, they won't get a warrant because they know they can't, so it seems they are trying to simply talk their way in. At the time, i was running a 400w hps, pretty much a foot from the roofing tiles, no insulation or anything, while i was growing like this, which i still do, just 600w now, i sat down with a spliff and watched a television programme that was showing a police FLIR camera on my house... i soon wised up and lost all my paranoia. All i ever say to growers now is know your rights, the police wil do all they can to convince you you don't know them, but if you do, you can just tell them to get the fuck off your property before you call the police and your lawyer. Allways make a note of taking police ID numbers with cameras and let them know you've got it.
Personally, i can't quite see how it would be possible for me to be caught or searched by the police unless i were to openly state "i grow pot and i live here!".
Remember, if they're knocking on the door, they don't have a warrant so ignore them
This stuff get's me all excieted and energetci, love it, actually gonna be calling the police within the next 15 days to request a series of arrests depending on the information i recieve, it could all get very very interesting for me

treason can be a motherfucker to be convicted of, especially by your neighbour