The UK Growers Thread!

thinking of runnin some more ops, buyer whos also a grower and mate knows peeps who wanna grow but obv thinkin sog 12/12.... 25 x 11 litre squarepots, 1.2 x 1.2 with an 8 inch and an xxl hood with a kw........max yield no risk to me, kilo tent
just before ice posts piks the kings kut has 10-14 days left and candyland Imo 3-4 weeks. Were cumming up to 7 weeks from 12/12.
For the life of me i cannot find my vape pen battery lmao. i'll go down to my pals in about a hour film a vid there and upload it straight away, if you lot want 2 or more il do em for a tenner each i eat postage haha fair to say im flat broke.. also anyone want any glass Hit me up :)
For the life of me i cannot find my vape pen battery lmao. i'll go down to my pals in about a hour film a vid there and upload it straight away, if you lot want 2 or more il do em for a tenner each i eat postage haha fair to say im flat broke.. also anyone want any glass Hit me up :)
get piks ir vids up, how much for two complete pens, in assuming there not the huge hydro guy has these black pens u put bud in the end and light with a lighter looool i don't think hes into vaping lol
Lol if you want me to get you the batterys personally lemon. then there 8 quid so x 2 16 + 20 = 36 ^_^

And i will get a good video up of them there a decent size and look like a average E-cig.

And tasty looking shit you got lem.
Lol if you want me to get you the batterys personally lemon. then there 8 quid so x 2 16 + 20 = 36 ^_^

And i will get a good video up of them there a decent size and look like a average E-cig.

And tasty looking shit you got lem.

so £36 for two all in?? Gimmie postage costs....i really wana give vaping a go i must spend £30 on fags a day. Its bullshit.

get me that vid up i can decide....i need em to come fully working i am wank with all technology.....this is no joke.

ta man, i like the dark flashlight shots but i got shakey hands........

if anyone wants to shed some constructive criticism im all ears!!
£36 quid all in, and il post em for free unless you wanna pay for first class signed for..

Video coming! and i suffer the same thing when taking pics its like ive gained parkinsons lmao.
Oh no offence Yorkshire man but that sounds a bit racist tbh and read up on strains from Africa before u make statement like that
Malawi Gold, Dubai poison African were smoking weed way b4 folks over here


It only sounds a bit racist if your ignorant to what the definition of race is.

Since when has "Africa" or "African" been a race hmm? I'll tell you, NEVER because it's a continent of origin not a racial classification! (just like "European" is not a race)
For your information the race synonymous with the continent of Africa is "Negro" or "Negroid" (previously Ethiopian) and the race synonymous with western Europe (Britain,France,Greece.Spain) "Caucasian" and eastern Europe "Mongoloid" (although my Polish girlfriend classes herself as "Slavic" but that gets deep).

I'm aware of native African strains and like I said, they're cheap as dirt for a reason.
Seeded shwag and poor quality due to be grown in open fields with no crop rotation or tilling of the land.

This'll be Malawi Gold then..........

gallery_617_1520_144106.jpg b0BlA4i.jpg malawicob.jpg

Now it's shwag and there's no denying it but I've no doubt that if you grow it sensi with proper nutrition it could be pretty good but that's not what's coming out of African fields, especially multiple fields by multiple farmers giving a massive variance in quality/potency (less than 10% THC).

The other strain you meant to say is actually called "Durban Poison".
Dubai is an ethically and environmentally sketchy, few hundred year old man made city on the coast of the Persian Gulf.
There's no ganja in Dubai.

The Afghans, Indians and Chinese were smoking weed way before anybody. And your point is?

You should have brought a sack full of those seeds back with you, we could have banged em in a proper environment and really seen what it can do under lab conditions. ;)
Oh aye lads......

My pal who's been away back packing for last 5 months is currently in Uruguay.

Jammy cunt posted on FB the other day, picking his fruit and veg from the market stall while blazing a big blunt in the afternoon sun!

Alreet chaps, on and off very rarely these days, busy with family shit and keeping on top of this and another.

Had to do another week in wales.
On the upside, shit is looking good.
So in there we have,
4 x SinCity Blue Petrol
2 x SinCity ThinMint GSC
2 x DNA LA Conf
1 x Firedog
1 x DNA LA Mother kept from last round
1 x SinCity ThinMint GSC mother from last round, was my no 2 keeper.
Canes going in tonight, and more stripping from bottoms which is needed!
2 weeks in,20140430_210448.jpg20140430_210453.jpg 20140430_210500.jpg 20140430_210509.jpg 20140430_210759.jpg 20140430_210802.jpg 20140430_210809.jpg 20140430_210835.jpg 20140430_210839.jpg

It only sounds a bit racist if your ignorant to what the definition of race is.

Since when has "Africa" or "African" been a race hmm? I'll tell you, NEVER because it's a continent of origin not a racial classification! (just like "European" is not a race)
For your information the race synonymous with the continent of Africa is "Negro" or "Negroid" (previously Ethiopian) and the race synonymous with western Europe (Britain,France,Greece.Spain) "Caucasian" and eastern Europe "Mongoloid" (although my Polish girlfriend classes herself as "Slavic" but that gets deep).

I'm aware of native African strains and like I said, they're cheap as dirt for a reason.
Seeded shwag and poor quality due to be grown in open fields with no crop rotation or tilling of the land.

This'll be Malawi Gold then..........

View attachment 3142197 View attachment 3142198 View attachment 3142200

Now it's shwag and there's no denying it but I've no doubt that if you grow it sensi with proper nutrition it could be pretty good but that's not what's coming out of African fields, especially multiple fields by multiple farmers giving a massive variance in quality/potency (less than 10% THC).

The other strain you meant to say is actually called "Durban Poison".
Dubai is an ethically and environmentally sketchy, few hundred year old man made city on the coast of the Persian Gulf.
There's no ganja in Dubai.

The Afghans, Indians and Chinese were smoking weed way before anybody. And your point is?

You should have brought a sack full of those seeds back with you, we could have banged em in a proper environment and really seen what it can do under lab conditions. ;)

its the African feeling for getting kicked Beckham style in the balls in one post the same as uk looool