The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha ha ahahahahhhaqhahahhh my niggas, this is what grail posted last nite I shit u not....

Holy Grail 888Well-Known Member
i cant be fucked to argue no more ! im about peace and weed and i dont wanna be drawn into troubles u may cause with others.



Holy Grail 888

Well-Known Member
ha ha ha ha ahahahahhhaqhahahhh my niggas, this is what grail posted last nite I shit u not....

Holy Grail 888Well-Known Member
i cant be fucked to argue no more ! im about peace and weed and i dont wanna be drawn into troubles u may cause with others.


yes i posted that... i am about peace. And ive no more interest in you . Your what i reagard as "heat" and a "risk".
in proving your someone you gave yourself away.

you blew your cover....

not stealth and im all about that stealth....



Well-Known Member
your a fucking cop ..or some grass..

people have voiced they dont like you here. why not leave ? you keep telling others to jog on...
its time you did....but i can see through you.

your intentionally argiung with folks to get there details. you asked my age etc and where i am.

you dont fly striaght..

************** WARNING ZEDD IS POSSIBLY AN INFORMANT ! ******************

u know what it is, i have had my runins with the man, he easilly had access to my real address and to the level i inda stooped, IF HE WAS, i owuldnt be around m8 trust me,man cudda fucked me over royally

he did not,

therfore u statement is false, ur a cunt, and u prolly diverting attention for yourself

holygayl FUK U prik.

i arent as articulate as most with words, so CUNT!
