The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
seeing peeps 'elites' do look shit hot but depends on the grower lol dont it,i could find a cutting or 2 n do em shame jus like any other strain.

only stuff i was really proud of was my hawaiians never had anything so sticky after curing ever not even in dam buyin shit at 20 euros a g

they done me proud,guess its cool seein some UK only bud but eh?


Well-Known Member
To me it just means you have access to clone only strains and if so your a bit lucky, nothing more. Yes i wouldnt mind having a bash at growing a few out but theres enough very good strains in seed form to keep me happy.


Well-Known Member
there's tons of clone fairy's in these neck of the woods... heh

yeh i got lucky ;) and like bam said - just hope i can do 'em some justice..

To me it just means you have access to clone only strains and if so your a bit lucky, nothing more. Yes i wouldnt mind having a bash at growing a few out but theres enough very good strains in seed form to keep me happy.


Active Member
Not yet bam, i will do tho. Probably find out they cost a fortune and that will be the end of that lol no way the wifes gonna let me spend a few grand on dogs
lol aye thers that thers some newfoundland pups in inverness goin for 500 each a fuckin steal at dogs ride em to the shops.
the malamutes are pricey...but ther fukin beefed up wolves lol

there's tons of clone fairy's in these neck of the woods... heh

yeh i got lucky ;) and like bam said - just hope i can do 'em some justice..
hehe i thot the fairy was a stork


Well-Known Member
there's tons of clone fairy's in these neck of the woods... heh

yeh i got lucky ;) and like bam said - just hope i can do 'em some justice..
Gotta love those fairys lol. I suppose if i really wanted some i could propably get hold of em would mean asking people that i really dont wanna ask tho. Loose lips sink ships an all that i'll stick to seeds.


Well-Known Member
500s a good price for those dogs bam, thought they were double that, ofcourse i bet they fucking eat shitloads as well lol cost a small fortune to feed the fuckers.


Active Member
lol aye i feed ma rotty half meat half dry meal n it comes 100 a month but its good for him n hes a stoter il get a pik up sumtime soon hopfully


Well-Known Member
so 1st il say i dont like adults and respected members talking to each other like that come-on people snort it out!

2nd how the fuck did ya manage to quote that post bout the yemen i deleted it almost as soon as i posted it cause couldnt be arsed with a political chat and was pretty pissed lol

lastly i find it different and more worrying than tunisa or egypt maybe not libya cause that still worrys me a little, i aint gonna go mental with copy n pastes but yemen is different not so much about a opressed nation wanting abit more freedom, more tribal differences and a big terrorist base too thats what worrys me the terrorist side of things same as i think it wont be long before before gaddafi has a bash at mainland europe, hes done it before in berlin,lockerbie etc

i was living in east london at the time of 7/7 and used alot of the underground lines and the stations that got done, still got alot of family down there. it worked 1 time theyve seen that and has happend a few times worldwide bombing of the underground or trains, bus's have always been a target.

so yeah i aint gonna go all political or whatnot but i love to keep up to date with world news and the yemen does worry me a little.
I understand what you are saying.

I'm surprised Gaddafi hasn't hit back at the west yet.

As for the terrorists - that isn't what worries me. What does worry me is the fact that China and Russia were getting heavily involved with the middle east. Russia has a huge naval base in Syria as well as others in Libya and Yemen, and China has been getting involved in the oil. Now they are both getting squeezed out by the west. How long before China and Russia retaliate? Cornering China and Russia is like cornering a feral cat.


Active Member
yeah would love to see a pic of ya rottie m8, hows ya been? still no baby?
was at the hospital wif the wife ther n she wasnt wantin induced so they did the 'sweep' lol a massive desperate dan lookin yeti of a woman puttin on a rubber glove n fisted the wife.

was not expecting that lmao

im gud apart from that

hows shniz wi u


Well-Known Member
was at the hospital wif the wife ther n she wasnt wantin induced so they did the 'sweep' lol a massive desperate dan lookin yeti of a woman puttin on a rubber glove n fisted the wife.

was not expecting that lmao

im gud apart from that

hows shniz wi u
lmao it dont get any better m8.

im all good bam, got a root on a livers clone today 7days or it could be 8 either way im pretty pleased with that considering its a unheated prop and the conditions are far from ideal, been setting up another lil something today its amazing what a stapler and enough black and white can do i call it the the pikey tent lol