las fingerez
Well-Known Member
na i got confidence she;ll jump back u obviously fed it asap didnt ya? mine took an hour or so, both of them lol
shit sorry over watered not underit was revegged i chopped half the roots off and repotted then 4 bamboo canes and some chicken wire few twist ties and then i fucking overwatered it. got 2 clones to go in though so not all lost. not seen las' one yet but aye it could be all off
chilli's man, aye i reckon thats its downfall its got all this root system and nothing up top to use the water
It isn't cheap but I was looking at this the other day.what reflective stuff should I use for my grow room? something cheap... tin foil is bad?
What's so special about Yemen?i no nobody cares and prob thinks im a thicko drunkard lol but im abit concerned bout the shit going on in Yemen at the mo and the middle east in general but the Yemen is a concern defo. Ali Abdullah Saleh, who has ruled since 1978, has refused to leave office despite protests and a tribal uprising which has brought the country to the brink of civil war and resulted in more than 350 deaths.
That's happening all over the middle east, but sambo specified concerns about Yemen in particular.
Money talks and bullshit walks.america fuck yeah,cominto save the mutha fukin day yeah! lol that film is class.america must b luvin the shit goin down in the east since egypt startd it all off.never know wot their plans are for all these uprisings n rebels.
wot i dont get is ...their fukin definition between rebels and terrorists....if they had folks uprising in america theyd b bad,but elswher they fukin help them salong lol
That's no different from what's happened in Egypt and Libya.bro u must be high or trying to piss me off :/
edit - las might come across a dumb arse stoner but does pay attention sometimes![]()
So first you speak for sambo, then you fail to point out the difference between what's happening in Yemen compared to what's already happened elsewhere in the middle-east, and now you have your head stuck up your bitch ass.(post about whats happening in yemen)
ur a retardgo fuck urself
easy all. how we doing? any u guys noticed bit more police choppers bout your end off ukthis n last week? sat night i had one seemed and sounded inches from my front house hoovering and facing my bedroom window where i have my mini set up. was there good ten mins plus and didnt move from facing my window. got THE FEAR and moved them as really thought was gun get door put in. my house was vibriting loads and even neighbours come out looking all disaproving and brought un wanted attention big time. fecking old bill.
ava word with a new user called AcidTest i think it is m8, he will help ease ya paranoia for shore loleasy all. how we doing? any u guys noticed bit more police choppers bout your end off ukthis n last week? sat night i had one seemed and sounded inches from my front house hoovering and facing my bedroom window where i have my mini set up. was there good ten mins plus and didnt move from facing my window. got THE FEAR and moved them as really thought was gun get door put in. my house was vibriting loads and even neighbours come out looking all disaproving and brought un wanted attention big time. fecking old bill.