The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Oh and ive screenshots of pot-bellys harassment on a war veteran which is pretty inexcusable if you ask me neutral mods my ass....fucking second time I've seen someone have an issues with md jenks he's a total pacifist was that uncle buttoning that offered to fight anyone in his area...I've seen mods hands in pics n he's shown examples of how he looks n if they we meet qe can all do a escrow on who wins I'd put 100e on the war vet with extensive hand to hand combat training n b4 u bitch pot-bellys was your BFF throwing threats about beating ppl up..tbh I've screenshots on most the naughty posts before they delete em to male us look bad


Well-Known Member
Valley ally man diazepam n ur grand took two diaz today aftwr mw break n fuck me it's crazy how hard it hits chills village but definitely only two today n not for another few weeks I'm making a killing on em n my lsd actually... Robbie u still wanna try email me bro ask bizzle I'm super ninja shit
overdone it with the cookies. Having palpation's too baked to go into the post office. Proper parra.


Well-Known Member
i could get a site built and i can mod it but is there any one on here that would help to maintain the runnings
might just do it for the heck of it
what name should we use any ideas


Well-Known Member
Thinking of only selling diaz 3 quid a pop n they always come.back for more lol n newuserlol don't think u ticked me to be able to open that pgp ove tried it sober n all.but I did all ur key just text wasn't openable


Well-Known Member
i could get a site built and i can mod it but is there any one on here that would help to maintain the runnings
might just do it for the heck of it
what name should we use any ideas
if you've experience in security or someone with experience in tech security I'll happily help all i can...think one other on here has offered to mod here b4 he's fairly sound for a prick so he might help aswell..something like RiuOriginals just something to say fuck em but don't mention locations like uk growers or shit like that n can u host the servers... I would be interested in this but I'm NOT ERROR HANDLING CODE especially if ur high when u write like i use to be lol


Well-Known Member
if you've experience in security or someone with experience in tech security I'll happily help all i can...think one other on here has offered to mod here b4 he's fairly sound for a prick so he might help aswell
its gotta be worth a shot and ye mate quite clued up with security an shit lets have sum idea's for a name
also who mentioned about a server with sum space for a site ?


Well-Known Member
Yeah was a Irish member gone now that ran his own server Grom home had a backup generator nall... Once it's up in running we ask the lads at hackthissite if any white hatters wanna Tey n crack the page we'd be greatful n they love a challenge if not 20 quid to anyone that finds vulnerabilitys in the main concern then server n where to host as you said will take time but I'm definitely game sounds like fun


Well-Known Member
I go to a small post-office I've known the family for yrs they don't even ask what's in it now the main one in town asks a million questions n charges me near double n loads of cams


Well-Known Member
Yeah was a Irish member gone now that ran his own server Grom home had a backup generator nall... Once it's up in running we ask the lads at hackthissite if any white hatters wanna Tey n crack the page we'd be greatful n they love a challenge if not 20 quid to anyone that finds vulnerabilitys in the main concern then server n where to host as you said will take time but I'm definitely game sounds like fun
yes definately worth it
and definately worth seeing if anyone at hackthis site can help to make sure we are secured.
so we need a name then people.


Well-Known Member
Nah we need to take it slowly all members need an input but I'd love to host the servers somewhere dodgy no laws so qe can literally have no censorship free speech mods only interfere as mediators not children attacking. Veterans


Well-Known Member
we need a good name something catchy
no bullshit talk im already onit don't think it will be as hard as everyone thinks to get it up and running it will be more a case of keeping on top of the posts content and security updates