The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
forum seem to go in waves, good cycles and positive energy and then jack wads. now that spring/summer is here, we know what needs to be done.

shit the more you respond or react, my guess is y'all will have em over here more, imo. playground rules
abe u see it from both sides u see how they come on here we keep to ourselves we accepted u cuz I grow dank but also treat ppl with respect u don't come in here hurling shit like a monkey


Well-Known Member
Did my post get deleted? I was just letting that other American know if he wants to get smacked around we can meet up since we live in the same city.

Man I have been smoking on some Platinum OG that was gifted to me from a friend and it is damn potent and I haven't even began to build a tolerance to it.
probably, i had to post the same "you are an annoying cunt" post at him 3 times in another thread due to it being deleted, mod bias again


Well-Known Member
sorry misreading shit talk about a neutral mod..if u didn't own this site I'd report you insubordination to sunny n I've seen retailers complaining on ur page their adds ain't getting showed n when I posted saying I got locked out of my account no response sunny sorted it asap then u deleted my post when I went back n said don't worry sunny sorted it...
Well according to potroast him self in a previous conversation we had, he isnt the site owner just simply the owners obedient lapdog


Well-Known Member
Qell I did research found the owners email thinking it was him have lots of screen shots if anyone wants any n we can email him.. But @12e a day that's probably why he's so cranky


Well-Known Member
Call those numbers social engineering the shit out of it n make a personal complaint thay a mods harassing war veterans...


Well-Known Member
yeh they are a bunch of cunts m8 any 1 here able to make our own site ?
easier said than done we need someone to host the servers (€€) n general upkeep, thus sites all java I studied java...n I hate writing code n the running n upkeep security of the upmost would be most important would take a team of volunteers to start up all with it info thwn a few NON BIAS mods... Takes alot of effort mostly just the upkeep n ppl practice on sites like this she's been hacked b4... Check out hackthissite that got me into having fun... With protection like a free education on there


Well-Known Member
yeh they are a bunch of cunts m8 any 1 here able to make our own site ?
It depends on what you are after, ive got a mate with a server with spare space that could knock up a website/chat room in less than an hour but it wouldnt be on the scale of this place etc


Well-Known Member
what dose it mean when a plant only grows 3 leafs ?
Cannabis is an annual, dioecious, flowering herb. The leaves are palmately compound or digitate, with serrate leaflets.[12] The first pair of leaves usually have a single leaflet, the number gradually increasing up to a maximum of about thirteen leaflets per leaf (usually seven or nine), depending on variety and growing conditions. At the top of a flowering plant, this number again diminishes to a single leaflet per leaf. The lower leaf pairs usually occur in an opposite leaf arrangement and the upper leaf pairs in an alternate arrangement on the main stem of a mature plant.