The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Well thats 90mg codiene and 10mg vals down the hatch .... apparently the codiene aplifies the vals so lets see what happens .....
hope it helps mate only thing that helped me was more drugs then no frugs, well booze benzos pot and acid excepted lol


Well-Known Member
Well that's the new hood and ballast in fuckin had to change the filter set up and everything cuz of the size of the hood Lol (pain in the arse) then set it up with the ratchet role strap things I've been waiting to buy and it hung too low ffs so just hooked it straight on the pole and it can stay there the tent looks so muchmore lit up its madness the babies are gonna love I'm fucked so time for a brew a joint and a few dabs ;)


Well-Known Member
The one with buds on it is the Jakes dream #1 back right sour kush x deep blue middle is zlh front left is psycho and front right is Jakes dream #2 I think lol


Well-Known Member
mind explaining what's in there? i like the look of that tall thing.

crank it to 1k you spaz, surely running it at 600w is killing the bulb off? :P

edit: beat me to it lol.

jakes dream is a beauty


Well-Known Member
ok thanks for info ive been keeping the ph at 5.8 it mite have been my ph reader out so ill see what its like in the next few days just started playing that oddworld new n tasty on ps4 as its free instore i remember playing in on ps1


Well-Known Member
clonzepam arrived today, 22 2 mg ive munched em now tho lol got me mate in london to get me a g of some real proper on tick for a few wks, he will cover it till i pay him gotta love a mate who owes you favour. lol

he had some proper ket aswel, i just got back to me mums was a good night.

now gonna start sorting me lappy out but i got some cheap decent weed there,aswel nowt great but taste nice n is nugs, 75 a half.

ill post a pic ina mo of the weed the rest is gone lol

not bad for the price especially in london, it smokes pretty nice decent flavour good high.

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Well-Known Member
Morning all, whats everyone upto?

start some seeds off yesterday and Gringo are just moving into flower nicely

1x SLH
1x Blue kush x blue pit
1x DPQ


Well-Known Member
I'm just tayin a quick joint then gotta walk me lad to nursery for a silicon balls came this morning for my wax they're tiny Lol and not the best idea when you've young kids Lol he thinks he's got 5 new bouncy balls no no no they're daddy's lol little buggers still nicked one Haha.....dreamt I was learning to be a pilot last night.??? Even had a pre roll for the flight home but didn't spark it as the captain caught me lmao I have some good dreams man


Well-Known Member
Morning lads ... well i ended up taking 150mg of codiene and 30mg of vals .... safe to say i was fucked lol... i remember failing into the radiator when i was taking my jeans off to go bed lol ... only just woke up from my coma lol