The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
My shitty phone won't let me flick thru all the pics but I'd say bang some.Epsom salts at em that should.clear uonthe yellowing in a few days and up your nutes a bit


Well-Known Member
Got me rope ratchets and hood set out all ready to set up new ballast installed she's a slick looking mutha I tell thee gonna let em have a couple a weeks on 600 then I'm going 1000 on them bitches yyeeeeeehhaaaaaaawwwwww


Well-Known Member
not bad ta robbie, i'm stoned n hungry so can't complain too much. another night of riu, fps and thc
how's your end?


Well-Known Member
not bad ta robbie, i'm stoned n hungry so can't complain too much. another night of riu, fps and thc
how's your end?
Im so so mate. Out of weed , out of cash and nothing ready for a month lol
tonight im going to try a valium and codeine cocktail washed down with some scrumpy jacks ... see how that goes lol
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Well-Known Member
coco dude just checked the ph in the mix bucket and its 7.1 for some fucking reason it was 5.8 the other day
Im growing in coco aswell... its almost impossible to overwater in coco but so easy to underwater man. As long as your feed ph is 5.6 - 5.9 and you get at least 10% run off each feed you should be good ... if its just pure coco aim to feed every other day , every third day if perlite is added to the coco. Also dont forget that most types of coco can leach calcium and magnesium so id recommend half a ml per litre of cal mag with every other feed , i feed mine every other day .... nutes + calmag , nutes, nutes + calmag , plain water. Repeat ...