The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
Just remember the clocks go forward tonight! haha get to leave work an hour early.....only a 14 hour shift :D good times


Well-Known Member
yeah i have del dunno if i was fitting it right or what not but it didnt make that much difference just the acoustic ducting.
theres no special way to fit it, thought it waws probably crap, filter each end is good but only if its rhino, was thinking of getting a 6 inch hi speed ruck and a speed control, its a 100 just for a filter.......

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Man, what a fantastic saturday :D been sat in the same spot with my back to the wall since i woke at 9. Time to get drunk and repeat! Cannae get too drunk though, roast lamb awaits me tomorrow, my fav roast ever :)
where i live in the uk its £200 a 0z for most grades ie chesses kush etc etc.......... i gota grow on atm 4 weeks left on it i got 10 trainwreck standing ove 6ft tall and 11 cheese plants all lookin nice and hench

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm awake i'm awake i'm awake i'm awake. I'm an awful sleeper though, i will normally wake up 3am and 5am every morning.

I don't see the point of daylight savings. The concept of chaging the time of a country so that more tourist will spend more money, fucking looneytunes if you ask me. This new idea of double summer time, i mean what the fuck, I'd just leave my watch as it is and continue living as i do.


Well-Known Member
Mornin peeps!!! hows life treatin you all??...................i got in a scrap last night and the kid pulled a blade on me and stuck it in my hip stright through my jeans jumper and boxers so a little gutted :( not as much as him though with no front teeth!!!!!! :)
All in all not a bad saturday night lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha ya nutter, did it nick you at all or wre you able to pirouette out of the way? :D Mouth is always the best bet when in a scrap, who gives a fuck if you've got a swolen eye or a wobbly knee, a mouth full of mush and you ent gonna be a happy bunny for a long long while :D

I just had some beers and watched a film for about the umpteenth millionth time, and then got a little carried away with a bag of peanuts in the shell :D Roast lamb and mint sauce for lunch so i'm getting excited :)


Well-Known Member
sure pukka , always weapons these days.................changing clocks, fucking up this morning and called the kids for school. fuck knows what i been smoking but fucked my head lol.........