The UK Growers Thread!

Fuck its quiet in here for a friday nite, whats everycunt up to? Rambo I know ur lurking somewhere old man what u saying to it m8 u on the vods 2nite? Im half pissed and just bout finished all ma beers and it aint even 10 yet Fuck!!
Fuck its quiet in here for a friday nite, whats everycunt up to? Rambo I know ur lurking somewhere old man what u saying to it m8 u on the vods 2nite? Im half pissed and just bout finished all ma beers and it aint even 10 yet Fuck!!

Quiet night in as normal n 1st day of a tolerance break lol
U finished all ur smoke already m8 fuck that was quick, yeah had a quiet ond myself, only 2 days till my hols so trying to save the last of the pennies,

yeah sold more of it than i normally would where it was so shit, didnt see the point in keeping any to smoke when it aint even getting me stoned, might as well sell it n get extra money lol, only £800 left to pay off n then totally debt free for the 1st time in nearly 10 years lol
yeah sold more of it than i normally would where it was so shit, didnt see the point in keeping any to smoke when it aint even getting me stoned, might as well sell it n get extra money lol, only £800 left to pay off n then totally debt free for the 1st time in nearly 10 years lol
U got the placebo effect m8, im the same never think my weed gets me stoned but always tastes and smells gd, evryone else gets stoned from it just not me, cos I always doubt my stuff compared to some other I tried, Nd I also end up selling most of mine as well,
800 quid gd on ya man I must owe at least 20,000 but they cunts aint finding me lol
ahaha so im not the onlyone,

i always think my shits shit

like is that dry'? na dunt work? too wet? lol

then everyone says its fine
unless u find sum1 who notices ur reluctance then takes the pith
U got the placebo effect m8, im the same never think my weed gets me stoned but always tastes and smells gd, evryone else gets stoned from it just not me, cos I always doubt my stuff compared to some other I tried, Nd I also end up selling most of mine as well,
800 quid gd on ya man I must owe at least 20,000 but they cunts aint finding me lol

yeah that an i build up a tolerance in around 2 weeks or so, have to take a break from smoking the stuff every 3-4 weeks or nothing will get me stoned