The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
That shit is nasty ive done it twice with 50x salvia and that made me feel like the walls w closing in and the room was turning upside down, only lasted a cpl mins but was really intense especially for a legal substance.
innit, I felt like I was welded to my seat and on some sort of.............. cosmic train ride is the best way to explain it. fk me it was iiintense as a mutha fukka


Well-Known Member
I tried it after 3 days awake on speed. That was freakin crazy. Felt like i was in a storm. I was yelling and fighting the wind getting blown back in my seat. People around me got scared and only 2 others tried it :) I bought the bag of 10g from the bloke that had it.. Great times.. Cant seem to get a hold of it anymore. Know of a good site?


Well-Known Member
I tried it after 3 days awake on speed. That was freakin crazy. Felt like i was in a storm. I was yelling and fighting the wind getting blown back in my seat. People around me got scared and only 2 others tried it :) I bought the bag of 10g from the bloke that had it.. Great times.. Cant seem to get a hold of it anymore. Know of a good site?
Not sure or site but sure if u google it u will find some no worries, most head shops sell it


Well-Known Member
[="DrOfWelshMagic, post: 10461773, member: 480732"]aye aye shawny.... never been there m8 but if I ever do, ill know to look for the small one and not be too disappointed it wasn't that large
Lol Yeh I bet its big.when stood next to em like but as you drive past its tiny lol....was working in Salisbury expensive place let me tell u could smell the money round there cunts


Worked there for a while mate nice place . I was too busy looking for the hares in the opposite fields . I use to run all behind there it's a stunning place .


Well-Known Member
I took salvia on my own when the mrs went shopping I know drugs so I knew it wouldn't last that long . But the stuff freaked me out I found myself in a game show which was on t.v . Shitting myself thinking have I got
To awnser these questions lmao . sold the rest to my mate & watched him & his mrs freak out lol


Well-Known Member
So I'm sat down the bottom of the garden having a nice fire after doing the mahoosive garden just chilling thinking quietly with a joint and a corona....then the Mrs comes down starts chucking wood on me fire fucking the way in had it all stacked then knocks me fucking bottle over ffs lol just had a mard on with her lmao

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
lol i just one a trophy 'Cant get enough off your stuff' looool wot are the points for?? Free stuff lol....

@ReLaX aint been on anyone know the page the piks were posted