The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
lmao u talking bout parra.....been in me local few times well me car been parked up a bit from to of happened a few times now had few lads come in and say theres a coppa car parked up the road u can tell.....and me and mate who owns shop just laffed to our selfs......
weed helps many that i dont deny and is harmless to many also, but theres still a large % that it just fucks with there mind and makes em super paranoid, i tried telling the person who drove to the dam that how do you think these online growshops got so big??? certainly not by giving there mailing lists to the fucking feds lol same as the growshops but then in the next breath in small areas, rural areas i dunno? ive heard and read of a few people saying the same thing about growshops, prob just paranoia tho tbh lol

im off geezer fucking pissed n run out of mixer lol only option is sleep lol


Well-Known Member
yer we have seen a few ppl come in and try and hide there faces ect...funny as fbuk lmao.......ok lad....laterz.......:joint:


Well-Known Member
Kind of. He (owner) also stated he absolutely refuses to embrace me an refuses to have me as an employee. Told him that my managers and bosses sat down and we specifically agreed i would be employed, not self employed. Told me tough shit, prove it. Fucking bled for that palce on min wage for them to make me feel like the most insignificant worthless person there. If it wasn't for me there would not be any fucking customers, i was the one who had to take over as head chef because noone wanted to work for the fuckers.

Yay, cigarette, Fucks sake.

Apparently the blender we have is worth over £800. Bye bye. Maybe i'll also have a quick stab around at the electronics in the gas box and dishwasher and fridge compressors. Fucking CUNTS! I cannot express how upset and angry i am right now. Think i might accidentlly lean against the fire alarm box on saturday night.

How much is grey goose worth? Probably easier to sell than the £700 bottles of wine in the cellar.
ttt you fucking take them for everything that your owed mate and dont feel shit about yaself its them cunts.........


Well-Known Member
yer we have seen a few ppl come in and try and hide there faces ect...funny as fbuk lmao.......ok lad....laterz.......:joint:
well i still got a drink to finish lol just thought what a rude bastard i am sometimes n just flake off mid convo lol thought id say gnight for once lol

i seen em too in the growshops looking dodgy as fuck lmao seen some face's down there too that never in a million would you think grows lmao


Well-Known Member
@TTT make sure you take anything you can find to sell again but just dont keep the stuff at your house in case the old bill come aknocking, also when you leave pull the fire suppression system handle in the kitchen n break the glass tube, fucks everything up majorly n costs thousands to get a team of industrial cleaners in to clean up after that,sticks to everything like concrete, former employee did it at a pub I managed once n cost the company nearly £10k in cleaning expenses an lost custom while the kitchen was closed lol

This is what your looking for mate....


Well-Known Member
Went out to meet a mate didnt plan on drinking, wake up and 200quid down lol fucking hell. Ended up at some posh bar getting wasted with school teachers talking about the ira. What a night lol.


Well-Known Member
Went out to meet a mate didnt plan on drinking, wake up and 200quid down lol fucking hell. Ended up at some posh bar getting wasted with school teachers talking about the ira. What a night lol.
well you know how to charm the ladies lol


Active Member
Can always post shit..rootball in a carrier bag!! I thought yah pal was taking your exess??

And man growing should be priority one. Fuk all the drama shit just grow and earn
So wat was ya final yeild then? I guess u dried and sold alrweady..

And will u run the pineapple again??

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
@TTT make sure you take anything you can find to sell again but just dont keep the stuff at your house in case the old bill come aknocking, also when you leave pull the fire suppression system handle in the kitchen n break the glass tube, fucks everything up majorly n costs thousands to get a team of industrial cleaners in to clean up after that,sticks to everything like concrete, former employee did it at a pub I managed once n cost the company nearly £10k in cleaning expenses an lost custom while the kitchen was closed lol

This is what your looking for mate....
Fire suppresssion system? Thankyou for making me smile :) We don't even have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen :lol:


Active Member
Bak to this id yman??? Lol

Fuk em tt get what ur converter it lmao

The livers I have dried smells lovely..I think its gunner be heavy tho.. great!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

And you honestly expected to get paid promptly? lol

Please tell me they've at least got a blanket?
Haha, fire blanket, what's that? When we get pan fires we just put it in the sink and tell noone to touch the taps :D So naturally last week the new kid ignored this and turned the spray on and nearly took his head off.

My issue wasn't so much about being paid promptly, it was always a week late but consistently a week late, then all of a sudden the owner turned around and demanded invoices saying i wouldn't get a penny until i gave them to him stating that despite any conversations with my bosses, i was not an employee, which i contested because i refuse to be self employed, so now he refuses to pay me until we have sat down with the managers and had a meeting. Issue being the managers are always in london because they have other jobs. :D

It is indeed stupid of me to be there, but it was the only possible manner of getting me and the gf to amsterdam and having time for my A level.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Haha, fire blanket, what's that? When we get pan fires we just put it in the sink and tell noone to touch the taps :D So naturally last week the new kid ignored this and turned the spray on and nearly took his head off.

My issue wasn't so much about being paid promptly, it was always a week late but consistently a week late, then all of a sudden the owner turned around and demanded invoices saying i wouldn't get a penny until i gave them to him stating that despite any conversations with my bosses, i was not an employee, which i contested because i refuse to be self employed, so now he refuses to pay me until we have sat down with the managers and had a meeting. Issue being the managers are always in london because they have other jobs. :D

It is indeed stupid of me to be there, but it was the only possible manner of getting me and the gf to amsterdam and having time for my A level.
offer him oral sex....see if he pays up.......options lad.....options......

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
offer him oral sex....see if he pays up.......options lad.....options......
You'd be suffocated if not crushed before you got close :D He's one of those chaps who's belly flops over his knees when he's sat down. fucking revolting. He should be put down for the good of society.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
stating that despite any conversations with my bosses, i was not an employee, which i contested because i refuse to be self employed, so now he refuses to pay me until we have sat down with the managers and had a meeting.
Have you spoken to your Dad about this?

The guy doesn't have a leg to stand on, I'd get Dad to write him a "letter".


Well-Known Member
Afternoon all, much going on? Out of interest has anyone anything they can tuck under the Fairy's wing by any chance? If so PM me