The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
im shure he sed they was 21l lol im going there 2moz ill ask.....the plan was to get that tent and put 2 of those 4 in it......tents 2.4 I think it would work quite nice....
ur absolutly right m8, there definitely bigger and more space then the 18 litre pots, I'd say there the 25s, look good...I'd nearly swap my two 9 pots for them, must be about 1m x 90cm then?


Well-Known Member
im shure he sed they was 21l lol im going there 2moz ill ask.....the plan was to get that tent and put 2 of those 4 in it......tents 2.4 I think it would work quite nice....
Im just sayin 25litre cos I looked up the 8 pot xxl wilma and ther 25 so I thot that would be the 4 pot xxl with 25 litre too. Looks the same just half the size, ask him anyway and see, not that it really matters but aye I'd go for two of them rather than the 8 pot


Well-Known Member
well yer makes sence really as u sed getting it in the house lol.........well theres me next setup sorted then....
Im just sayin 25litre cos I looked up the 8 pot xxl wilma and ther 25 so I thot that would be the 4 pot xxl with 25 litre too. Looks the same just half the size, ask him anyway and see, not that it really matters but aye I'd go for two of them rather than the 8 pot

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
imc you could try 3-4 plants in 5 gallon pure coco pots in that tent vegged for 5-6 weeks, in a scrog happy days, in fact why not just try a scrog if you want more yeild.....


Well-Known Member
the more yield wld be nice.....I could scrog them in the wilma if wanted too.... I just like the idea of that setup...
imc you could try 3-4 plants in 5 gallon pure coco pots in that tent vegged for 5-6 weeks, in a scrog happy days, in fact why not just try a scrog if you want more yeild.....


Well-Known Member
wonder what the hash would be like off it....mmmmmmm
the ac gold, kinda taste like a cross of the exo cheesyness and the fruityness of liver with a sativa high, hash would be very nice too it has some of the biggest trichs i ever seen looks like its been rained on lol

just long flower times and yield wasnt great is the only downers.


Well-Known Member
tbh mate the buds on the girls look huge for 4 weeks on the ag....fatter than the bc....the smell is unreal....makes ya taistbuds water lol.....but yer they done wen they done....try and do it justice.....ill be doing the hash for fairys off ac and bc as I did last time......and few g,s.....sorry to those who didn't get ,missis was a lazy fbuka cldnt be arsed to fairy ,do it meself this time round......wimmin ay.......


Well-Known Member
tbh mate the buds on the girls look huge for 4 weeks on the ag....fatter than the bc....the smell is unreal....makes ya taistbuds water lol.....but yer they done wen they done....try and do it justice.....ill be doing the hash for fairys off ac and bc as I did last time......and few g,s.....sorry to those who didn't get ,missis was a lazy fbuka cldnt be arsed to fairy ,do it meself this time round......wimmin ay.......

you still been smoking then imc? dont you get the munchies mate? kinda counter productive to all that work at the gym lol

fairy was good to me geezer, i got no complaints at all, apart from i just run out of mixer but spose that aint your fault lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Anyone need a fight? I need to punch the shit out of something before I end up resorting to arson or some such.

Where the fuck is my dealer when I need him :-( I'm an emotional wreck. First holiday in 7 years is about to be fucked up by a fat cunt nugget piece of shit bastard arsehole.


Well-Known Member
im shure yll enjoy these ones aint had a smoke for bout 4 weeks now..ill have a bit at chop that's always hungry cos of steds its a pain in the ass....6 meals a day...picking inbetween....just had me a slab of mint aero lolol.....what ever I eat I burn off so all good ...


Well-Known Member
Anyone need a fight? I need to punch the shit out of something before I end up resorting to arson or some such.

Where the fuck is my dealer when I need him :-( I'm an emotional wreck. First holiday in 7 years is about to be fucked up by a fat cunt nugget piece of shit bastard arsehole.
not been payed again mate? fucking wankers.

id love to get me hands on some squidgy black...cant get non no were
theres so much fake squidgy about nowdays its not that easy to get the proper, the fake shit is just like squidgy soapbar full of contaminates nasty stuff, did get some real mcoy from the road over the last couple of years tho, is a nice mild hash i quite enjoy myself.

gotta say that the culero or butthash has been some of the nicest hash i had for a while, dunno if its just a myth tho theres tonnes coming from that region each wk why make people swallow a key or so when u could just send it with the rest??? lovely hash tho however it got here....


Well-Known Member
mate of mine was telling me earlier he goes all the way to the dam for scissor hash lol
scissor hash is rather nice tho lol

i knew someone i wouldnt say they where a mate tho, that drove to the dam a few times to buy seeds rather than have them sent lmao thats some serious paranoia going on lolol


Well-Known Member
lmao u talking bout parra.....been in me local few times well me car been parked up a bit from to of happened a few times now had few lads come in and say theres a coppa car parked up the road u can tell.....and me and mate who owns shop just laffed to our selfs......

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
not been payed again mate? fucking wankers.
Kind of. He (owner) also stated he absolutely refuses to embrace me an refuses to have me as an employee. Told him that my managers and bosses sat down and we specifically agreed i would be employed, not self employed. Told me tough shit, prove it. Fucking bled for that palce on min wage for them to make me feel like the most insignificant worthless person there. If it wasn't for me there would not be any fucking customers, i was the one who had to take over as head chef because noone wanted to work for the fuckers.

Yay, cigarette, Fucks sake.

Apparently the blender we have is worth over £800. Bye bye. Maybe i'll also have a quick stab around at the electronics in the gas box and dishwasher and fridge compressors. Fucking CUNTS! I cannot express how upset and angry i am right now. Think i might accidentlly lean against the fire alarm box on saturday night.

How much is grey goose worth? Probably easier to sell than the £700 bottles of wine in the cellar.


Well-Known Member
fuking take the lot mate......ill have a bottle......fukem......
Kind of. He (owner) also stated he absolutely refuses to embrace me an refuses to have me as an employee. Told him that my managers and bosses sat down and we specifically agreed i would be employed, not self employed. Told me tough shit, prove it. Fucking bled for that palce on min wage for them to make me feel like the most insignificant worthless person there. If it wasn't for me there would not be any fucking customers, i was the one who had to take over as head chef because noone wanted to work for the fuckers.

Yay, cigarette, Fucks sake.

Apparently the blender we have is worth over £800. Bye bye. Maybe i'll also have a quick stab around at the electronics in the gas box and dishwasher and fridge compressors. Fucking CUNTS! I cannot express how upset and angry i am right now. Think i might accidentlly lean against the fire alarm box on saturday night.

How much is grey goose worth? Probably easier to sell than the £700 bottles of wine in the cellar.