The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
8" fan? get your tape measure out you tool! the fan and filter were 6" and the other fan was a 4"

and what is wrong with the cooltube you got?

i'm ok ta, got a few new smoking apparatus but nothing decent to throw in it really, i bought some haze and cheese the other day but they don't get me stoned, i need to throw in some of the deep blue hash i made to get a kick.

give everything a nice wipe down for me eh?
Sorry im having a senior moment lmao,kids running round stressing me out lol, what i meant to say was that the filter on the 6" fan is too long so will need a shorter filter lol and i need to buy some clamps for attaching filter to fan etc when i get paid next, swear i must be going mental lol, thats the 2nd convo ive fucked up in already today lol

Everything was wiped n polished the second it came outta the box for security just to be on the safe side

Actually ive just had a thought about how to make the bigger filter work in there ............brb gotta go grab me tape measure lol


Well-Known Member
you can do it sae!, a bigger filter works better and creates less noise, i think you can make it work.

btw, don't waste a thing, that slate is good for sitting hot ballasts on lol


Active Member
I have sum ducting n shit if u need sae. Then a tiny length between fan and filter. Err waz u neesing a extractor? I have a thermastatic inline adjustable and a big black rvk looking thing works mint

Lot to br said for magmetic ballasts the fan on digis are loooud


Well-Known Member
Right well drill battery has died so delayed for n hour while that charges lol

hink ive figured out a way to incorporate that big filter so should all be good, once batter has charged ill get everything mounted (loose fit) n then chuck some pics up for ya`s

Also @ turbanator ive got the ducting i need cheers but if you have any 4" or 6" ducting clamps going spare feel free to gimme a shout lol( the heavy duty clamps that attch fan to filter mainly )


Well-Known Member
Right well drill battery has died so delayed for n hour while that charges lol

hink ive figured out a way to incorporate that big filter so should all be good, once batter has charged ill get everything mounted (loose fit) n then chuck some pics up for ya`s

Also @ turbanator ive got the ducting i need cheers but if you have any 4" or 6" ducting clamps going spare feel free to gimme a shout lol( the heavy duty clamps that attch fan to filter mainly )
sae u can use cable ties for the attaching much cheaper and easier to fit imo


Well-Known Member
Woke up still feeling abit drunk so thought fuck it crack on....come home quick cause my mates are lightweights and wanna eat before we get on it tonight.....gotta the old school dark and dirty drums going think its time for some beers. fucking done 190 quid on scratch cards last night like a cunt kept buying the tenner ones and said i werent leaving it until i won something...i won a fiver lol....


Well-Known Member
Done a wee bit more setting up at my room today, got the fucking cunting pebbles washed lol. All I need to do now is fill the tanks and pot the clones but that's goina have to wait till tomoro cos now I'm headin out to my m8s to get smashed. Oh and the psycho that I got back the other day the top of it and the new growth are looking better already!


Well-Known Member

this was the biggest plant iv grown it took me longer to untie all the string holding it up than it did for me to crop it lol


Well-Known Member
imcjayt it was white widow in a flood an drain set up i made the pot was only 10ltr and i was fucking amazed at how fast an big it grew the pic was from wk5 in flower an the end chop i got just under 8oz


Well-Known Member
nice man ...white widow ...always wanted to have a blast at that......that's a couple of the Acapulco bc aswell.....just running pure coco with canna.....nice pic at week they looked like monsters when chopped.....8oz......yummy
imcjayt it was white widow in a flood an drain set up i made the pot was only 10ltr and i was fucking amazed at how fast an big it grew the pic was from wk5 in flower an the end chop i got just under 8oz