The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
another one for yas,went to grow shop yesterday for a 250 cfl for veg,but the guy said why not get a mh bulb for your 250,i said na thinking of elecy,but he said na it will be the same?any one used vitalink hydro grow/bloom easy one part,im going try it this run.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
another one for yas,went to grow shop yesterday for a 250 cfl for veg,but the guy said why not get a mh bulb for your 250,i said na thinking of elecy,but he said na it will be the same?
That sounds like the guy in the shop thinks that the 250w CFL is supposed to fit a 250w ballast that you already have?
CFL's plug straight into the wall not into a ballast and if you bought a 250w ballast/MH bulb it would cost about twice as much as just the CFL.

The 250w MH and ballast would give you better performance than the 250w CFL for sure and would only use a tiny bit more leccy (due to efficiency) but it would so little you wouldn't notice it on your bill. For the same price (maybe cheaper) as the 250w ballast/bulb you could get a 400w ballast/bulb, a 400w magnetic uses about £10-£12 a week on an 18/6 veg cycle.


Well-Known Member
another one for yas,went to grow shop yesterday for a 250 cfl for veg,but the guy said why not get a mh bulb for your 250,i said na thinking of elecy,but he said na it will be the same?any one used vitalink hydro grow/bloom easy one part,im going try it this run.
thats why cfl is a waste, unless ur growin 1 plant or summit, i went through the cfl, because of the ENERGY SAVER but you actually use more compared to HID,


Well-Known Member
ye i have a 400 duel spec in flower,a 250 reflector,ballast spare but no bulb,and thought running both would be more expensive,so was going to get a cfl,any way got the mh for £13


Well-Known Member
u cant put a cfl into a ballast? the whoe point of the ballast is the ignitor, cfl have the igniter buitl in but yeh the cfl do use less lekki but produece less lumens


Well-Known Member
No that's not what I'm saying, the slow response might well be strain specific and it did go into 12/12 of the back of shitty PH so.......
As I only have 1 plant of that cross I have no idea what to expect really.

I wasn't very scientific with the spraying to be fair, when I do a side by side control with clones of the same strain next time then I'll know better.

I don't need to check my roof, the tent doesn't make my attic any hotter than ambient at all.
The lights are on through the night, my intake comes straight from outside, the tent has plenty of negative pressure and the exhaust vents back into the house.
Doing it the other way round and exhausting into the loft like you were doing is the risky way.

This loft tent actually performs far better in every way than the proper tent in my spare room, it's cooler (I can run 1000w at about 22-23C no problem), has better airflow and better negative pressure.
i understandwhat yor saying but its about disapation and a 600 heat disapates ratehr well wen going into a cool atick next to the boiler flue. as mine did,, the temps dident go up in the attick hardely at all in anyways (i checked)

i just hope ur right and that aint lighting ur roof right up, we can sit here saying yes it will, no it wont till wer blue in the face, but unless u had ur own flir thingy u just will never know.


Well-Known Member
Yeah HID lights grow bttr weed, I use 2 x 250 flower cfls as verticals to fatten colas but the main lights are 1000 son t an 600w hps, good idea to get a light meter an experiment as the difference is huge but the eyes see the CFL as very bright but the light meter doesn't so prob nor do tha gals

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
i just hope ur right and that aint lighting ur roof right up, we can sit here saying yes it will, no it wont till wer blue in the face, but unless u had ur own flir thingy u just will never know.
It's triple walled and doesn't touch any other external facing surfaces, I have a thermometer outside and another inside the loft.

Their are so many air gap's round the eaves and so much natural airflow up there that both thermometers read the same temperatures whether the lights are on or off.

It doesn't alter the temperature at all.


Well-Known Member
It's triple walled and doesn't touch any other external facing surfaces, I have a thermometer outside and another inside the loft.

Their are so many air gap's round the eaves and so much natural airflow up there that both thermometers read the same temperatures whether the lights are on or off.

It doesn't alter the temperature at all.
just curious as i thought ambient room heat and an ir source wernt exactly the same, ie thought u got more ir signal from hid watevva ambient room temp is...shit looks like the only the flir will no


Well-Known Member
028 - Copy.jpg029 - Copy.jpg 2mp camera, and the sun is way better lighting than hthe his for fotos, top left stretched like a mofo when theyw ere under the cfl.


Well-Known Member
need a crash course in estate twang but shits been kickin off down woolwich it seems
apparently there were people with 2 machetes, and an old gun, one of them went for a female officer, and she took him out apparently, the guy also shot the gun, but it backfired.