The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
To far from me keep askin the peeps of this thread find some1 local to ya with it it's a clone only strain just incase ya didn't no


Active Member
To far from me keep askin the peeps of this thread find some1 local to ya with it it's a clone only strain just incase ya didn't no
i had read that somewhere also, thanx for confirming it mate. My only choice is to keep askin round on ere, its a pain for me to get clones, i no evry 1 that sells and smokes but not 1 fucker grows round here there all happy to keep payin 20 quid 1.5g of cheese !!!!! fuckin mugs i cant believe the stupidity of some of my friends i refuse to buy it unless im on the verge of chinin some1 and lately thats becoming quite frequently aaaaargh i fuckin hate my area

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i'm good cheers mate been out with the boys for the last few hours and i'm pretty mingled been on the stella and a load of weed how you doing mate?
we have some blue cheese floating round by me well nice (: UK ALL DAY!

lol so does drags lol. read ur not a big fan of the taste of the blue cheese bro? kinda the same here, moving away from the cheese growing some lsd, sage and g13 next time, the lemon haze is a keeper though smells pukka at 6 weeks. have a look at my journal when u got a min

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
lol so does drags lol. read ur not a big fan of the taste of the blue cheese bro? kinda the same here, moving away from the cheese growing some lsd, sage and g13 next time, the lemon haze is a keeper though smells pukka at 6 weeks. have a look at my journal when u got a min
i do keep looking in mate all looks good very good lol i don't think mine is bc there's no blue what so ever and all the boys think the same mate i'm not 100% but i think there was a mix up some where luckily for me every1 loves it though i'm going for chronic and heavy duty fruity next run had to chop the last chronics and the g13 because of the neighbours complaining about the smell while i chopped the bc so gotta start over again mate


Well-Known Member
haha, so what have you gotten yorself into now then, can't drive, can't push a trolley, dumb and dumber? :lol: i see you managed to get out of your triop for fishing, or is that still to come?
na mate went fishin last nite , it was so fuckin gooooooood, chilled as fuck on the banks of a scottish loch, me an my buddy just sat watchin the sun glint off the water, never caught owt but who fuckin cares???? made it up today by taking the pot washer and kids to the beach today. so tomorrow (thursday) im gettin my new tent and puttin half my grow into it ( ive got 9 plants 1 week into flower) and i think i gave em too long in veg so im gaunna have to put the 4 biggest in one tent and the others in the new tent. ah well better havin too many than not enuff.roll on harvest time:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Q anyone worked with White strains do the trics go Amber coz am 7 weeks inn on a 8 week strain no Amber trics cloudy thick but not Amber I ask this b4 but got lost in the posts?

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
sorry bobby i haven't got a clue mate but it's not the first time i've seen the same Q asked might be something to do with white strains in general? but i don't know mate

i gotta go peeps i'm fucking wrecked and the keyboard is moving lol gonna finish this joint and beer ang do to bed take it easy all

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
na mate went fishin last nite , it was so fuckin gooooooood, chilled as fuck on the banks of a scottish loch, me an my buddy just sat watchin the sun glint off the water, never caught owt but who fuckin cares???? made it up today by taking the pot washer and kids to the beach today. so tomorrow (thursday) im gettin my new tent and puttin half my grow into it ( ive got 9 plants 1 week into flower) and i think i gave em too long in veg so im gaunna have to put the 4 biggest in one tent and the others in the new tent. ah well better havin too many than not enuff.roll on harvest time:mrgreen:
you wanna do what i did mate when giving people stuff on tick i told all my customers the first time i had to chase them that would be the end of it and it'd be cash only i stuck to it and after stopping be nice to a couple of them the rest fell into place, after a while i only had decent customers for the most part, it was a pain in the arse to start that way but stopped me getting fucked over and having to chase money


Well-Known Member
ahm back onna booze and havin a sniff, that wasnt bad, that was a month off it. funny thing was i wasnt havin domestic shit as much but i was havin solid shits for a change.


Well-Known Member
you wanna do what i did mate when giving people stuff on tick i told all my customers the first time i had to chase them that would be the end of it and it'd be cash only i stuck to it and after stopping be nice to a couple of them the rest fell into place, after a while i only had decent customers for the most part, it was a pain in the arse to start that way but stopped me getting fucked over and having to chase money
yeah mate, i'm planning on giving the charlie dealing up when i get my harvest done, mite still do a little speed and e and do it on a strictly cash only basis, cant be fuckd wi the hassle anymore plus i dont really take that stuff but if the charlies close i sumtimes end up hoovering too much.


Well-Known Member
I have a big dog. Recently, I was buying a large bag of Winalot in Tesco and was standing in the queue at the till. A woman behind me asked if I had a dog. On impulse, I told her that no, I was starting The Winalot Diet again, although I probably shouldn't, because I'd ended up in the hospital last time. I said that I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care ward with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms.

I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and the way that it works is to load your trouser pockets with Winalot nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry as the food is nutritionally complete, so I was going to try it again. I have to mention here that practically everyone in the queue was by now enthralled with my story, particularly a guy who was behind her.

Horrified, she asked if I'd ended up in the hospital in that condition because I had been poisoned. I told her no, it was because I'd been sitting in the road licking my balls and a car had hit me.


Well-Known Member
sorry bobby i haven't got a clue mate but it's not the first time i've seen the same Q asked might be something to do with white strains in general? but i don't know mate

i gotta go peeps i'm fucking wrecked and the keyboard is moving lol gonna finish this joint and beer ang do to bed take it easy all
Nice1 anyway mate