The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
How did you manage to go there yorkie would like some information sounds like a good place to go in a wrong way thanks.
My bird is Polish mate, but Auschwitz is a museum open to the public.

In my opinion everybody should go and see it at least once before they die, it's very humbling.

I've got a whole stack of photos I could email you if you want to take a look, I'm not about to post them in the forum because the explanations for a few of them (like the angled wooden posts in the yard with the firing squad wall) are a bit grim. Fucking sick bastards those Nazis, they thought of some ingenious ways to make people suffer.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
cheers mate. how do i get rid of them or shall i just leave them being as their not harmful to the plants?
I don't think you can get rid of springtails mate, they're practically indestructible the little fuckers lol!

I'd just leave em and get rid of your shit after the grow, you could try and let your medium dry right out and see if they migrate but this could very well be detrimental to your plants.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
i was based in germanty but i had a hangover the day the went ill have a peek if you dont mind!
PM me your email and I'll send them at some point, they are on my other PC that is a bit fucked at the moment.


The scratch marks in the gas chamber wall that reduced me to tears, that's all you're getting publicly.


Well-Known Member
got this free nutes called gravity ,so in my journal iv put 3 angelheartxblue cheese(blue heart or angel cheese lol)in jiffys i with just water and the other 2 with the gravity and rhizo have a peek troopers


Well-Known Member
I don't think you can get rid of springtails mate, they're practically indestructible the little fuckers lol!

I'd just leave em and get rid of your shit after the grow, you could try and let your medium dry right out and see if they migrate but this could very well be detrimental to your plants.
ill try and wait a bit longer between watering and clean up any i can see, its probably because ive been lazy this time and ive watered the exo the same time ive watered the white russian even tho they could have gone a day or 2 longer. then ill get shot of my stuff after this grow. shall i get rid of my air pots too? or can i just give thema good clean? ill probably run my hydro system next grow then. i paid nearly £100 for it with the clay pebbles, timer and air pump nearly a year ago and never got round to using it.


Well-Known Member
ill try and wait a bit longer between watering and clean up any i can see, its probably because ive been lazy this time and ive watered the exo the same time ive watered the white russian even tho they could have gone a day or 2 longer. then ill get shot of my stuff after this grow. shall i get rid of my air pots too? or can i just give thema good clean? ill probably run my hydro system next grow then. i paid nearly £100 for it with the clay pebbles, timer and air pump nearly a year ago and never got round to using it.
make the airpoots clean and make em smaller and pop em in the wilma system IMAGINE THAT!! lol

im building a planter box in my garden so all my old coc will get thropwn in ther be great fert for dregoniams and gladiolies


Well-Known Member
make the airpoots clean and make em smaller and pop em in the wilma system IMAGINE THAT!! lol
i got the big 4 pot system mate so i think it'll be better to run the 18L pots. im going to run that 1 side and run 5 x 10L air pots the other side to see the difference


Well-Known Member
make the airpoots clean and make em smaller and pop em in the wilma system IMAGINE THAT!! lol

im building a planter box in my garden so all my old coc will get thropwn in ther be great fert for dregoniams and gladiolies
ic3 can u not get a few big screw in hooks and find out wer there's a joist above ur ceiling and screw them into that m8, them plasterboard plugs are ok and I've put up some stuff in my time with them but I wouldn't use them to hang stuff from a ceiling m8, they say they can take a certain weight but I don't trust them, better safe than sorry

and good to see u finally got ur finger out!


Well-Known Member
im looking into those spring tails and they might be a good thing. they sell them on ebay as food for frogs and they say they help to keep the tank clean. they might stop mould building up in the saucers lol


Well-Known Member
ic3 can u not get a few big screw in hooks and find out wer there's a joist above ur ceiling and screw them into that m8, them plasterboard plugs are ok and I've put up some stuff in my time with them but I wouldn't use them to hang stuff from a ceiling m8, they say they can take a certain weight but I don't trust them, better safe than sorry

and good to see u finally got ur finger out!
its w alking cupboard as it gioes,, i can easily get above but its just a board ther no joinst unless i make one up ther dont even have t be a joist just summet ringging the width of the room then hole thru sum thin wire would be good,, that would only need a small hole drilled to tyhread it thru then a carabeaner on the end but again thats hassle,, the only thing that makes this hood heavy si the glass but i aint removing it, but def getting the ducting fastend up onto the hood and fiolter asap

Hmmm,so no response then for the newbie?
wassup pal?